Seeing Senior Brother Chen's admiring expression, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but think of his father, if he knew that this post newspaper was praised by the disciples of the Haoran clan, he didn't know how happy he would be.

"Senior brother Qinghe also likes to read this anecdote about the cultivation world, common things?" Baiyunlou laughed.

"This is not an ordinary event. This post newspaper is small enough to see the big. Although there are many anecdotes, it also reflects the attitude of the people of Great Xia to live and work in peace and contentment. The words are easy to understand, and it is very exciting to read." Chen Qinghe didn't hesitate to praise her.

"Brother Qinghe's praise, the younger brother took note of it, haha..."

After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou asked: "Brother Qinghe brought his disciples here, is it also for this sea monster?"

"Exactly, I actually came to inspect the past two days. It's just that most of the sea monsters who came here to disturb me are not high-level. Since the comrades in Donghai Pavilion have made a move, we will be happy to relax."

The two were chatting, when two figures from the south bank of the Xuan River estuary stepped on the waves.

One of them was Tian Yi. After the Zixiao sect got the inheritance of the Zixiao Cave, Tian Yi not only re-cultivated the ancient orthodox Zixiao exercises, but his cultivation was also improving rapidly.

When the cultivation base has reached the foundation building stage, it is no longer a problem to walk on the waves by lightening one's body.

The other one is quite unique, and it is Wang Fugui who is a magic weapon.

It is said to be a magic weapon, but most of them are low-level magic weapons. The cultivation base is only in the late stage of Qi Condensation, but they come here by breaking the waves with a middle-level magic weapon.

Bringing the two of them to the front, Baiyunlou smiled and asked: "Tian Yi, Fugui, the two junior brothers are here, could it be that the two elders let you enter my Qingyun sect?"

"Eldest brother, junior brother really wants to, but it's a pity that Elder Han said that Donghai Pavilion lacks a genius like me. I'm a little embarrassed, senior brother. Why don't you give me some kind words?" Wang Fugui said seriously.

"Good words? If you say good things about Elder Han, wouldn't Elder Han be more reluctant to part with his junior brother?" Bai Yunlou couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and replied with a smile.

"That will be difficult..." Wang Fugui sighed.

"Junior Brother's magic weapon seems to be made by the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, is it easy to use?" Seeing Wang Fugui carefully put the Polangshuo into the treasure bag, Baiyunlou couldn't help asking.

"Smoothly, very smoothly..."

At this time, Yu Tong also ran over, looking at Wang Fugui's small magic weapon, with a strange brilliance in his eyes.

"Little Tong, you are the one who made all the magic weapons of Junior Brother Wang, right?" Bai Yunlou saw the clue and asked in surprise.

Although I didn't pay special attention to what kind of magic weapon was refined by Junior Brother Yu Tong in the Artifact Refining Pavilion, but the refining method of these magic weapons is indeed similar to his technique.

"Hey, senior brother, most of them are..." Yu Tong laughed.

"Ah, this...little brother, these magic weapons are all refined by you. Junior brother is really amazing. These magic weapons are all selected by me. They are all the lowest price, but they are functional. It's a very good magic weapon." Seeing the Lord, Wang Fugui's eyes lit up, he stepped forward to hold Yu Tong, and said enthusiastically.

"Senior brother, let's go over there for a private chat..." Wang Fugui turned to senior brother Bai and said with a smile.

"Go, don't go too far." Bai Yunlou waved his hand and said.

Yu Tong was dragged away by the enthusiastic Senior Brother Wang in such a daze, to discuss the novel little magic weapon.

"I met Senior Brother Bai, I met Senior Brother Chen." After Wang Fugui walked away, Tian Yi greeted the two Senior Brothers again.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​what are you doing here?" Bai Yunlou nodded in return.

"Elder Zhixing took the juniors to appease the fishermen. The elder asked the disciples to follow the seniors to see the world." Tian Yi said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Elder Zhixing is very thoughtful, so we will leave the matter of the sea monster to us. If we want to solve the problem of the sea monster's disturbance, we still have to go to the East China Sea to find the root cause..."

Halfway through the conversation, the corner of Baiyunlou's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Xiaozhulou.

I saw two beautiful figures stepping out of the threshold of the small bamboo building hand in hand, Xia Zhaoyang held Haiyue in one hand and Xiaoxun the long-eared rabbit in the other, smiling like jade, and walked gracefully.

The same long hair shawl, a few strands of hair tied up, wearing a long gauze skirt, a soft and beautiful dress, last night it was dark and I didn't feel anything, under the warm spring sun, all the disciples were dumbfounded.

Especially Haiyue's pair of jade feet, when stepping, a layer of water wave is born under the feet, which has a bit of charm of not sticking to smoke and dust.

"Junior Sister, I have come to see the senior brother of Haoranzong, and that little senior sister you often talk about." Baiyunlou greeted two steps forward.

"I've seen Senior Brother Chen..., is Little Senior Sister Qingshuang here? Where is it?" Xia Zhaoyang bowed obediently to Senior Brother Chen, and then turned his head to look for it.

The last time I saw that heroic figure floating like a fairy, Junior Sister Xia has always admired it very much. Every time I read the poems of the Haoran School, I would mention the little sister of the Haoran School who is both excellent in poetry and swords.

Finding her figure in the crowd, Xia Zhaoyang pulled Haiyue all the way and squeezed past him, only then did he see Little Senior Sister Qingshuang who was chatting with the disciples of the academy.

"Okay, let's go to our own business, my senior sister has something to discuss with Qingshuang sister." Xia Zhaoyang showed the momentum of the second senior sister, and immediately calmed down the lively scene a little.

Immediately, Xia Zhaoyang took the shark girl Haiyue, and Miss Qingshuang to the side to chat about daily trivial matters.

"Brother Qinghe, there are colleagues from Donghai Pavilion and Zixiao Sect guarding Xuanhekou, are you interested in going to the depths of the sea with the disciples of the academy to find out?" Baiyunlou wanted to get closer to the disciples of Haoranzong, so he spoke Invite.

"It's what I want, but I don't feel it." Chen Qinghe smiled and cupped his hands.

Baiyunlou laughed, and then shouted in a long voice: "All the disciples of the academy pack up as soon as possible, and leave after a cup of tea."

Hearing this, all the disciples of the academy started to get busy immediately, only the little fat man took Luo Li and walked leisurely to the elder brother.

" Your bamboo house isn't going to be demolished and packed up?" Baiyunlou asked with a smile.

"It's just a magic weapon in a bamboo house. It's too much effort to put it away. Who wants to take it away..." The little fat man replied proudly.

Terrified..., Master Bai couldn't help curling his lips.

"Eldest brother, don't you put away that little bamboo building?" The little fat man couldn't help asking after glancing at the little bamboo building.

"Whoever can take it can take it..." Bai Yunlou was in a good mood, and joked with the little fat man.

"Actually, Ah Li is in the small bamboo meditate, so you don't have to worry about it."

After saying that, Baiyunlou pulled out a Lingzhu sword, and hid in the small bamboo building, in case of emergency.

After a while, all the disciples packed up, and Baiyunlou released the flying boat with a thought, and jumped on it.

After a group of disciples and a few young disciples of the Haoran Sect boarded the flying boat, Baiyunlou manipulated the flying boat into the sky and landed directly on the wide river at the mouth of the Xuan River not far away.

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