"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (!

With a muffled sound of "dong", the kitchen knife was blocked by Jian Yu, slipped out of the shopkeeper's hand, and was directly nailed into the beam of the house.

"This magic frog is still useful if you keep it. Is that how you use a kitchen knife? Hurry up and ask Xiao Er to serve up the food he is good at, and order two lighter ones." Bai Yunlou retracted his magic sword and shouted at the innkeeper.

"Okay, let's go..." After saying that, the shopkeeper quickly went to the back hall to go.

The corners of Ziyan's mouth curled up, and she looked up at her senior brother, thinking that she wanted to taste this mountain and wild flavor for herself after all this time.

"Let's do whatever you want, it's a sword test anyway." Bai Yunlou pulled out the Dragon Scale Sword, and a beam of sword energy slashed at the magic frog with a weak sword intent.

Zi Yan didn't hesitate either, she took back the ice crystal nailed to the void, raised her hand to hold it lightly, and slashed out several sword qi in a row.

Sect Master Bai's random sword missed, and the sword energy escaped halfway, and the sword intent on it had dissipated, but it was also expected.

Ziyan's several sword qi also fell, one of which cut off a cloud of black smoke and magic thoughts, and when the rest of the sword qi broke into the body of the magic frog, it did not hurt a trace of the magic frog's body. After all, the two still wanted to Practice for a while.

Then the two of them slashed out one after another of sword qi, the sword intent of slashing dao occasionally flashed, hundreds of sword lights fell, and Baiyun Tower finally succeeded in cutting down a cloud of black smoke and evil thoughts.

Several **** of demonic thoughts turned into black smoke and scattered in all directions, everyone in the inn dodged, even the scholar hid far away, as if afraid of getting a trace of magical thoughts.

The Demon Frog, who was suppressed by the Sword Domain just now, did not dare to show his spirit at first, and was a little resigned to his fate. With the mass of demonic thoughts being cut out, his mind seemed to be much clearer.

Sensing that the sword qi swung by the two seemed unable to hurt the monster's body at all, his courage recovered a bit, and while his strength was still there, he flicked his legs and rushed towards the roof.

Just halfway through the charge, a golden sword light flashed out, snapping the magic frog back to its original position in an instant, making the magic frog dizzy immediately.

Baiyunlou simply used the power of the sword domain, and slashed out with a sword. This sword intent was much more stable. Although it was still very weak, it could be seen that the sword domain had strengthened the sword intent.

Since the sword domain can still be used in this way, Zi Yan also throws the ice crystal sword to walk around the body of the magic frog, and uses the power of the sword domain to cut out sword qi.

In this way, the efficiency of cutting out the magic thoughts is several times faster. As more and more magic thoughts are released, the diners in the inn can hardly hide, but the strange thing is that these magic thoughts cannot be avoided at all. Penetrate into the bodies of these diners, but slowly turn into spiritual power and dissipate.

Realizing this, the inn lobby immediately became lively, and only then did I realize that these two peerless masters were only here to slay demons.

For a moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, greeted each other, and returned to their respective positions to watch with peace of mind.

The shopkeeper of the inn also took the opportunity to personally serve the dishes. The dishes were indeed quite elegant, and it seemed that he had put in a lot of effort.

A few more sword lights fell, and the demon frog completely recovered into a demon frog with clear demon consciousness. It was still a bit spiritual, and it bowed to the two of Baiyunlou in a flash.

Just as everyone was looking at Xinran, a scream of struggle came from under a table, and then the square table was torn in half like a piece of paper, and the scholar finally showed the appearance of a demon cultivator and appeared in front of everyone.

The scholar seemed to be struggling, not wanting to show his demon body.

"Seeing the hope of recovery, don't you want to enter the magic way again?" Bai Yunlou asked doubtfully.

Unexpectedly, the demon cultivator actually nodded his head, causing everyone to sigh.

"Since that's the case, I'll let you be fulfilled..." After saying that, Bai Yunlou raised a little bit of the Dragon Scale Sword, and streams of sword energy rained down on the demon cultivator.

Although it looked spectacular, it took most of Baiyunlou's mind, not only to use his thoughts to display the sword intent, but also to dissipate the sword energy when it fell on the demon body, so as not to accidentally chop the demon body.

Zi Yan was not in a hurry to make a move this time, and watched the elder brother fully concentrate on displaying sword energy and sword intent.

"Zi Yan..." Baiyun Tower suddenly called out.

For a moment, Ziyan's spiritual thoughts condensed, and the ice crystal sword dropped sword qi, which gradually merged with the sword qi of Baiyun Tower.

In the end, the two kinds of sword energy suddenly merged into one, as if they were escaping into the void, they were invisible and formless, and fell down instantly.

This sword slashed along some kind of dao mark, like a breeze blowing on the face, it cut off the remaining magic breath of Junior Sister Xia, and also took advantage of the trend to perfectly strip all the magic thoughts from Moxiu's body.

A large group of evil thoughts floated out of the scholar's body, and was immediately wiped out by the two of Baiyunlou with another combined move.

The scholar completely recovered his true self, looked at himself in disbelief, felt unprecedented ease, finally believed that he had completely got rid of the evil thoughts, immediately wept with joy, and bowed in front of the two in Baiyunlou.

Baiyunlou and Junior Sister Ziyan looked at each other, then smiled freely, and stepped out at the same time, arriving at the entrance of the lobby in an instant.

Looking back at the hopeful eyes of the crowd, Baiyun Tower left a sentence: "The real hope is not with us, but in your own thoughts..."

Without further words, the sword fields of the two unfolded at the same time, tens of miles, dozens of miles, until hundreds of miles away, and then their figures flashed and they fled away into the distance.

It has left hope for this small world, and there is nothing to miss here.

The two of them turned into two beams of light and fled away. Everyone in the mountain inn came to the door to watch them off.

"True hope... is there really?" the innkeeper murmured, looking at the distant sky.

I don't know how long it took, most of the diners in the inn lobby dispersed, and only the innkeeper was left at the entrance of the lobby, still staring at the distant sky, as if wanting to see where the two fairy-like sword cultivators went.

At this moment, in the distance where he was watching, the sky was suddenly illuminated by a red beam of light like daylight, and then the void in the distance began to collapse and shatter, rolling towards the inn like extremely fast waves, and everything that passed by was destroyed. All disillusioned and shattered.

"The disaster of destroying the world... Could it be hope... I am not willing to..." The last thought of the shopkeeper flashed, and was torn away by the surging force of shattering void.

However, the strong sense of unwillingness seemed to have a kind of gravitational force, and it immediately gathered itself after the small world was broken~www.readwn.com~ Finally, it condensed into a thought.

Although it is just a thought, is it not a kind of hope?

"I didn't leave any breath behind, but my senior brother actually left a ray of hope behind me." Zi Yan stood in the void, watching the small world that was broken and being reshaped in the distance, and spoke softly to the people beside her. Big brother said.

"Hope is just hope after all, the future depends only on themselves, Zi Yan, let's go to the next small world..." Bai Yunlou smiled lightly.

Immediately, the two of them retracted their sword domains, their figures flashed, they escaped from this small world, and went straight to the small world in the fourth tower.

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