"The Novel of Xianlou in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

The faceless monster got a message from somewhere that the Great Xia Kingdom is now full of masters, and there are several monks in the Nascent Soul Realm, so how dare they set foot in it easily.

So he sent all the sea monsters under his command, passed on the magical powers of witchcraft, and enslaved the sea monsters to the rivers and lakes of the human race, secretly absorbing the luck of the human race.

When the time is right, there are other uses.

The big demon was very cautious, and didn't say where the secret land of the East China Sea was, nor did he say how to use the absorbed human luck when it arrived.

In addition, the big faceless monster seemed to have many clones, and the eight-clawed monster had keen senses, and several times it sensed that the person in the shrine was not the real body of the big monster.

As for this big monster, Baiyunlou didn't intend to provoke it for the time being, since he is still a big monster anyway, it's hard to guarantee that he doesn't have any supernatural powers.

Besides, it is harming Donglai Country anyway, and Baiyunlou doesn't have a good opinion of Donglai Country.

Originally, Kyushu was the master, and the world was unified. After the demons wreaked havoc on the human world, the monks in Dongzhou were the first to suffer and were almost wiped out.

Afterwards, Qing Yunzi gathered the immortal masters in the cultivation world to fight against the Heavenly Demon in the East China Sea, and finally used the Jiuding to seal the remains of the Heavenly Demon.

After the Heavenly Demon Rebellion, Xia Dynasty was established, without the restraint of Jiuding, but Dongzhou was the first to rebel from the jurisdiction of Zhongzhou, and established itself as a country, named Donglai.

After several generations, Donglai Kingdom began to abandon all imprints related to Zhongzhou, including characters, clothing, and even etiquette.

The common language spoken in the market is still Daxia, but the royal family and the dignitaries have their own set of languages ​​to show their noble identities.

Not only the mortal world, but even the cultivation world of Dongzhou has begun to change from its own faction, and no longer associates with the cultivation world of Daxia.

Up to now, most of the people in Donglai Kingdom don't know where their ancestors came from, and even think that Donglai is the orthodox human race.

What displeases Baiyunlou the most is that Donglai Kingdom looks very polite, but secretly allows pirates to plunder and do many unknown deeds.

A few years ago, those pirates almost wiped out two small countries in the southeast sea area of ​​Daxia. If Daxia hadn't gone to the top cultivation masters to help them, they would have been succeeded by Donglai Kingdom.

These are rogues on the surface, but in fact, they all have the shadow of the Donglai royal family behind them.

The faceless big monster is fairly safe in Donglai country, it doesn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, at most there are too many monster clans, it's just a bit of a mess.

Now, Baiyunlou faintly knows the true face of this big faceless monster, and it may be another monster from outside the territory, just like the great elder Qingqiu, wandering around in the human world for a purpose.

I learned from Bazhuo that the Faceless Demon didn't specify a time limit for making the sea monster devour the luck of the human race. It stands to reason that it would take at least one or two months before those monster races can use it.

Calculating in this way, for the time being, you can ignore this faceless monster for the time being. After you go to Qingqiu, if you really get a fairy material, break into the Golden Core Realm, and then face this big monster, you can rub it round and pinch it flat.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou raised the magic sword, used the power of the sword field and the sun god, set up a magic circle barrier, and sealed off the space around the flying boat, and then told the disciples the news they had found.

Except for the possible truth about the great monster from outside the territory, Baiyunlou did not hide any other information, and let everyone know everything.

"Haiyue, is Donglai Kingdom in such a mess now?" Junior Sister Xia asked curiously.

"Compared to Daxia, it's much more chaotic... In recent months, that big monster seems to be looking for the whereabouts of the mermaid people, so Haiyue didn't dare to go to Donglai country anymore."

At this time, the little fat man interjected: "Brother, in this way, the matter of the sea monster at the mouth of the Xuanhe River has been thoroughly investigated."

"You can say that." Bai Yunlou nodded.

"According to what the octopus said, a total of five sea monsters have received instructions to go to the rivers and lakes of the human race, not to reveal their bodies, and secretly devour the luck of the human race." The little fat man actively participated in the discussion.

"The demon eel was wounded, and the instructions it received were not comprehensive enough, so that he ordered his demon clan to go to the mouth of the Xuanhe River to make trouble, showing his figure, but the eel demon has been completely abolished, so there is no need to worry about it."

"Exactly." The little fat man spoke more and more smoothly, Bai Yunlou nodded, and replied affirmatively, motioning the little fat man to continue talking.

The little fat man looked quite excited, and then said: "The turtle monster has always been his own, so don't worry about it."

"After the octopus is subdued by the second sister, there will be no ambiguity. Just tell me, those sea monsters who sneaked into the Xuanbing River and the Qianjiang River will not have any moths."

"The other two sea monsters, Bazhuo also said, will obey the orders of the big monster. Since they are not allowed to show their true colors in the world, they will definitely act according to the orders."

Finally, the little fat man asked uncertainly: "Brother, it's just that those sea monsters sneaked into the rivers and lakes of Daxia and devoured some luck of the human race. How will it affect my Daxia?"

Bai Yunlou said with a smile: "Don't worry about this. As long as you don't show your true form in the human race, it won't have any impact on the human race. At most, you will compete with the water monsters in the river."

"Besides, Daxia's human luck is not so simple. If you eat too much, the sea monster will gradually recognize the human race. In fact, it is not a bad thing."

Hearing the elder brother's words, the little fat man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, his face became even brighter, and he continued: "Eldest brother, since that's the case, how about the remaining two sea monsters visit slowly? , I didn’t feel very carefully about the scenery on the bottom of the sea and on the sea.”

"When I passed by a seabed reef forest in the morning, my junior felt the breath of the Lingshi mine, and even saw several rare and rare treasures. If you walk slowly, you can not only increase your knowledge, but also gain more. Wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone to find some treasures from the Eastern Sea.”

"It will take three or four days for the old teacher of poetry and prose to get to Haoranzong, so let's not be in a hurry."

Seeing the little fat man talking eloquently, Bai Yunlou kept smiling and listening quietly, and after he finished speaking, he said: "Fei Yang's words are reasonable, just take what my junior brother said."

The little fat man's mind, Baiyun Tower is very clear, he just wants to stay in the East China Sea for two more days, and accompany Luo Li to see the magnificent scenery of the East China Sea.

In addition, he may also want to take this opportunity to get used to Xuanjia more. After all, if he goes to the Haoran Sect two days earlier, he may face the Great Elder Qingqiu two days earlier.

Although the eight claws were subdued~www.readwn.com~, Baiyunlou did not take the eight claws with him, but let him stay where he was, waiting for the command of the faceless monster.

If you get the order, you can pass it on to Junior Sister Xia in time.

After instructing the eight claws, everyone set off again to escape to the next sea monster.

This time, Baiyun Tower slightly adjusted the forward direction of the flying boat, and it floated up a little, and the whole flying boat immediately lit up.

As the speed of the flying boat slowed down, the scenery in the sea became clearer. All kinds of sea creatures slowly swam past the flying boat, and the trip to the East China Sea immediately became a sightseeing trip.

Although the boat was slowing down, the disciples of the academy didn't really take a break to look at the scenery. After watching for a while, they got busy with their own work.

Headmaster Bai looked at the group of academy disciples in relief, and then took out a pile of raw materials of Xuanjia pieces, condensed out the sword gang and began to temper them with hammers.

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