There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 754: Calligraphy and painting

Sensing this change, Baiyunlou felt a lot more at ease, with Junior Sister Ziyan accompanying her, it felt a lot safer.

While he was thinking, Baiyunlou's mind moved slightly, and he sat in front of the table, looking at the king's lord.

To Baiyunlou's surprise, the King's eyes turned to the southern sky, where the two junior sisters fled.

In an instant, Baiyun Tower came to his senses. This is the land of the Lord, and he knows all the troubles.

So..., just as I was thinking about it, I felt those two sharp eyes turn over.

"The painting is finished..." Baiyunlou stood up without hesitation, picked up the scroll and walked towards the calligraphy and painting review desk.

At this time, the other painting students had already handed in their paintings and completed their ratings. The only one left who hadn't been rated was Baiyunlou.

Seeing that the student who had already finished painting but had been closing his eyes to meditate finally handed in the painting, several calligraphers and painters immediately gathered around to evaluate together.

After handing in the paintings, Baiyunlou immediately went back to the table and sat down without looking sideways, as if quietly waiting for the result of the evaluation.

In fact, Baiyunlou used the air machine to pass on the idea to the little junior sister in an instant, and didn't say anything about the king's induction, but just let her go early and return early, so as not to worry.

Junior Sister Xia obediently agreed to the matter.

At the time of Baiyunlou's interrogation, several old gentlemen had already indulged in the calligraphy and painting room, and all of them looked dull, as if they had escaped into the painting.

After a while, a muffled groan came, waking up several old gentlemen reviewing paintings and calligraphy, but Baiyunlou always felt that the groan was directed at him.

"This handwriting is full of charm and extraordinary momentum. This son should be the chief calligrapher."

"Brother Han, this is a painting. Why are you here to join in the fun? Did you see the signature? This is the little friend of Yunlou from Xinlu Academy."

"Yeah, I went to Xinlu Academy once before, and I saw those paintings, and I was shocked for a while. The shape and spirit of this painting seem to have entered the realm of transformation. It is more than just the chief painter of this palace examination. , the old man has been painting for decades, I am amazed, amazed..."

"Everyone, take a look at this character, it is already integrated with the artistic conception of this painting, and it has more charm. Could it be that this character cannot be called the chief calligrapher?"


"Everyone, what Brother Han said is also reasonable. Calligraphy and painting belong to one family since ancient times. From my point of view, I simply give him the title of master of both calligraphy and painting. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

"That's a good proposal. The Lord of the Kingdom also said, let me wait for the old guy to broaden his horizons, and don't always be limited by the old ideas. The old man seconded this title of calligraphy and painting."


The voices of these old gentlemen's arguments were not loud, but they were still heard clearly by Baiyunlou, especially when the old gentleman mentioned the king, he clearly sensed that the breath around the king's body was stagnant.

It seemed that Emperor Xia had really started to pay attention to him a long time ago, now that these old gentlemen have made it difficult for him to keep a low profile, Bai Yunlou sighed, and simply let go of his mind.

Anyway, the lord of the country seems to have known his own nature long ago, so let him do as he pleases, Xiao Chaoyang's father...

Thinking of it this way, the anxiety in Baiyunlou's mind disappeared, and unconsciously, a gust of wind aura slowly emerged, giving him a sense of freedom and clarity.

Not long after, two rosters were displayed on the tall table next to Emperor Xia. Undoubtedly, one was for the evaluation of policy questions, and the other was for evaluation of course selection.

When he was just selecting the courses, Emperor Xia had been standing on the white jade steps in front of the hall to watch. He knew the pros and cons of each class well, turned his head and glanced at the two evaluations, nodded slightly, then picked up the roster and personally Roll your name.

Cewen selected the top ten candidates, but the top ten subjects were selected directly.

Every time Emperor Xia called out his name, the corresponding student immediately went to the front of the steps to salute.

Out of 108 people, 17 people were finally called out, and among them, the little fat man not only entered the top ten in strategy questions, but also won the first place in martial arts.

Among the ten elective courses, martial arts is quite special, the one who wins the palace examination is not called the chief, but the champion of martial arts.

In this way, Nangong Feiyang was the first to win the title of No. 1 Scholar in the palace examination, although it was only the No. 1 Scholar in Wushu.

Naturally, Baiyun Tower also entered the top ten of policy questions, and even won the title of calligraphy and painting with a painting, which attracted a lot of voices in front of the hall.

To Baiyunlou's delight, two of the three brothers and sisters he met before the palace examination were named.

A senior named Chen Lan entered the top ten of the policy questions, and another senior sister won the chief of the music theory class. At that time, the wonderful sound of the pipa attracted the souls of Baiyunlou to listen.

After the roll call, Emperor Xia paused for a while, and said loudly: "The rest of them will all be named as bachelors in front of the hall, and they will be given cloud-patterned bachelor's robes."

"Those who are called, enter the palace."

After saying that, Emperor Xia waved his sleeves, turned around and walked towards the main hall of the palace.

Immediately, the square in front of the hall became lively, a row of maids entered the arena holding wooden trays, and several old gentlemen from the Imperial College personally awarded the talisman cards to the scholars in front of the hall.

The two Imperial City Guards stepped forward and led the students who were called into the main hall, and accepted Emperor Xia's advice and rewards.

Hearing the name of the senior brother twice in a row, Xia Zhaoyang smiled with joy, and secretly sent a message to the senior senior brother, saying that he had already told Aunt the good news, and that the Bai family would be very lively, double happiness.

Entering the main hall, it is not as magnificent as Baiyun Tower imagined before, but extremely solemn and solemn.

After the soul reintegrated into the human world, Baiyun Tower stood in this hall, and could feel the weight of responsibility more clearly.

Standing in the hall, every word and deed seems to be able to affect the people and the destiny of the country. It really is not so easy to be the lord of a country.

There is a very mysterious power of rules in this It will make people in the hall feel oppressed. If you don't have a certain state of mind and cultivation, you will easily lose your words in the face of interrogation.

To say that the most relaxed ones are the seven chiefs of the palace examination division, who went to the palace only to receive the award and to listen to the policy questions. This kind of extraordinary experience can be described as a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

However, most of the people who can go to the hall are people with extraordinary state of mind. Even the dozen or so students who have just entered the hall are all well-read books, so there should be no problem in answering questions when they are in the hall.

Just as he was thinking about this, Baiyunlou suddenly noticed that the little fat man who was following him was short of breath and his mind was a little unsteady.

After a little induction, Li Li knew the reason, this little fat man's ecstasy had happened again, he had already won the title of champion of martial arts, and even broke into the top ten in the palace examination by accident, he was so excited for a while, it was inevitable that he was a little carried away.

I was just about to pass on a reminder, but after a little thought, Baiyunlou still pressed the thought, some problems still have to be faced by myself after all.

"Nangong Feiyang, why did you answer this emperor's question like this?" A clear voice sounded in the hall, Xia Huang picked up the article to read, and asked casually.

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