There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 755: Chaoyang rectification

Hearing Xia Huang's interrogation words suddenly, the little fat man was stunned immediately, he didn't feel it when he was proud just now, this time thinking about the article written by Ce Wen, he only felt that his thoughts were extremely heavy, and it was difficult to recall a few words in the article.

Although the little fat man has practiced the Concentration Art to a small degree, it is still not enough under the power of the rules of this hall.

Fortunately, I vaguely remembered that the article I wrote had a great connection with Haoran's poems and essays. After all, the little fat man is a person who has seen the world. After a slight pause, he gave up the memory and said casually:

"Back to Emperor Xia, the students thought that my Great Xia has been passed down for thousands of years, with a vast land and rich resources, a large number of talents, and a profound foundation of poetry and prose. It is necessary to spread poetry and prose all over the world, so that people from other states and even monster races can appreciate my Great Xia's demeanor."

"And you can use poetry to open up the wisdom of all people in the world and make Kyushu more stable and peaceful."

Seeing Emperor Xia nodded slightly, the little fat man didn't give him another chance to ask questions, so he simply recited poems in the hall based on his insights from the Mingyue Tower the night before yesterday.

The tone of his reciting is ups and downs, with a bit of a sense of poetry and prose, which is quite resonant, and Xia Huang, who listened to it, could not help but pat the table gently in harmony.

The more the little fat man recited, the more confident he became, and his mind became clearer. After reciting the nine poems, he immediately stopped speaking, bowed and bowed, and then stepped aside.

Bai Yunlou couldn't help secretly praising this behavior for being tactful and accepting as soon as it was good. After this incident, the little fat man's mood must also be improved.

"Okay." Emperor Xia praised, made a note on the roster, and took another article to question.

The ten articles were placed on the desk one by one, and the Baiyun Building secretly operated the Tianyantong to observe, and immediately saw the clues.

These articles are all extraordinary, with their own energy overflowing, and three articles even condense the appearance of luck, and the one with the strongest luck is his mysterious article that will bring peace to the world.

The articles on this desk are also arranged one by one according to the order of rating, and his volume is impressively ranked first. If there is no accident, the name of the number one scholar must be his own.

However, these rankings of qi and luck are only temporary. After some observation, Baiyun Tower saw more subtle changes.

The little fat man who was originally at the bottom was quick to respond on the spot. Maybe the point of view mentioned in the article was in line with Emperor Xia's wishes. With Emperor Xia's generous comments, the momentum of this article has been rising steadily, and it has actually been promoted to the fourth position .

The next few people answered the questions in a fairly standard manner, and the answers to the questions were not too brilliant. After the articles were annotated, their aura did not change much.

When it was the turn of the third student, his words were accurate and refined, and he liked to quote the classics. It sounded like he came from a scholarly family, but he was not sticking to old ideas.

Its unique perspective and novel point of view brighten the eyes of Baiyun Tower.

Sure enough, his words of response were affirmed by Emperor Xia, and under the large comments, the luck of the policy question article skyrocketed, surpassing Chen Lan who was second in one fell swoop.

However, Chen Lan who followed was even more eye-opening. He was neither humble nor overbearing in the hall, and talked with eloquence.

Starting from an ordinary family in the Great Xia Kingdom, the changes in the past year and the reasons are described vividly.

Then, from one village to one county, one prefecture to one county, until the changes of the entire Great Xia Kingdom were explained thoroughly, everyone in the hall who heard it was all sighing.

Well-organized government, harmonious people, prosperous development, this is Chen Lan's evaluation of Daxia today, and it also emphasizes the extraordinary role played by Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce and Chaoyang Post News.

In the end, Chen Lan even directly stated his ambition. After this palace examination, no matter what his performance was, he hoped to join the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and together with that group of like-minded people, seek peace for Great Xia and well-being for all people.

As soon as this remark came out, the officials were in an uproar, such a talent, actually going to a chamber of commerce.

"My dear friends, what do you think of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce?" Emperor Xia's Qingyue voice came out, and the hall fell silent for a moment.

After a while, all the ministers expressed their opinions, without too many scruples in their conversations, and Baiyunlou nodded secretly when they heard it. From this, it can be seen that Emperor Xia is extremely open-minded.

The discussion among these ministers opened the eyes of Chief Bai. A minister directly said that the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce is now the only one, and there are great hidden dangers, and the court needs to intervene in time to restrict and control it.

This view even attracted the approval of many ministers.

"Don't be impatient, gentlemen. It just so happens that the boss of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce is in the hall. If you have any opinions, you can directly raise them."

Xia Huang sat on the high platform, turned his head to Nangong Feiyang and said, "Feiyang, you, the boss of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, should show your face and explain a thing or two?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was even more uproar in the court.

"The boss of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce is actually the second boy of the Nangong family..."

"I have guessed before that the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce has developed so rapidly that it has something to do with the Nangong Family..."

"I thought there was Xinlu Academy behind it, but it turned out to be the Nangong family..."

"Seniors..." The little fat man's face was flushed red with anger, and in desperation, he used a little power of the soul to suppress the aura of the officials.

"Lord Xiahuang, seniors, students don't dare to pretend to be the big boss of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, at most... that is, a person in charge of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce."

At this moment, Xia Chaoyang, who had been standing quietly watching in the corner, stepped forward and said crisply: "The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce was founded by a few of our classmates and friends, and now it is not only owned by a few people, nor owned by a certain family." , but belongs to the entire Daxia Kingdom, and even the Chamber of Commerce shared by the entire human world."

"Princess Wanan..."

"Princess Wanan..."

The princess of the court, who seldom showed her face, suddenly stood up and made a sound. The officials were surprised and stepped forward to salute.

"Chaoyang, come to the stage." Emperor Xia stood up and called loudly, his face was full of relief.

Turning his head and seeing the encouraging eyes of his elder brother, Xia Zhaoyang felt very stable in his mind, then turned around and walked up the jade steps to the dragon table on the high platform in the hall, standing beside his father, his momentum gradually increased.

"At the beginning of last Xiyue went to study at Xinlu Academy alone. It took a year and a half to complete seven courses, all of which were top-ranked."

After a slight pause, Emperor Xia continued: "During my studies, I personally went to the desert, planted grass, expanded oases, established the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and set up a charity hall."

"Now that I have returned from my studies, from today onwards, I will be named Chaoyang, and I will become the eldest princess of Chaoyang in Daxia."

Emperor Xia's voice shook the court, and his words came true.

"Greetings to Princess Chaoyang..." All the ministers and students bowed in unison.

"My dear friends, do you still have objections to the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce?" Emperor Xia asked gently.

"No objection..."

"No objection..."

The Chamber of Commerce founded by Princess Daxia is still very popular among the people. Even if the family is the only one, there is no objection from the ministers.

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