There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 852: National luck skyrocketed

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It is also a phantom formation to refine the mind, Qingyunmen's Asking Heart Pavilion is simply heart-breaking, but those Qingyunmen disciples can continue to challenge the limit and break out of the phantom formation.

And every time they entered the battle, those Qingyunmen disciples would take off the spirit weapon between the eyebrows. I heard that the spirit weapon can also concentrate the mind, and the Qingyunmen disciples directly discarded it in order to better cultivate their state of mind.

If these can be regarded as differences in sect background, what is even more admirable is the practice of entering the immortal array.

The same is to practice in the fairy formation, and the young disciples of other sects will jump out of the fairy formation when they feel that they cannot bear it. Most of the disciples of the Qingyun sect are sent out by the fairy formation after being dizzy and fainted.

After deeply reflecting on the gap, these little disciples asked their respective sects for help one after another. Outfits are indispensable for going out to practice, top-grade pills must be equipped, and spiritual artifact forehead ornaments are also very good.

Several sects attached great importance to this kind of request, and quickly satisfied most of the needs, but all the spirit weapon forehead ornaments were rejected.

The spiritual weapon refined by Master Bai himself is regarded as a treasure by the several masters. If they can get it, it will be the turn of these juniors.

The importance of the sect still made these young disciples deeply moved, and subtly, they also learned a little bit of the fearless disposition of Qing Yunmen disciples, and their cultivation base also began to skyrocket.

In fact, these young disciples of Qingyunmen also have their own troubles. Although it is gratifying to break through the realm of cultivation, it is not as good as the progress of the academy.

All the disciples of the Qingyun Sect held their breaths, and wanted to show off their strengths in this year's palace examination.

Since last year, the Emperor Xia's decree was passed down to the world, and the Kyushu Examination was set up to invite students from Kyushu to come to the Great Xia. Regardless of the state or country, they are treated equally and the best talents are selected.

Those who are outstanding in the examination can enter the imperial city to participate in the palace examination.

The most exciting thing for Kyushu students is that there is no upper limit on the number of places in the imperial examination, except that poetry and essays need to meet the most basic bottom line.

The implication is that as long as there is a skill, it is possible to become a blockbuster in front of the palace.

Moreover, many practical items have been added to the palace examination, which is also much more interesting.

Such as quick calculation, refining equipment, alchemy, etc., it can be said that talents in urgent need of all walks of life will be involved.

There are also some events that require venues, such as light work, swimming and other competitions, this time they have also become subjects for the imperial examination.

Of course, for the sake of proper fairness and observability, these competitive events will ban supernatural powers and fairy arts.

In order to increase the popularity of this imperial examination, Emperor Xia made another decree before the imperial examination, saying that he would invite all the citizens of the Imperial City of Kyoto to witness the imperial examination.

At that time, after hearing the decree, most people in Kyushu thought Emperor Xia was joking, but it still caused a great commotion.

Now that the test has passed, Emperor Xia has also fulfilled his promise. All the city residents who received the talisman experienced the spectacular scene of watching tens of thousands of people test.

During the test, Emperor Xia showed off his magical powers and pulled all the citizens holding the talisman cards into the other space.

It was also when Baiyun Building finished repairing the dome mask of the entire Daxia, the other space of the Imperial City of Kyoto began to change.

In addition to expanding to the entire border of Great Xia, the imperial city of Kyoto manifested in the space can change according to Emperor Xia's thoughts. Of course, these changes require effort to realize.

After learning about the situation of the test, the countries of Kyushu were completely excited, and even King Dahe had the idea of ​​going to the Great Xia Imperial City to observe the ceremony.

Even the well-informed disciples of the Qingyun sect were shocked by such a battle.

The disciples of Qingyunmen who showed their talents in the general examination all entered the palace examination, but they also saw the problem, most of them knew what kind of opponents they would face in the palace examination.

And that opponent is the Qingyunmen disciples themselves, it is easy to compete for the chief position, but when two or more Qingyunmen disciples are in the same arena, it will be extremely tragic, after all, they are all masters.

Elder Xiaojing said that a disciple who doesn't want to be the chief is not a good disciple, so most of the disciples of Qingyunmen decided to arrange the examination items of the palace examination as a whole after some calculations.

It doesn't matter if you don't study, learn now.

With a strong spiritual realm and comprehension ability, he can learn everything quickly anyway.

What made Master Bai speechless the most was that Caiwei actually practiced the art of driving chariots in order to compete for the chief.

As the daughter of the head teacher of the Xuanling Sect, she has a lot of experience in the way of controlling beasts, and she looks decent when driving the magic weapon carriage.

On the winding horse racing track specially arranged for him in Qingyun Gate, he gallops and gallops, with a heroic posture, which does not look like a milk baby bride.

Now more than half a year has passed, the little Ziwen of the Bai family is about to turn one year old, and the little ones of Caiwei and Luo Yu are also almost half a year old.

When the Luo family's baby was born, the Luo family compound was very noisy.

Head Master Bai brought a group of disciples from Qingyun Sect to the scene to congratulate each other. The teaching students of the academy and distant relatives and neighbors from Jiangnan Mansion also came to congratulate.

The Luo family got a fat boy, and the happiest thing was General Luo, who seldom took vacations. He made an exception and asked the Ministry of War for three months to study before rushing to the north a few days ago.

The fact that the general had a grandson made the people of Xia happy, but what really excited the people of the country was that Emperor Xia had heirs one after another.

In the past two months, one queen and seven concubines gave birth to three princes and five princesses one after another, which can be regarded as shocking Kyushu, and also made the national fortune of the Great Xia Kingdom soar.

Coupled with the fact that envoys and students from various states rushed to the imperial city of Kyoto one after another, the luck of the imperial city seemed real, which also gave Baiyun Tower a lot of confidence in the upcoming battle of killing demons.

What is gratifying is that with the birth of the princes and daughters, the eight dragon eggs hatched simultaneously overnight in the Treasure Hall of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

At that time, several people in Baiyunlou were still in the palace to congratulate the birth of the last little princess, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly felt the sensation, and hurriedly dragged his senior brother from the palace back to the Treasure Hall.

Eight little dragons that are more than a foot long swim longitudinally in the treasure hall, devouring some immortal materials, each of them has a different color, it seems that they have chosen their own attributes when they were born.

Xia Zhaoyang caught eight little and twisted them one by one, and asked the elder brother to check them again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he felt relieved.

Dare to devour fairy materials indiscriminately when he was born, but Xia Zhaoyang was taken aback. After a few words of strict admonition, he took a few little dragons out of the treasure hall.

There is less than half a month before the palace examination, taking this opportunity, Baiyun Tower simply summoned all the members of the Devil Slaying Alliance to the East China Sea Crystal Palace.

In the backyard of the Dragon Palace, the banning array was opened, and the fifth and possibly the last Demon Slaying Conference was held through the illusion of cloud and mist.

After a year of absorption, the current Demon Slayer Alliance is full of talents, there are hundreds of people, and there are more than 20 stewards and deacons.

The matter was of great importance, and the master Bai sent a message, and the stewards and deacons of the Demon Slaying Alliance arrived very neatly. Except for Master Shanchang who was still stationed in the imperial city, all other monks rushed to the place.

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