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Maybe this magic crow was born with a bit of intelligence, and was passed down as the magic pet of Lord Demon God by the demon people of Nanzhou.

Many magic cities still have totems of magic crows, and even carved stone statues of magic crows are placed next to the stone statue of Lord Demon God to worship together.

From Baiyunlou's point of view, these magic crows are not magic pets, but an opportunity to cover up the hidden formation.

This opportunity is also related to the magic sword that Jing Wuxin cultivated. After the sword intent of Dzogchen merged into the magic energy, the magic energy surged, and he could hide in the magic energy at any time, which was quite extraordinary.

But what Baiyunlou wanted Jing Wuxin to do was to teach the cultivation method of this magic sword.

Originally, Killer Jing refused sternly, but with the guidance of Master Bai, he finally accepted this task that was difficult to refuse.

This method of teaching is actually nothing, it is to catch a magic crow, domesticate it into a magic pet, and then let the magic crow hover above the head when practicing, and use the magic energy inspired by the magic crow to refine the magic sword and sword intent.

Headmaster Bai directly stated to Jing Wuxin that this method is just a gimmick, but it is actually a method of selling magic pets. With the title of the number one magic sword in the Demon Realm, he will definitely be able to make a lot of money.

If any demon cultivator doubts that this method is ineffective, then say that it is not enough time to practice. After all, Killer Jing has only practiced an invisible magic sword for more than ten years.

Of course, during the training, Baiyunlou took out a large number of magic beads, which immediately made Jing Wuxin understand the benefits of this task very thoroughly, and even made many suggestions.

After Jing Wuxin took over the task, Baiyunlou felt relieved, and under the guise of demonizing sword intent, it was estimated that the demon would not be able to see anything.

The thing that manifested from the dark array was deduced by Baiyun Tower, and a sword light with surging demonic energy was directly manifested in the eyes of Jiuding Dazhen.

Then use Jing Wuxin's name to refine a large group of magic crows, and then they will circle around the formation eye endlessly. The aura driven by it can not only cover up the operation of the dark formation, but also explain the origin of the magic sword manifested in the formation eye. Therefore, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After Jing Wuxin responded to the matter, it seemed that he had finally realized something, and asked about the real purpose of this big move in his mind.

Up to now, Baiyun Tower no longer hides it, so as not to cause more twists and turns due to misunderstanding, and then asked Jing Wuxin, if this dark and gloomy demon sky is just a cage, if the demon **** just treats demon cultivators as pigs and dogs in captivity, what is it? Let it be slaughtered, or stand up and draw your sword...

Jing Wuxin, who didn't have a trace of evil thoughts in his mind, made a choice without hesitation. Seeing the truth, the sword energy concentrated in the sea of ​​consciousness directly transformed into a sword gang.

To be able to practice Qingyunmen's sword art secretly to the great perfection in Nanzhou, where the demonic energy is everywhere, his mind is naturally extraordinary. Although his speech and behavior are full of demonic nature, it does not affect his original mind that has been honed for more than ten years.

After all, it is the human race...

The arrangements for the secret formation in Nanzhou were properly arranged, and the formation of the formation in Kyushu was finally completed.

In the end, the location of the battle was chosen in the Imperial City of Kyoto. This was a life-and-death battle. Emperor Xia decided to bet on the fate of the country, and Baiyun Tower naturally came true.

There is the head of the mountain, the Emperor Xia, and nearly half of the masters of the Great Xia Kingdom gathered in the capital, and Baiyun Tower will also leave a soul to help in the formation, which should be thoughtful.

After more than a year of derivation of the Jiuding Soul Refinement Formation, Baiyun Tower has almost mastered it, so it was able to successfully build the Kyushu Formation.

With the strength of the soul, the sea of ​​consciousness has expanded to a radius of 20,000 miles. With the repaired dome mask of the first heaven, the body of the split soul can almost escape in the human world at will.

Baiyun Tower deliberately left three souls outside to cope with emergencies.

Now the dome mask of the first heaven, only the sky over Nanzhou can't be completely repaired, where the devil's energy comes out, and it is the chief culprit that caused these cracks in the heaven.

After some attempts, Baiyun Tower suspended the repair of the dome over Nanzhou, because the time to kill the demons is not far away.

Only a few core members of the Demon Slaying Society know the specific period of exterminating demons. What they secretly preach is that when the eyes of the sky are wide open, it will be the time to exterminate demons.

Taking advantage of the promotion of poetry and prose, the sound magic weapon has already spread to most of the states. Needless to say, the Daxia Kingdom, Dahe Kingdom, Daxi Kingdom, and Mingzhou have all been deployed in place.

With this sound magic weapon paving the way, the matter of exterminating demons is even more powerful, and many confidential matters do not need to be announced in advance among the people.

With the overt and covert advocacy and support of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, wave after wave of cultivation trends have set off in the world of human cultivation.

All the Spirit Gathering Immortal Arrays customized by the various sects are in place, and the realm-breaking pills and the illusionary arrays for enlightenment have become ways for monks to improve their cultivation.

Therefore, in the past six months, not only the master Bai's cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, but also the cultivation bases of all Qingyun sect disciples and the entire cultivation world have improved, except for the monks from Donglai Kingdom.

Although Donglai Kingdom declared that it was a vassal state of Daxia, it still extremely rejected the study of Daxia characters and poems.

For monks who don't recite the Haoran Sutra, it may be in vain for them to improve their cultivation. The Heavenly Demon, the head of Bai Da gave an order to completely cut off the communication with the monks of Donglai Kingdom, and almost no spirit stones flowed into Donglai. .

While the monks of the Donglai Kingdom were fending for themselves, the cultivation bases of the monks of the Great Xia Kingdom continued to break through.

Master Juehai of Tianyin Temple breaks into the Arhat Realm, and his strength has greatly improved. He originally planned to go to the imperial city of Kyoto to help defend the battle, but was persuaded by Baiyunlou to guard Tianyin Temple with peace of mind.

The Heavenly Demon once coveted the ghosts under the Xuanbing Waterfall, so it's hard to guarantee that it won't take advantage of the chaos this time.

With the help of the Immortal Formation, most of the head elders of the various sects have grown in strength. Although they have not been able to become Earth Immortals, their cultivation progress is also rapid, and several of them have condensed the body of Yuanshen.

In comparison, the disciples of the Qingyun Sect are even more blessed. The speed of their cultivation level is improved, which is beyond the reach of the disciples of the ordinary practice sects.

Many sects have also set up immortal formations, there is no shortage of pills, and even phantom formations for refining the mind, but they still can't keep up with the progress of Qingyunmen disciples' cultivation.

Familiar sects couldn't resist sending their disciples to Qingyunmen ~www.readwn.com~ to discuss the Tao, but they had to be taught by the master, and most of them lasted for a month or two.

Elder Xiaojing never refused to come, he was worried that no one under his command would be available, but now it was like sending charcoal in the snow.

Anyway, most of the cultivation of Qingyunmen disciples is not hard work, and half of the time is spent practicing outside.

The so-called guests do as they please, and the disciples who come to discuss and discuss the Dao must experience and act together with the disciples of the Qingyun Sect.

Originally, those young disciples from other sects thought that going out to practice would delay their cultivation, but after practicing with the Qingyunmen disciples for a period of time, their cultivation base also began to improve rapidly.

Only after some experience did I realize that going out to practice can not only temper the mind, but also won't delay the cultivation. These Qingyunmen disciples will carry a whole set of cultivation magic weapons with them.

They also swallowed pills, but these Qingyunmen disciples used the best ones.

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