At the same time, the sword field of Baiyun Tower flickered, and it stopped the giant tree phantom, and then sent a message to Luo Li who was standing on the top of the slope: "My own people, don't do anything for now..."

Luo Li's eyes lit up, and his magical powers dissipated from his thoughts.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, this extremely powerful aura was released and then retracted, and the shark girl Haiyue also noticed it, so that the huge wave condensed by the sorcery almost dissipated.

After receiving the message from the elder brother, the huge wave became solid again, and hit the little fat man head-on and face-to-face.

Although the aura of this huge wave is strong, the little fat man has nothing to fear. With a wave of the meteorite sword, a sword gang is cut out with the sword, and half of the black armor is running at full strength. A sword slashed at the sea monster on the sea.

A scream came out, and the little fat man had already condensed the primordial spirit, the power of the primordial spirit enveloped the consciousness, and was not affected by the howling at all, and he slashed straight down.

Seeing that the sword was about to land on the sea monster, the sea monster suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then there were endless waves to meet the little fat man.

Even if the little fat man is strong and tyrannical, relying on the black armor to run wild in the waves, he was also sucked in by the irregular and swirling waves.

Fortunately, the little fat man has experienced countless times in the land of flying sand and rocks in Qingyunmen, and he is very comfortable in dealing with the sneak attack in the waves.

Seeing that the Great Elder was caught in the overlapping waves, this group of young disciples couldn't bear to look any further, and jumped into action one after another.

Only Xiao Jing shouted: "Don't mess around, set up formations, pick weeds, and set up clouds..."

"Buyun's job, I will do it too." Luo Xiaoyu thought about recruiting the snow-patterned tiger who had just been domesticated not long ago. While speaking, she had already jumped on it, jumped a few times, and rushed to Cai Cai who was riding on the back of the Tunyun beast. next to Wei.

The two of them didn't say much, one envoy Tunyun Beast spit out clouds and mist, and the other envoy white jade gourd spit out the magic weapon of clouds refined by it.

In a blink of an eye, a large solid cloud magic weapon appeared near the mouth of the Xuanhe River.

After the two jumped up with their mounts, a group of academy disciples also jumped up one after another, even Xiao Yutong, who was the weakest in cultivation, was very good at the light body technique, leaped several feet, and easily jumped onto the magic weapon of Yun Duo.

After all the disciples jumped onto the magic weapon of the clouds, Cai Weiyu used the cloud and mist to carry all the disciples to the place where the waves were churning.

"Brother Bai Zhan, take over the command..." Xiao Jing shouted.

After saying that, he raised his hands to lay out a few formations, and made a formula with both hands. As the formation unfolded, a cloud of colorful clouds formed in front of him.

Bai Zhan was already ready, and said in a steady voice: "The target is a mermaid sea monster, who knows the wave spell and has the supernatural power of sound attack. Brother Tianyin, the sound skill is entrusted to you."

"The Sea-Monster is good at controlling huge waves. All young disciples in the middle stage of Qi Condensation and below are responsible for opening the protective magic circle, top-grade spirit stones, and protecting the entire cloud magic weapon."

"Senior Sister Caiwei, don't be in a hurry to make a move. This sea monster is very fast in the sea, and is also proficient in the art of hiding. After the younger brother finds its trace, we will attack together."

All the disciples agreed in unison. While speaking, several protective magic circles had been opened at the same time, firmly protecting the magic weapon of Yun Duo, and then rushed into the churning waves without hesitation.

At the same time, Baiyunlou and Junior Sister Xia stood in the sky above the clouds, watching a group of Qingyunmen disciples cooperating seamlessly and rushing into the place where the huge waves were churning, they couldn't help but smiled at each other in relief.

At this moment, there was movement from the south bank, it was the monks of Zixiao Sect and Donghai Pavilion.

As soon as I arrived there, I saw all the disciples of the academy rushing into the waves to fight the sea monster. While lamenting the bloodiness of the disciples of the academy, they all wanted to come forward to help. The two elders even came out with swords, ready to escape into the waves Explore.

Baiyunlou hurriedly passed on Nian to stop the two elders, and then with a flash, he led his junior sister and landed in front of the disciples of the two sects on the South Bank.

The two elders paused in unison before turning back to the south bank.

"Yunlou, so you're here... We almost got into trouble." Elder Han sighed with a smile.

"Thank you to the two elders for making the move just now. Let the academy disciples work together to deal with it and see if their cultivation has improved during this period of time." Baiyunlou bowed his hands and saluted.

"The disciples of the academy are really amazing. Facing the sea monsters in the demon core realm, they are fearless and perform their duties, which is amazing." Elder Zhixing said with emotion.

Elder Han also turned his head and said to his disciples: "Everyone watch carefully, learn a little..."

"Elder, they... have too many high-grade spirit stones, I really can't learn this..." a young disciple muttered.

"Who told you to learn this? Look at the cooperation...cooperation." Elder Han said angrily.

"Oh... It's just that the disciple's strength is limited. When the same sect cooperates, it is estimated that he is really capable of opening the magic circle." The little disciple continued to mutter.

Elder Han turned his head to look at the little disciple, but he couldn't reprimand him in front of so many fellow disciples, so he could only patiently say, "Fu Gui, you are also a late Qi Condensation cultivation base, so don't belittle yourself."

"It's really not that the disciples underestimate themselves, Great Elder, look at the outfits of the disciples in the academy, they are so powerful that they are speechless. Every little disciple wears an amulet, even the junior brother who was in the early stage of Qi Condensation."

When we were chatting together just now, I didn't realize that this Donghai Pavilion disciple named Fugui is quite talkative, and his eyesight is indeed pretty good.

I only heard the little disciple continue: "Also, those brothers and sisters with high cultivation bases basically have a spiritual weapon in their hands. What a heroic spirit this is."

Hearing this, Elder Han couldn't help but look down at the magic sword in his hand, a top-level treasure.

Spirit weapon, I have seen it in the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, but I can't afford it.

"Also, the sapphire headband that suddenly appeared between everyone's brows is definitely a magic weapon, and the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has never seen it for sale..."

Hearing this little disciple getting more and more Han couldn't help scolding: "Wang Fugui..."

Halfway through the conversation, Baiyunlou said with a smile: "This junior brother's power of insight is extraordinary, and he observes very carefully. Yes, that sapphire headband is a unique item of Qingyunmen, which can protect the spirit and let others Undisturbed by the siren's sound attack."

"Wang Fugui, what a good name, although my junior brother's cultivation level is not high, but in my eyes he is really good." Seeing that this junior brother was neither humble nor overbearing, he was praised, and he still concentrated on watching the fight at the mouth of the river, so he couldn't help but praise A few words.

"It turned out to be something unique to Qingyunmen, no wonder, thank you brother for your guidance." After Wang Fugui thanked him, he continued to concentrate on watching the fight in the distance.

"Fugui likes to go to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce on weekdays, and he knows a lot of novel magic weapons." Hearing the praise of the senior brother of the Academy, Elder Han also felt that he had a bright face, so he followed the words and praised Wang Fugui.

As the fight between the two sides in the river became more and more intense, all the monks on the south bank also watched with bated breath. Such a rare scene of fighting skills should be absorbed and comprehended.

The little fat man has long been accustomed to fighting with the sea monster, and was about to use all his strength to kill the sea monster, when suddenly his divine sense moved, and he took the time to turn his head and glance at the top of the north bank slope.

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