There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 549: 10 years of sharpening a sword

From the evening of yesterday to the early morning of this day, there was no sea monster coming. The shark girl Haiyue was attracted by the two of Baiyunlou from the deep sea with their music.

I learned from the two elders that most of these sea monsters came in groups, and most of them came from the east.

That being the case, Baiyunlou didn't intend to wait at the mouth of the Xuanhe River, and simply took a flying boat to the east sea to search.

The little fat man took over the flying boat and steered the flying boat to escape on the sea, while Baiyunlou stood on the bow of the boat and concentrated on sensing.

After Longlin Jianfei fled hundreds of miles away, Baiyunlou wanted to take it back. The sea area is too vast, so searching like this may not be effective.

After a little thought, Baiyun Tower raised his hand to shake the real water sword, and the real water sword turned into hundreds of sword lights, only the size of a three-inch swimming fish. When he thought about it, these real water swords went straight into the sea, and they were like fish in water in the sea. Scattered away to the distance.

Sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat, Baiyunlou focused on manipulating the hundreds of True Water Sword Lights without any difficulty.

This area of ​​the East China Sea is full of aura, and sometimes there is a tide of aura coming with the waves in the sea, and the real water sword can escape through it more freely than the one flying in the air.

After some trials, Baiyun Tower used hundreds of sword lights to form a sword array with a length and breadth of nearly a hundred miles in front of the flying boat. If you encounter a group of sea monsters, you should not miss it.

It is common for the disciples of the academy to use the supernatural powers of the sword, but Wang Fugui, a disciple of Donghai Pavilion, was amazed.

"Junior Brother Yu, the two magic swords that Senior Brother Bai just unleashed are not low-grade."

Yu Tong said quite proudly: "That's right, senior brother has a lot of spirit weapons and magic swords, and these two have already been refined into middle-grade spirit weapons."

"The Dragon Scale Sword was originally just an ordinary mortal sword weapon. It was cultivated and refined into a mid-level spiritual weapon by the elder brother, so any low-level magic weapon should not be underestimated. As long as it is refined with heart, there will always be a transformation. "

"Brother Yu Tong is right, just like what brother thinks." Wang Fugui nodded repeatedly.

Seeing the big brother make a move, Xia Zhaoyang smiled, and he took Haiyue and Qingshuang's little sister to enjoy the sea view together.

It didn't take much time, the three women were already very familiar with each other, and the conversation was very speculative.

Although Haiyue lived at the bottom of the sea for a long time, she also occasionally changed her form in Donglai Kingdom, learned a lot of etiquette of the human race, and gained some insights into the seasons of the human world, truth, goodness, tranquility and beauty.

Xia Zhaoyang has a deep understanding of Shanmei, and the reason why he hits off with Haiyue and Qingshuang's little sister is also from this.

Little Senior Sister Qingshuang of the Haoran Sect is even more inherited from the Haoran Sect, and she has a special affinity for beauties and beauty.

The so-called meeting bosom friends in wine and meeting each other late is nothing more than the case.

Hearing what the three of them had talked about, Cai Wei, who was always with Luo Yu, also became interested, and left Young Master Luo to join in.

In soft voices, the four chatted from the warm spring sun to the cold winter snow, from rare birds and animals to strange sea monsters, and the beauty of the world seemed endless.

The four of them chatted with each other, smiling sweetly, and the whole flying boat came alive. Many young disciples were dumbfounded watching and listening.

Luo Yu looked at Senior Sister Caiwei's enthusiasm, talked freely, secretly thought that this Taoist couple would have no regrets in this life, and was at ease for a while, and pulled a few senior brothers to discuss last night's battle.

Xiaoxi and Lanzhi glanced at each other, then went to the back cabin, ready to deduce the fire movement technique together.

Nangong Xiaojing watched the four of them for a while, then lowered her head to look at her own weak and helpless figure, sighed softly, took out the picture jade plate and started to deal with the business.

"Here we come." Baiyunlou, who had been sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat, suddenly stood up, raised his hand and took the True Water Sword back, and with his thoughts recondensed the True Water Sword into five sword lights, and the sword field spread out and fell into the flying boat.

After taking over the core array of the flying boat from the little fat man, Baiyunlou slightly adjusted the direction of escape, and fled forward.

Hearing this, the airship that was still in harmony just now suddenly became murderous, especially this group of academy disciples, who usually kill smoothly in the illusion. It is rare for the small world of the world to encounter some sea monsters that wreak havoc on the human race.

"Keep some life alive..." Bai Yunlou couldn't help exhorting.

After a while, more than ten shadows appeared under the sea surface more than ten miles ahead.

Baiyunlou raised his hand and pressed the formation plate, and the flying boat led the crowd directly into the sea, and the dozen or so shadows immediately became clear.

More than a dozen sea monsters, big and small, were running away at a very high speed. They were not heading towards the flying boat, but they were heading towards the mouth of the Xuanhe River. When they saw the flying boat in the sea, they all turned around and fled.

A long distance away, the group of sea monsters had already used their supernatural powers and smashed towards the flying boat.

It's too arrogant... Now, there is no need for Headmaster Bai to greet him, just stay a little closer, and the group of academy disciples immediately move together, and the cooperation is extremely tacit.

Amidst the sword qi, the sea water in front seemed to be boiling, and rolled out backwards. More than a dozen sea monsters stopped at the same time, and several weaker sea monsters were swept out of the sea by the waves.

With the power of the rules of the sea area, the Baiyun Tower's True Water Sword Domain expanded to a radius of nearly a hundred feet, directly enveloping the dozen or so sea monsters.

Most of these sea monsters are at the Void Core Realm. Sect Master Bai has no interest in making a move at all, he just uses the sword field to block the escape route and let his disciples practice.

This group of academy disciples would never miss this rare opportunity to practice their mobile phones. They used all kinds of moves together, and it didn't take much effort to end this crushing fighting style.

Tian Yi and Wang Fugui couldn't intervene at all, but Wang Fugui wanted to show the power of the magic weapon in his hand. Every time he used the magic weapon to cast a powerful spell, it was a pity that he hadn't encountered the sea monster yet. The sea monster would either be captured or Already dead.

It was expected by Baiyunlou that the disciples of Qingyunmen moved swiftly, but that Chen Qingshuang of Haoranzong made Baiyunlou admiration, his moves were very clean and quick, and he recited two lines of poetry before making moves.

"Ten years of sharpening a I have never tried the frost blade..."

Following the chanting, the Qingfeng sword in his hand stroked with the fingers of the sword, exuding an extremely sharp breath, as if to split the void.

As soon as the words fell, Chen Qingshuang slashed out with a sword, and the ugly sea-monster in the Void Core Realm that rushed towards him was cut in half.

"Good poetry, good poetry..." Bai Yunlou recited those two lines of poetry silently in his mind, stroked the sword finger in his hand, and the Dragon Scale Sword revealed extremely sharp and regular power.

So it turned out that Haoranzong transformed the artistic conception in the poem into sword intent. The Baiyun Tower had already sensed it last time, but this time it was observed Haoranzong's swordsmanship here, and finally saw it more clearly.

Seeing the sword intent on the sword edge of the academy senior brother, Chen Qingshuang's eyes flashed brilliantly, and she couldn't help but marvel at the understanding of this academy senior brother. He only heard two lines of poetry, and he comprehended the sword intent in it in a short time. Kendo genius.

Sensing the sword intent on the edge of the sword, Baiyunlou suddenly had an epiphany, and the Dao Slashing sword intent, which hadn't made much progress in the past two days, suddenly had a direction of practice.

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