"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (!

After entering the gate of the inn, the two of them didn't hide their breath at all. It took a while for the shopkeeper to go out to ask each other, and he was able to hold his breath.


"Two distinguished guests, please come inside, please come inside..." The shopkeeper hurriedly let them in.

Entering the inn lobby, they are still old acquaintances in that room. During this period of time, Junior Sister Xia will come here to experience it when she is interested, but she has tossed a lot of tricks, and Baiyun Tower also got to know the details of these people by the way. Clearly.

The three robbers who robbed each time were cleaned up by Junior Sister Xia's Ivy, and they were the happiest. When they entered the door, Baiyunlou habitually greeted the three of them.

The scarred face couldn't help being stunned, thinking it was an acquaintance.

When he turned his head to look at the other woman, his eyes lit up immediately, but when he saw the smile on the corner of the woman's mouth, he suddenly felt chills, as if a sharp sword would be cut off from the top of his head at any time.

"Xiao Niang..." Scarface was awake, but a strong man beside him couldn't help shouting out.

As soon as the words came out, Scarface immediately pressed his head into the big noodle bowl, and shouted: "Jiangfu, my lady, is it you who call me? Such a big bowl of noodles can't stop your mouth!" .”

The corner of Bai Yunlou's mouth twitched, he didn't expect that Scarface would dare to speak up every time he saw Junior Sister Xia, and he would immediately become like this when he saw Junior Sister Ziyan, wasn't it just a little more... murderous.

Not only the scarred face, the group of businessmen and scholars lowered their heads to eat after seeing the two of them, and their voices were much weaker.

The things in this room are not fuel-efficient lamps, and everyone has the means to mess around in the rivers and lakes.

Taking Junior Sister Ziyan to the old seat to sit down, Baiyunlou wanted to expand the sword field, covering a land of about ten feet, and talked to Junior Sister about the extraordinary origins of the people in this room.

The three robbers said they were robbers, but they were actually bullying and fearing the hard. Although they robbed the old and the weak, women and children a few times, and met more arrogant people, they were also robbed many times.

It's just that when encountering a problem, immediately present all the treasures and even the coat and trousers, so neatly that even the robbers are embarrassed to start again, so that they can survive in this chaotic world so far.

That group of businessmen seemed to be doing their duty. In fact, they had been to several villages, and every time they were deceived by all kinds of tricks. If the village was in disaster, these people would not only not help, but would take advantage of it and slip away together. Lose.

In these years, there have been many troubled villages and cottages, and there are even people from those villages among this group of people, but now they are used to such confusion.

"That scholar..., junior sister should have noticed it?" When talking about the scholar, Bai Yunlou asked Ziyan.

"A scholar who hasn't been completely enchanted... Hey, it's interesting, he actually has the aura of Xiao Chaoyang's supernatural powers. Brother, now I have a suitable training partner." Ziyan saw the vision with her eyes moving immeasurably, Immediately became interested.

Bai Yunlou nodded and said: "Every time Xiao Chaoyang comes here, she can't help but reward him with green vines when she sees the magic cultivator's transformation. Her evergreen technique has been cultivated to the great perfection, not only can break through the barriers of this small world It is limited by the law of heaven, and it can eliminate magic thoughts."

"However, every time the small world is broken and reshaped, Chaoyang will collect those remaining dao marks."

Zi Yan nodded and said: "Those remaining dao marks are easy to absorb, and these invisible auras remain, so that those possessing magical thoughts are quite vain, and they are suitable for training."

After saying that, Ziyan curled her mouth, raised her jade palm, and stood in front of Baiyunlou.

This time, Baiyunlou didn't hesitate, and stretched out his right hand to face Zi Yan's palm, and pressed them together. In an instant, bursts of sword perception passed back and forth between the two people's spiritual consciousness.

For more than two months, Baiyunlou had gained a lot of insights on the sword intent of breaking the sky, and Zi Yan had taken a step ahead in the sword intent of Yin-Yang and Dao-slashing swords. Trembled.

It was the sympathy between the two of them that resonated with the way of the sword. Bai Yunlou thought that Zi Yan was just passing on the newly realized sword intent to him, but he didn't expect it to cause such a big commotion.

One after another sword intents hovered around the two of them. If there was no sword field that sealed the void within ten feet, it is estimated that these free sword intents would have smashed everyone in the inn to pieces.

The shopkeeper sensed the breath fluctuations of the two, and grabbed Xiao Er, who was about to serve tea, and told him to go back to the kitchen first.

At this time, there was movement at the door, and the big man with the beard walked into the lobby of the inn with a group of his men shouting.

Entering the lobby, the big man with beards noticed that the shopkeeper's expression was not right, he hurriedly held down a group of jumping subordinates, walked over to the shopkeeper's side, followed his gaze to see a man and a woman facing each other in the corner.

"A master?" the big man with the beard asked in a low voice.

"Very strong..." the shopkeeper nodded slightly in affirmation.

The two were watching, when the man and woman suddenly withdrew their palms, opened their eyes at the same time, and looked towards this side, those eyes seemed to be several dazzling sword lights, shaking the spiritual thoughts of the two shopkeepers blank.

"Who are these newcomers?" Zi Yan looked at the group of bluffing boys in front of the counter in the inn lobby, and her right hand touched the hilt of the sword.

"A group of people from the rivers and lakes who claim to be ambitious are actually bandits. They are actually with the innkeeper. They often do business to lure people up the mountain to join the gang." Bai Yunlou said indifferently.

"If it is true as what the senior brother said, it is difficult for them to survive in this troubled world without being possessed by demons. If they don't have eyes, then I will simply send them a ride."

After saying that, Zi Yan waved her hand, and the ice crystal sword flew up, nailed in mid-air, and invisible shock waves spread out, covering an area of ​​Zhang Xu.

The sword field was comprehended by Zi Yan in this way. The ice crystal sword field carried a trace of cold air, and spread out with thoughts. size.

When the ice crystal sword field shrouded, the people in the inn trembled at the same time, as if they were blown by the most cold air. Although it was fleeting, they were extremely terrified. After the sword field was put away, a group of people had the intention of leaving.

At this time, there was a short horse cry, and the big man with the beard came to his senses immediately~www.readwn.com~ shouted: "No, there are monsters..." and jumped into the courtyard.

"It escaped, the monster escaped after drinking the blood essence of the mount, how strange, what kind of monster is this, it is so timid..." A big man with a beard shouted from outside the courtyard.

Just as he was shouting, a ray of sword light burst out of the window, and in an instant he returned to the inn lobby wrapped in a black shadow. The big man with the beard immediately shut up and stood there.

The hall was unusually quiet, and the devilish energy covered by the sword light reappeared, and it turned out to be a translucent frog monster about three feet in size.

"It turned out to be a magic frog with hidden supernatural powers, we can't let it escape..." While the shopkeeper was speaking, he took out a kitchen knife and chopped at the magic frog in the middle of the lobby.

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