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After pondering for a while, Baiyun Tower asked Haiyue, the female shark: "Fellow Haiyue, what's unusual in this sea area these days, why are so many sea monsters going to the mouth of the Xuanhe River to absorb spiritual energy?"

Glancing at the little master, the shark girl said softly: "A few days ago, there was a powerful sea-monster traveling across the sea area, recruiting the sea-monster cultivators, and forcing them to practice at the mouth of the human race's border. Why is this so, Haiyue is not very clear."

"The Shark Girl Clan has never contended with the world for generations. When the big monster passed by, the patriarch used magical powers to cover the aura of our clan, and thus escaped disaster."

"A certain kind of breath..." After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou then asked: "Apart from this, are there any other changes among the monsters of the East China Sea?"

The shark girl Haiyue thought for a while and said, "Well... the biggest change is that in the past few months, many monster races seem to have acquired some kind of inheritance. It even has the ability to transform."

"Most of these sea monsters transformed into the land of the human race and hid there. I don't know what plans they have."

"The shape-changing went to the human race?" Baiyunlou and Junior Sister Xia exclaimed at the same time.

However, Baiyunlou came to his senses in an instant, regained his composure, and asked in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist Haiyue, where have all those sea monsters gone?"

"I went to the land where the sun rises..." While speaking, Haiyue raised her hand and pointed to the east.

"The place where the sun rises... turns out to be the Donglai Kingdom of Dongzhou." Baiyun Tower already understood.

"The perfidious Donglai Kingdom..." Xia Chaoyang muttered, "Then don't worry about it, it's better to be swallowed up by sea monsters..."

Immediately Xia Zhaoyang then asked: "Xiao Haiyue, is the place where the sun rises really messy now?"

"It's very messy. In fact, not only sea monsters, but also many monster races on land also have the ability to transform. However, those monster races seem to have obtained some decrees, and most of them just mixed in with the human race, and even some sea monsters or warlords Or relying on the demon law, he has gained a lot of benefits in the human race."

Xia Zhaoyang asked in surprise, "Haiyue, do you even know this?"

Haiyue replied crisply: "Haiyue occasionally transforms into a human form to play in the land of the human race, so she knows something about it."

"Ah, I've been talking for a long time, you little sea monster can also transform, hurry up and chat slowly..." Xia Chaoyang's interest increased greatly when he heard this, and he looked intently at Shark Girl's big fish tail.

I saw the female shark flicking her tail lightly, trembling slightly, and in a blink of an eye her tail turned into two long white legs.

Under the cover of the long skirts, two white feet were exposed, but they were small and exquisite.

After Haiyue got up on the cloud head and knelt down in front of the table, Xia Zhaoyang stepped forward to touch the gauze on Haiyue's body a few times, and exclaimed.

"This gauze is so beautiful, it can still shimmer in the moonlight... Did you buy this gauze in that Donglai country?"

"Master, this is silk, which is woven and refined by the clansmen from deep sea spiritual grass..." Haiyue replied grumpily.

"Don't call me master in the future, call me senior sister. This is your elder brother, the etiquette of the human race..." Senior sister Xia has always cared a lot for monster cultivators who can transform and have good looks.

"Yes." After saying that, Haiyue knelt down to the two of them.

Xia Zhaoyang muttered: "What kind of etiquette are these? I will teach you slowly in the future, Senior Sister Haiyue, do you have any more of this silk in your clan? If there are any, Senior Sister wants to exchange spirit stones for some."

"If Senior Sister needs it, Haiyue will send some to Senior Sister. There is no shortage of these spirit stone clans." Haiyue said softly.

"Ah, this is a middle-grade spirit stone, do you have many in your clan?" Xia Chaoyang asked in surprise.

Haiyue Lingshi sensed it and said: "This kind of breath is indeed not much..., but there are many more intense than this breath, and there are even many heterogeneous spars. Those spars are even absorbed by the patriarch. difficulty."

"High-grade spirit stones? There are many more..." Xia Zhaoyang was surprised.

"The sea area is vast, the seabed is full of spiritual energy, and few monks mine it, and some spiritual stone mines are normal." Baiyunlou said indifferently.

"Brother, that is a top-grade spirit stone vein..."

"It's not like I haven't seen it before..."

"Oh, yes, we also have several veins of high-grade spirit stones." Junior sister Xia remembered that in the Kunlun Cave, the several veins that Junior Brother Feiyang had discovered were all extraordinary, most of them were veins of high-grade spirit stones.

After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou said with a smile: "The more Lingshi mines, the better. Moreover, there are not only Lingshi veins in this vast sea area. When you have free time, go into the sea to investigate carefully."

The two of them fled away in a cloud, and they returned to the vicinity of the mouth of the Xuanhe River in a short while.

"Junior Sister Haiyue, as I said just now, help test the group of juniors and juniors later, as long as it doesn't hurt their lives, you can do whatever you want," Xia Chaoyang urged.

Shark girl Haiyue nodded in agreement, slipped and fell into the sea, her feet turned into long tails again, and swam towards the mouth of the Xuanhe River.

Looking up at the moonlight, Haiyue patted the surface of the sea lightly with her palm, and immediately there was a turbulent column of water about ten feet high, on which the shark girl stood.

Before the two brothers and sisters on the cloud could react, Haiyue had already started singing loudly.

Although there are no words in the singing, the melodious tunes combined with the beautiful voice will immediately fascinate people.

"Senior brother, this little sea monster seems to sing well..." Junior Sister Xia murmured.

"Not bad..., but it's still a little less interesting than our ensemble." Baiyunlou said with certainty.

"Really? This voice... so beautiful, melodious and melodious... it just makes people sleepy." Xia Chaoyang leaned gently on the senior brother, and gradually felt a little sleepy.

"That's because the rhythm has some power of rules that lulls people to sleep." Bai Yunlou said softly, but he admired the mermaid's rhythmic way very much. Secret Dao is indeed born with a good voice, and it's so nice to shout casually. To be gifted is to be so capricious.

It's not like me and my junior sister, who are not very talented in music, and have practiced far away from the crowd to entertain themselves.

While I was thinking, there was an irritable roar from the hillside not far away.

"Who~www.readwn.com~ I don't sleep in the middle of the night, what to sing, I don't know whether to stop or stop..."

As soon as the words fell, a large figure stepped on black armor boots and carried a meteorite sword, and flew to the top of the mouth of the Xuan River. It was the little fat man who was a little angry.

"Ah, siren..." Seeing the fish tail in the water column, the little fat man couldn't help but exclaimed.

The young disciples on the downhill suddenly became lively. Nearly half of the disciples were asleep, but they were awakened by the little fat man's roar, and escaped almost at the same time, and came to the edge of the cliff at the top of the slope, looking at the sea monster at the mouth of the river.

Seeing that the sea monster stopped singing, and that the sea monster didn't seem to have any killing intent, the little fat man's anger gradually subsided, and he was about to yell at him to let him go, but he didn't expect that the sea monster flicked its giant tail, The jet of water turned into a huge wave and rushed towards the little fat man.

At this time, a strong aura emanated from the top of the slope, and a phantom of a giant tree appeared, looking for the figure behind the huge wave to fall down.

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