There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 570: Cloud Stepping Spirit Beast

"The Novel of Xianlou in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

Walking at sunrise and resting at sunset, Sect Master Bai simply set the itinerary according to the habits of the human race.

Time flies, and three days passed by in a hurry, the fourth sea monster has already been subdued, and the arrangements are properly made.

In the early morning of this day, when the sun was rising, the flying boat soared from the sea and fled to mid-air.

Looking at the mist with a radius of more than ten miles on the sea in the distance, Baiyunlou slowly stopped the flying boat in mid-air.

The habitat of the last sea monster has finally arrived.

At this time, outside the flying boat, two figures flashed out of nowhere, one of them was the little fox demon Luo Li.

The other body is possessed by Xuanjia, carrying a wide black giant sword, it is the little fat man.

Knowing the little fat man's thoughts, Baiyunlou took the time to hammer and temper all the remaining Xuanjia pieces. The magic circle on it was finally formed after several derivations and adjustments. The overall effect is very good.

On a whim, Baiyunlou used the impurities left by the smelting of black gold and precious materials, mixed them together and smelted them with real fire, and finally smelted them into a wide sword with a hollow inside.

The little fat man's meteoric iron great sword was inserted into it, forming a black black black gold giant sword, paired with a black armor, it looked very domineering and mighty.

This black gold giant sword is made of many kinds of accompanying precious materials of black gold, the body of the sword is extremely tough, so Baiyunlou carved many condensing circles on it, and when the sword energy is thrown out, it will be condensed again by itself. The power of Qi will also increase a bit.

It's just that the material of the sword body is very mixed, and when the sword energy and sword gang are thrown out, it is very easy to go astray.

However, the sword qi and the sword can move with the thought, even if it misses, it can also turn back and cut to where the thought is pointing, so it has little effect when used.

And with this change, the little fat man's Blast Wind sword move has been brought to the extreme, and the Sword Gang sword energy that he cut out is even more erratic with the wind.

Having obtained a complete set of Xuanjia pieces and Xuanjin Great Sword, the little fat man was so happy that he stayed up all night, went into the sky and entered the sea, and practiced for a whole night. By this morning, he had initially mastered the Xuanjia's imperial envoy method.

With Xuanjia, the power of protection is much stronger, and the speed of escape is several times faster than that of Yujian, and it can also follow the momentum of flight to increase the power of Jian Gang's sword energy.

Luo Li has been by the little fat man's side for the past two days, sometimes in a daze, and sometimes accompanies the little fat man to learn from each other, and every time he makes a move, he is very measured.

The little fat man was able to adapt to Xuanjia so quickly, and Luo Li also had a lot of credit.

After the flying boat came to a steady stop, Baiyunlou praised the little fat man and turned to look at the sea behind the flying boat.

On the flying boat this time, except for Junior Sister Xia who was sleeping on the cloud bed in the back cabin, the rest of the disciples were running all the way on the sea for morning exercises.

The two figures escaping at the front were each riding a spirit beast. The man was dressed in white, riding on a snow-patterned tiger, and he was very handsome.

The woman is dressed in red, standing on the back of the Tunyun Beast, with a heroic appearance.

The two spirit beasts took the two of them up on the clouds, and headed straight for the flying boat in mid-air, flying all the way to the side of the little fat man before stopping.

Although Luo Yu and Cai Wei have been obsessed with each other for the past few days, they have not given up on their practice.

Since Caiwei accidentally learned of Chen Shimei's method of enlightenment that day, her thoughts have been very smooth in the past few days, and everything she sees is a bit pleasing to the eye. Looking at the vast scenery of the East China Sea, her mood seems to have broken through.

He even created a set of wide opening and closing whip techniques by taking advantage of the cirrus cloud piercing force of the high-level spiritual weapon thorn rattan whip, which is full of power when combined with not weak cultivation.

Luo Yu has become even more complacent these past few days, with high spirits. After a lot of painstaking practice, the Pofeng spear technique has truly broken through to the state of great perfection, and the spear technique moves seem to blend into the wind.

In the words of Master Bai, it means that the marksmanship fits the Dao mark of the wind, but Master Bai will never tell Mr. Luo such profound praise, lest he destroy his Dao heart that he has worked so hard to build up. .

Although Luo Yu's breakthrough in marksmanship made Luo Yu feel at ease, what really made Luo Yu feel at ease was finding out the cloud-climbing technique of the imperial envoy White Jade Gourd.

Ever since the big white jade gourd swallowed a cloud magic weapon, a solid cloud of mist has also been condensed inside it.

After Luo Yu's cultivation broke through the foundation-building stage, he was able to read the White Jade Gourd, the imperial envoy, sitting cross-legged on the big belly of the gourd, and looked a little immortal, but Luo Yu always felt that it was not powerful enough.

After some trials, Luo Yu also figured out a way to escape, as long as the big white jade gourd is carried on the back, the big gourd can spray out clouds and mist, allowing Luo Yu's imperial envoy to fly away at will.

This method of flying and escaping is much quicker, and it looks more immortal. If it weren't for the fact that carrying a huge gourd on the back really hurts the image, Luo Yu would be satisfied.

In the end, Caiwei suggested that she try it with the beast-controlling method of the Xuanling School, and passed on Luo Yu the mysterious magic power of the Xuanling School, the beast-controlling heart formula.

Perhaps because of the cooperation of the Snow-patterned Tiger, Luo Yu quickly started to practice the Beast Control Art, and also successfully condensed a breath of divine soul into the Snow-patterned Tiger's demon soul.

The Beast Control Heart Art of the Xuanling Sect is very mysterious. As long as it is successfully performed on spirit beasts, monks can understand the thoughts of spirit beasts, and can also use their minds to control the soul-refined monsters.

This snow-patterned tiger was originally very timid, but after being refined by Luo Yu's Beast Control Art, it seemed that its courage increased sharply. Not only did it cooperate with its master to try various strange commands, but it even regained a bit of calmness and domineering when walking and running.

After some trials, Luo Yu finally found the most satisfying method of escaping in the air.

Let the snow-patterned tiger carry the big white jade gourd on its back, and the snow-patterned tiger's soul has its own soul breath, so that the white jade gourd can spray out clouds through the soul of the spirit beast.

The most interesting thing is that due to the fusion of spirit, soul and breath, Luo Yu does not need to use his thoughts to control the clouds and mists. He only needs to use his thoughts to call out, and the Snow-patterned Tiger will use his thoughts to control the clouds and mists, and walk on the clouds at will.

In this way, Luo Yu saved a lot of worry. The most important thing was that he was riding on the snow-patterned tiger, holding a long spear, which was very powerful.

You don't need to bring the snow-patterned tiger with you all day, within tens of miles, you can summon the snow-patterned tiger with just one This is just a beginner's magical power of beast control.

With breakthroughs in cultivation and beast control techniques, this range will also expand.

The technique of soaring the clouds that he explored not only made Luo Yu's heart feel better, but also allowed Xue Wenhu to break through the mental barrier.

This time following the trip, Xuewenhu's cognition was completely broken. Not only did he see the vast starry sky in the sky, he saw the real human world, he also went to the sea to see the underwater world.

In the inheritance of monsters and beasts in the past, it seems that no tiger monster has escaped in the deep sea, seen all kinds of sea monsters, and even tasted the claws of that octopus.

The more he sees, the more he understands the horror of ignorance. Realizing his own insignificance, Xuewenhu feels a little inferior.

However, when Master Luo Yu performed the Beast Control Art, with the integration of spirit and soul, Xue Wenhu's mind seemed to have transformed, and he gained confidence in an instant.

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