"In the eyes of Senior Brother, Junior Sister has always been like this..." Bai Yunlou said in a firm tone.

Junior Sister Xia smiled when she heard that, and even the body of the Yang God couldn't help but smile a little.

After saying that, Baiyunlou turned his head to look, and saw that Haiyue had already dodged to the other side of the mirror, it seemed that the last time it was illuminated by this mirror was a bit shadowed.

After playing around with my junior sister for a while, the red sun has already risen, and the purple air has dissipated, but Baiyun Tower is not sorry, just now I have a sense of it, and I already roughly know the origin of this purple air.

Speaking of the origin of this purple energy, it actually has a lot to do with Junior Sister Xia. Last night, Junior Sister transformed into a white dragon, and the wisps of mysterious energy seemed to activate this sea area, maybe even the entire East China Sea.

The East China Sea seems to have had a master overnight, and it has become a little more spiritual. In Baiyun Tower's spiritual sense, it is the power of rules in this sea area that has undergone subtle changes.

When Baiyun Tower sensed this subtle change last night, it didn't pay much attention to it. Because of the luck of the junior sister, there is no need to make a fuss about some abnormal things happening.

But after thinking about it carefully just now, it really reminded Baiyunlou of a possibility that Beihai has a lot of mysterious and supernatural appearances because of Xuanwu's breath, and Donghai...maybe changed because of the breathing of the transformed dragon body of the junior sister.

The album Xia Shimei showed Ah Li to observe, and Baiyun Tower also carefully read it. The Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu are the four great beasts. The emperor guards Zhongzhou.

In addition to the four great beasts, there are also some strange-looking spirit beasts, and the Mirage Dragon in the Misty Oasis is among them.

If he had never seen the real Xuanwu in Beihai, it would be hard for Baiyunlou to believe in the existence of the four great beasts based on Junior Sister Xia's atlas.

Looking at it now, if the four gods and beasts are really derived from this small world to guard the four directions, then the world will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes. There should be no need to worry about the mysterious enchantment that Xuanwu is guarding with all his strength in Beihai.

This time, the younger sister turned into a white dragon. Although her aura blends with the East China Sea, Baiyun Tower can be sure that the younger sister is not the green dragon in the picture book. Even if her bloodline may have the inheritance of the dragon clan, she is still a real human race after all.

Up to now, there is no need to worry about the real reason. Anyway, Junior Sister Xia's luck, Master Bai has experienced it many times, and it should be reasonable to be able to cause such changes in a sea area...

It is precisely because of the subtle changes in the power of the rules in the sea area that the rising sun shines on it, and the air above the entire sea area is transpired with aura of agility.

The light of the scorching sun will refract mysterious purple light through these auras. These purple lights fall on the place where the rich aura gathers, and when combined with the purple aura, purple aura will be derived.

Now this bay can not only emit a lively aura, but the aura is also extremely rich, otherwise the turtle monster would not have chosen this bay as a place to live.

After some deliberation, Baiyun Tower is 70% to 80% sure. From now on, at sunrise every day, you can try to swallow purple qi. If you can refine qi, you can refine your soul. Generally speaking, it is also a good choice to refine Qi Luck.

And this place that swallows purple energy may not need to choose the sea or the sea.

If it is true that the breath of the entire East China Sea has changed, then the entire Great Xia may benefit from it.

From the East China Sea to Zhongzhou, it seems to be thousands of miles away, but now Baiyunlou's vision is more than tens of thousands of miles away.

The steaming breath of the East China Sea can be tens of miles high. When the sun rises, the purple light will be fleeting for thousands of miles. As long as it is a place where spiritual energy gathers, it should be able to benefit. Can absorb the purple air from the east.

It's just that although this purple aura is mysterious, it can only absorb a little when the sun is rising, and ordinary monks can't see it. The monster race is naturally very sensitive to all kinds of mysterious aura, so they can perceive it a little bit.

In this short period of time, the sky has already brightened, several sea monsters have already dispersed, the turtle monster has also returned to the beach, and Haiyue still has something to say after taking back the demon pill.

Xia Zhaoyang did sense the existence of purple qi, but just now he was just looking at the incarnate body of the Yang God, how much purple qi he had absorbed to nourish his soul, he really didn't notice.

For the other disciples, even though Baiyunlou had a good chat with Junior Sister Xia just now, they still took the time to take a look.

Under Luo Li's guidance, the little fat man absorbed a lot of purple energy into his body very seriously, and the harvest should not be small.

Although Bai Zhan's Tianyantong didn't even have a small Chengdu, he still barely sensed that unusually mysterious aura, and then he concentrated on breathing out and practicing with all his strength.

What surprised Baiyunlou was Shi Qingshan. This junior did not have any supernatural powers to observe the purple qi, but he seemed to be blessed to the soul, and he sat cross-legged to practice directly. Under the circulation of the innate zhenqi, the purple qi was drawn into the dantian, and the entire dantian began to metamorphose.

Although after a brief look, I can't see what kind of opportunity Junior Brother Qingshan has, but it should be extraordinary.

Junior brother Tian Yitian of the Zixiao School also sensed the change in Qi mechanism, and the Zixiao School's kung fu was activated, which also attracted a lot of Ziqi into the body.

The disciples of the Haoran Sect were even more extraordinary, they noticed something abnormal almost at the same time, and the Haoran true energy came out through their bodies, causing the purple energy around them to churn like a tide.

Although most of the other disciples didn't notice the existence of purple qi, they also absorbed some purple qi more or less when they breathed out.

Saying hello to Junior Sister Xia, Baiyunlou waved his hand to dispel his mood, put away the sapphire mist, and the two jumped back to the beach together.

"How about it, is there any gain from watching the sunrise today?" Baiyunlou asked with a smile, looking at many academy disciples with happy faces.

"Eldest brother, for some reason, when I breathed out just now, I felt particularly refreshed..."

"It's because this aura has undergone a mysterious change~www.readwn.com~ Just a moment ago, after running a kung fu technique, the cultivation base has solidified a lot."

"Ah, I didn't even think about cultivating just now..."

The disciples of the academy spoke out one after another to discuss.

The topic was drawn out, but Baiyunlou didn't talk too much, and let the group of juniors and juniors talk about their feelings, and deduce the possible reasons for this change in aura.

The Chen Qinghe brothers and sisters who were listening to the excitement couldn't help but glance at each other, secretly thinking, they really deserve to be the disciples of the academy, this kind of spirit of inquiry is really admirable.

Tian Yi listened with great interest, anyway, he was familiar with this group of academy disciples, and immediately joined in the discussion.

Luo Yucaiwei and Luo Yucaiwei, who were woken up, saw the lively discussion outside the door, and after curious inquiries, they realized that snoozing this morning missed the opportunity.

Luo Yu was not annoyed at all by being teased by his juniors and younger sisters. On the contrary, he said quite calmly: "If it is really an opportunity not to be missed, senior brother must have sent a message to remind you. You see senior senior brother is so indifferent, maybe this mutation There must be some way to obtain the aura, so instead of blindly researching it here, it is better to ask the elder brother."

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