"The Novel of Xianlou in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

After a while, Baiyunlou regained consciousness and was silent for a while. After sorting out this huge sea monster, there were very few complete memories.

In fact, just now Baiyun Tower has been careful enough to strip away the soul, and according to past experience, at least 30% of the relatively complete memory can be retained.

As a result, after sorting everything out, at most there are only a few brief, slightly clearer thoughts.

Most of these consciousnesses are quite strong feelings of obedience, deliciousness, and transformation. There is also a relatively clear consciousness, which is to let the electric eel find some sea monsters to subdue it, and let the subdued sea monsters go to the west of the river mouth. Absorb the spirit.

This more complicated consciousness seems to be forcibly instilled by its master, and it is somewhat different from other consciousnesses.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyunlou had no choice but to accept the fact that this sea monster seemed to have a huge body, but it seemed to have no brains, and its natural memory was extremely weak, and perhaps it could only be slightly improved after being transformed.

Of course, only now did I find a sea monster. Maybe this sea monster was naturally dull, so I had to find a few more to verify it.

Fortunately, among the few slightly clearer consciousnesses, one consciousness is still useful. This big electric eel actually has several demon friends, and finally remembers the approximate location of one of the demon friends' lairs.

Baiyunlou secretly guessed that with the electric eel's tiny memory, he could remember this matter clearly. These sea monsters must be related to a certain extent, but they can follow the clues and search carefully.

Gathering his thoughts back to his senses, Baiyunlou looked at the big electric eel for a moment, and decided to let the big electric eel fend for itself here. After forcibly searching for the soul, the demon soul was exhausted.

The remnant soul left behind should allow the big electric eel to continue to live happily in this deep sea. It's just how long it will take for the almost ripe demon body to recover, but this is not what Baiyunlou can care about.

The most important thing is that the aura of this big monster still remains in the body of this sea monster. Baiyun Tower does not plan to disturb it for the time being. Anyway, there are clues of other sea monsters. Collect enough useful information, and then look for an opportunity to make a move.

As the aura of the sea monster almost dissipated, all kinds of sea monsters hidden in the submarine canyon also regained their freedom, and fled in all directions, and the canyon became quiet for a while.

The few sea monsters on the flying boat that had been trapped by the water mass also stopped struggling, and seemed to have come to their senses.

Looking at these sea monsters with bright colors and some strength, Xia Zhaoyang thought for a while, and said aloud: "In the future, you have to listen to Senior Sister Haiyue, if you disturb the fishing boats of the human race again, you... cooking pot."

While saying these words, Xia Chaoyang used the supernatural power of Shenlonghou to plant a deep imprint on the spirits of these sea monsters.

Those sea monsters nodded repeatedly, as if their spirituality had also increased a bit.

Xia Chaoyang was quite satisfied, and nodded slightly to Haiyue. Haiyue immediately raised her hand and exiled a few sea monsters into the deep sea, letting them wander aside the flying boat for a while.

Seeing that the younger sister had finished handling the sea monsters, Baiyunlou used the power of the sword domain to throw the big electric eel back to its lair, and then called the younger brother and younger sister to take out delicious food, and entertained a few new friends at the bottom of the sea.

Now that the flying boat was full of excitement, since the big brother had spoken, it seemed that there was no need to worry about the sea monster attacking for the time being.

Originally, the deep sea was deep and dark, which made the young disciples feel a bit oppressed, but the light above the head illuminated the tens of miles of the seabed like daylight, which made people feel brighter.

Master Bai, who has the largest storage space, put out several square tables and assembled them into a long table in the flying boat. After not much effort, all kinds of delicacies were neatly placed on the table.

A row of magic circle small stoves were also put out. The enthusiastic academy disciples were very hospitable. Even Xiao Jing went to the battle in person, and stewed several cans of delicious dishes in a special wine jar.

The few disciples of the Haoran Sect were quite reserved, they sat upright, and they were very elegant when eating. With the upright appearance of these disciples, Master Bai looked pleasing to the eye.

"Look at your gluttonous appearance, learn more from the brothers and sisters of Hao Ranzong, the etiquette of the academy still has to be maintained..." Baiyunlou couldn't help muttering as he turned his head and looked at the unscrupulous academy disciples.

"Oh well…"

"Okay, brother..."

All the disciples of the academy responded, and sure enough they were sitting upright, but their mouths were not idle.

Wang Fugui accidentally obtained the status of guest secretary of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and he became more confident in his mind. Seeing the table full of gourmet pastries, he let himself go with the students of the academy, and couldn't stop for a while.

Hearing the elder brother's chanting, he hurriedly straightened his body, and restrained his eating habits a little.

Compared with this group of academy disciples, Master Bai seemed much more relaxed.

The green ant sat on the right hand side, helped to pour the spirit tea, cut the spirit fruit into small pieces, and even carefully picked out those roasted bone sticks that were charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Green Ant, don't get too used to your brother... this bone stick is the most enjoyable to eat by yourself." Xia Zhaoyang said with a smile.

"Well, little girl, don't be busy with your work, and eat more... Lanzhi is good at barbecue, not bad..."

Having said that, Master Bai ate with great relish, and did not forget to put a piece of grilled meat into Junior Sister Xia's mouth and taste it together.

"It's really delicious..." Junior Sister Xia couldn't help but praise, and continued to feed the senior brother with peace of mind.

Xiaoxun, the long-eared rabbit who had been crouching in the back cabin after entering the deep sea, also jumped out at this time, and came to Xia Chaoyang's side to beg for spiritual fruits.

Baiyunlou pinched a piece of barbecue and put it next to the long-eared rabbit's mouth, but the fat rabbit refused to open his mouth.

"Eat some meat and you will become more courageous. A rabbit with cultivation is afraid of water, and it loses face as a rabbit monster..." Bai Yunlou said jokingly.

"Senior brother, Xiao Xun is timid by nature, he must have been frightened by those sea monsters." Xia Chaoyang picked up the long-eared rabbit, and stuffed a spiritual fruit into the long-eared rabbit's paw.

The long-eared rabbit turned his head and glanced at the senior brother, seeing that he didn't provoke him anymore, so he gnawed on the spiritual fruit with peace of mind.

The shark girl Haiyue on the side sipped various delicacies, sometimes frowning, sometimes nodding, as if she had her own preferences for these delicacies.

"Haiyue, what kind of food does Donglai Country have?" Xia Zhaoyang asked casually.

"Donglai Country, I thought it was a bit delicious at first, but compared with most of the delicacies on this table, it's nothing at all."

After a short pause, Haiyue went on to say, "However, there is a special delicacy worth mentioning."

After all~www.readwn.com~ Haiyue raised her head and looked out of the flying boat. It didn't take much time. A lot of ordinary sea fish had already come outside the flying boat's barrier, and there were also some strange swimming things mixed in. It looks magnificent under the light.

Most of these sea fish were attracted by the blazing sun. Except for the few sea monsters that Xia Zhaoyang subdued, almost all of them were sea fish without any cultivation level.

Suddenly, Haiyue's eyes lit up, and she raised her hand to point to the sea fish with a body like a shuttle and a tail like a crescent moon mixed in the school of fish.

Xia Zhaoyang understood immediately, raised his hand and threw a green vine, passed through the barrier of the flying boat, and tied it to the sea fish.

This ivy is full of spirituality, halfway through the escape, many small vines grow on the ivy, no matter how slippery a swimming fish is trapped by it, it is difficult to escape.

As if sensing a crisis, the sea fish flicked its long tail and fled to one side without hesitation.

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