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This sea fish swims swiftly, almost catching up with the sea monster in the condensed core state, but the green vine is faster, turning into a blue light, and in an instant, it binds the bent-tail sea fish tightly.

"Little sea fish, you run pretty fast, but you still can't escape from my senior sister's ivy, haha..." Xia Zhaoyang flicked the sea fish's forehead very proudly, and even stroked its crescent-shaped tail.

"My lord... Senior Sister Chaoyang, the meat of this golden barracuda is fresh and tender, but it must be slaughtered immediately when it comes out of the water, otherwise the taste will be slightly inferior." Haiyue reminded.

"Slaughter..., Huo Ling'er..., ah, Huo Ling'er is not here, this..." There were a lot of grilled herrings, but Xia Zhaoyang hadn't slaughtered live fish himself, so he would be a bit hesitant to do it now.

At this time, Baiyunlou suddenly looked towards the side of the flying boat, and said in surprise: "This octopus is really strange, it can be absorbed on the barrier of the flying boat."

Xia Zhaoyang was immediately attracted by the elder brother's words, turned his head and saw the octopus, and couldn't help sighing: "These eight big claws seem quite strong..."

"Junior sister, do you want to try something new? This is a fresh product delivered to your door. Senior brother has seen this octopus before. These eight arms and feet have a rather strange power of rules. Even if you cut them off, you can live for a while regeneration."

After being reminded by the elder brother, Xia Zhaoyang also remembered that he had seen a sea monster with the same appearance in the sea area of ​​the submarine volcano in the small world in the tower.

"Trying early..., no need..."

Xia Zhaoyang was halfway through talking, it was already a bit late, Master Bai had already used his sword energy to cut off a wrist and foot, and wrapped it back with sword energy.

The octopus... the seven-clawed fish fled in fright, its seven arms and legs fluttered, and it fled to the deep sea far away in a panic.

The severed arm was still twisting and twitching, and was sent by Baiyunlou to Junior Sister Lanzhi who was still busy in front of the grill.

"Eldest brother, how do you do this?" Lanzhi was also a little puzzled, she had never seen such a strange food, it was so fresh, it was all chopped off, and it was still twisting non-stop.

"Whatever, put some spicy things, it should taste good when roasted." The head master Bai said casually based on his feeling.

"Oh..." Lanzhi grabbed the tentacle-like long claws, beat it **** the chopping board twice, saw that it finally calmed down, and then began to clean it with satisfaction.

The randomness of the academy disciples stunned the disciples of the Haoran Sect, and that Miss Qingshuang's eyes were filled with brilliance, and she admired this group of academy disciples even more, but she strictly abided by the rules of the Haoran Sect, sitting quietly, No slack in the slightest.

"Ah, the little sea fish is now a sea fish fillet..." Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but be surprised when he turned his head and saw several plates of ruddy fish fillets neatly placed in front of him.

In fact, when Baiyunlou called out the octopus just now, he had already wiped away the spiritual consciousness of the golden barracuda.

Haiyue would also agree, raised her hand to bleed and disembowel the golden barracuda, the water ball wrapped up the messy things, leaving the most delicious fish meat, and quickly took out the short blade slices and divided them into plates.

When Junior Sister Xia came back to her senses, it was ready to be served on a plate.

"Xiao Haiyue, you are too nimble... Actually, senior sister, my knife skills are also very good." Xia Zhaoyang was a little bit hesitant to see the lively sea fish, but he didn't have the slightest resistance to such fresh and tender ingredients.

"How do you eat it? Fry, roast, stew? Or what?" In a blink of an eye, Junior Sister Xia became interested in how to cook this delicious ingredient.

Haiyue was stunned, and replied in a flash: "It's best to eat it directly. If it is accompanied by human sauce, it will be more delicious."

"Direct entry? Wouldn't that be the same as eating small sea fish raw, this... a bit..."

"This way of eating is quite strange, so let me taste it first, brother..." While speaking, Bai Yunlou picked up a piece of bamboo chopsticks.

"Wait a minute, brother... sister, here is some sauce. I made some more when I entertained the head of the mountain two days ago, hehe..." While speaking, Xia Zhaoyang raised his hand and took out a small jar, then took out a small dish, and scooped it up with a wooden spoon. Put some sauces in the small dish, and then pushed the small dish in front of the elder brother.

Looking at the eyes full of expectation, the corners of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up. This greedy little Chaoyang didn't dare to say anything, but wanted to taste the rare delicacy.

Headmaster Bai doesn't care, just now he used his heavenly eyes to see that the meat of this sea fish is extremely pure, it's fine to eat it directly, at worst, roast it with a real fire after it enters the stomach.

With a laugh, Baiyunlou picked up a slice of fresh and tender fish, dipped it in the sauce, and put it in his mouth.

Under light chewing, the slight toughness and delicious taste are indeed as Haiyue said, it is really a rare delicacy.

It's just that after the fish and meat entered his stomach, Baiyunlou still couldn't help sweeping it with a breath of real fire.

"Delicious, the taste of eating it directly is really good, but after all, it's just ingredients, any cooking method should be fine." Master Bai commented seriously.

Hearing this, several academy disciples who like to cook gourmet food immediately got busy again. Except for leaving a plate of sashimi, the other plates were taken away and tried to cook.

Seeing the busy figures of those academy disciples, Haiyue couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth, and gently picked up a piece of sashimi and threw it directly into her mouth.

The taste is still so delicious, why do you need to cook it extra..., the sea monster is a little puzzled.

Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but gritted his teeth and tasted a piece, it tasted really good, but he also couldn't help but condense a little bit of anger with the fairy light, wiped the fish in his mouth, and then swallowed it with satisfaction.

After a while, all kinds of cooked fish fillets came back to the table, pan-fried, steamed, and Xiaojing also stewed a large pot of milky white fish fillet soup.

For a moment, the fragrance in the flying boat was overflowing, and Baiyun Tower nodded secretly, as expected, the hot fireworks are more delicious.

The pan-fried one has more layers, and the steamed one has more chewiness. The fish soup is also very good, very fresh and thick, and the taste is almost as good as the fish bone soup in Linjiang County.

"Chirp Chirp..." When everyone was enjoying the delicious food, a childish bird song suddenly came from the flying boat.

Baiyunlou couldn't help being taken aback, almost thinking that the little red bird followed.

"Ah Li is here?" Sure enough~www.readwn.com~ Junior Sister Xia also got it wrong.

"No, it's Xiao Jinyu who woke up..." While speaking, Caiwei held out a golden-feathered bird from her bosom.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for two days. It seems that I have grown up a bit, and the feathers are getting brighter." Junior Sister Xia got up and came to Caiwei's side to tease the little golden feather.

Xiao Jinyu didn't resist either, and let Junior Sister Xia touch her body with her fingertips, and raised her head to please her twice.

"Little Jin Yu, why are you awake? Did you smell something delicious?" Xia Chaoyang asked with a smile, scratching the wings of the little yellow bird.

Xiao Jinyu really understood, nodded, jumped lightly, jumped to the side of the can of fish fillet soup on the long table, and honked twice into the clay pot.


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