There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 560: Ziqi comes from the east

Just as soon as the thought was passed on, a vague thought came back.

"Brother... I don't have class today, let's go to the back mountain to play the flute together..."

Sensing the bewilderment in this thought, the corner of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, it seemed that Xiao Chaoyang was living leisurely in his dream.

Then don't disturb Junior Sister's sweet dreams, Fang Yi regained consciousness, Baiyunlou finally realized, Xiao Chaoyang can send back thoughts in an instant, is it a natural supernatural power...

While thinking about it, a thought came into his consciousness.

"Received..." A simple thought carries a hint of sentiment, which is the sentiment of the way of truth and falsehood.

Unexpectedly, Junior Sister Zi Yan would figure out the method of sending thoughts through energy mechanism so quickly, Bai Yunlou's mind was at peace, and the spiritual consciousness wrapped up the thought of enlightenment, escaped into the sea of ​​consciousness, and went to the depths of the sea of ​​memory to comprehend the Dao.

The night passed in a hurry, and early in the morning, Baiyunlou woke up from his practice and sent the smoke clouds to float back to the sea.

Xia Zhaoyang also recovered his body, leaning against the senior brother with a bit of sleepiness, his white and tender feet dipped into the sea water and kicked leisurely.

"Senior Brother, Chaoyang dreamed about Senior Brother last night, hehe..."

"Go to the back mountain to play the flute?"

"Ah..., senior brother even guessed this..."

The two leaned on each other, whispered softly, looked at the gradually reddish eastern sky, and enjoyed the pleasant time before sunrise.

With a soft sound of '哗啦', the shark girl Haiyue poked out half of her body from the sea water next to the smoke cloud.

"Xiao Haiyue, come and watch the sunrise with senior sister..." Xia Zhaoyang patted the smoke cloud beside him.

Haiyue couldn't help being startled, looked at the very leisurely elder brother, pondered for a moment, then softly agreed, swam gently to the side of the cloud, carefully climbed up the cloud head, and sat down a few feet away from the two of them.

As she sat down, Haiyue's fish tail slowly turned into two long white legs.

"Haiyue, your transfigured legs are so beautiful..." Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help raising his feet and getting closer to compare.

Hearing the words, Master Bai couldn't help turning his head to look twice, gave a secret praise, and managed to look away.

"Come closer if you want to, how can you watch the sunrise while lying on the bottom of the sea..." Baiyunlou said with a smile.

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the demon senses of several sea monsters.

The figures of those sea monsters flashed, and they escaped from the sea one after another, lined up in front of the shark girl, it was very interesting to watch.

The turtle demon also shrunk in size, floating quietly beside Baiyunlou.

"Old Turtle, good morning..." Bai Yunlou nodded in greeting.

"Hi..." The turtle demon also responded, and then turned to look at the eastern sky.

A trace of red leaped out of the sea, dyeing the sea in the sky red in an instant, and then, the red became bigger and rounder.

In the end, the red sun broke free from the shackles of the sea water and jumped out, bringing the sky full of rays of light, infecting the sky and sea water into an intoxicating red.

The warm and soft red is also the favorite red of the people of Great Xia, full of enthusiasm and festive feeling.

Today's red sun seems to be the same as usual, full of vigor and rising slowly, but it seems to be a little different.

After that round of red sun passed through the sea, the aura that came through was different from the past.

As if feeling something, most of the disciples stepped out of the room together, looking at the red sun on the sea, their hearts trembled. Many disciples were blessed to watch the red sun in the east and breathe out their luck, as if there was an indescribable mystery The breath is swallowed into the body.

As soon as the red sun jumped out of the sea, Baiyunlou noticed the abnormality, and the sky eye opened, and wisps of purple air drifted along the sunlight.

This kind of aura is not aura, but it can be refined with the monks breathing out. Under the observation of Baiyun Tower, this purple aura has the effect of condensing cultivation.

It even has a magical effect on the monsters. Haiyue took a few monsters to breathe in the east, and after a few breaths, the somewhat vain demon core calmed down.

The turtle demon would not miss it, and while breathing out, he suddenly spit out the bright demon pill and absorbed it directly, obviously he also tasted the sweetness.

After Haiyue saw it, she followed suit and spit out a crystal clear demon pill to absorb the mysterious breath. The other sea monsters were not strong enough to spit out the demon pill.

This purple qi is very extraordinary, Baiyunlou felt that the purple qi has more than just such a function, so he used various methods to try it in turn.

Just trying it out, suddenly, a water mirror full of charm manifested beside Baiyunlou. It was an idea buried deep in the sea of ​​memory by Baiyunlou that triggered the mood spell by itself.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to disperse his mood, he caught a glimpse of something abnormal in the corner of his eyes, Baiyunlou couldn't help but stop the formula in his hand, and looked into the mirror.

I saw that there was a streak of purple air in the air above my head, which was not there when I watched it last time.

Without the slightest hesitation, Baiyunlou replayed the various attempts just now while observing his state of mind.

Until the power of the Yang God was used to wrap the innate qi to draw the purple qi into the soul, the purple qi of luck above his head immediately increased a little, and Baiyunlou finally found the reason.

This method can actually increase one's own luck, but it only needs to use the innate energy, and it seems that he is the only one who can operate the innate energy...

While thinking about it, Baiyunlou saw Junior Sister Xia approaching in the water mirror, so he was going to pass on the Ziqi matter to her.

I didn't want to, but I saw a trace of purple air being absorbed into the body with the breathing of the junior sister, and the luck above the junior sister's head also changed, and a trace of purple air manifested.

It's just that this trace of purple air seemed to be disgusted by the original Ruhong luck, and it couldn't be integrated into it. In the end, this trace of purple air reluctantly fell back into the soul, nourishing the Yangshen body of the junior sister.

Seeing such a result, Baiyunlou couldn't help but look at the luck above his head, and only then did he understand that there is no harm without comparison...

I always thought that the luck above my head was also very But now it seems that compared with Xiao Chaoyang, it is nothing worth mentioning.

"Senior brother, look at the clothes of junior sister's Yangshen body, hehe..." Xia Chaoyang couldn't help asking seeing senior brother looking around at his state of mind.

Emotional Xiao Chaoyang also imitated Ah Li and used his state of mind as a mirror.

The corner of Bai Yunlou's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "Junior Sister's outfit is not bad, but... if you can tie up nearly half of your hair on the top of your head, you will look more energetic..."

"Choose a light blue hairband, make it longer... that's enough, it's not bad... it looks good."

"The treasure bag at the waist also manifests, yes, it's so beautiful."

After some adjustments, Junior Sister Xia saw herself in the mirror, and couldn't believe her eyes, it was so beautiful and elegant...

"Senior brother, does your junior sister look like this? I can't even recognize her..." Xia Chaoyang swayed from side to side, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

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