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Therefore, Baiyun Building has arranged defenders at each formation base, who can not only help the formation to operate, but also protect the formation.

The magic blade broke into the Beihai formation with a shocking momentum, but was easily caught by May Weng in an instant.

Mayon was worried that the magic blade would erupt in the formation, so he wrapped it out of the Beihai formation.

Throwing out the magic blade, the Heavenly Demon was not idle in the Nanzhou formation. He reached out again and took out a magic blade from the void.

The chains of the transformation formation behind him were stretched straight by him, and the rolling divine thunder and sky fire poured down the chains, refining the demon soul of the sky demon.

But the Heavenly Demon didn't seem to care about these consumptions at all, there seemed to be endless demon souls and demon energy in the void to replenish at any time.

The operation of the large formation has doubled, but the aura of the demon has not weakened much.

When the Heavenly Demon appeared, all the demon cultivators in Nanzhou were very excited. After all, the truth about the Demon God was only seen in the classics of the sect.

Although locked by the phantom of the chain and refined by the **** thunder and sky fire, the powerful posture and powerful aura of the sky demon made all the demon cultivators go crazy.

Moxiu always worships the strong, not to mention the Lord Demon God who created the magic power.

All of a sudden, the thoughts of Dao Tao worship merged into the body of the demons in the mid-air, and the demons were greatly benefited, and the breath did not decrease but increased.

"The Soul Refining Formation has doubled its operation, and the aura of the Heavenly Demon has increased by nearly 10 percent."

"Beihai's demon soul exploded, broke away from May Weng's fairy art, and nearly half of the demon soul escaped..., to the south..."

Dongfang Yu calmly reported the movements of the Heavenly Demon and the Demon Blade.

Beihai... Xiao Jing turned her head and glanced at the elder brother, seeing that he was calmer, so she didn't issue any instructions.

Beihai is guarded secretly by the soul of the senior brother, and the senior brother must have other plans.

As he was thinking about it, the demon soul energy that escaped south was blocked by two consecutive blazing swords, and when he turned to flee eastward, he was struck again by a red sword light.

In the end, the demon soul of the transformed demon blade panicked, turned around and fled towards the North Sea.

This time the magic blade's escape speed soared, and it immediately got rid of the powerful sword cultivator, and there was no sword light to hinder it.

As the breath of the demon soul escaped into the North Sea, the North Sea's aura suddenly stagnated, and the powerful magic blade seemed to escape into the mud, and the escape speed became slower and slower.

Seemingly aware of the abnormality, the magic blade fled back, but it was too late, as the speed of escape slowed down, the aura of the devil soul in the magic blade weakened accordingly.

When he was about to escape to the North Sea, an extremely powerful wood spirit burst out, crushing the remaining demon souls.

Sensing that Beihai's mysterious energy was gradually condensing into shape, Baiyunlou couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and directly withdrew Beihai's sub-spirit to the main body.

"Beihai has an unusually powerful air mechanism to help, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being."

"The Soul Refining Formation has operated twice and a half times, but it still cannot suppress the Heavenly Demon."

Dongfang Yu's calm words sounded again.

At this moment, Liu Chen, who had been watching silently, suddenly said, "The heavenly demon is about to erupt in full force, except for Beihai..."

Hearing this, Xiao Jing did not hesitate, and sent out instructions one after another.

As soon as the busy work here was finished, the Heavenly Demon seemed to verify Liu Chen's words, and the flames of the demon immediately exploded, pulling out dozens of powerful magic blades from the void one after another.

Without the slightest pause, in an instant, the Heavenly Demon threw out these magic blades at the same time.

This time, the escape speed of the magic blade skyrocketed again, and Baiyun Tower was running several soul-splitting powers at the same time, so it could barely see clearly.

"Except for Beihai and Zhongzhou, there are magic blades attacking everywhere." Dongfang Yu concentrated on watching the magic blades condensed by the demon one by one.

"The escape speed has doubled. There are abnormalities in Xizhou and Mingzhou. The demonic soul has skyrocketed. It may be hiding the true soul of demonic thoughts."

Hearing this, Xiao Jing immediately issued another order.

Behind an order, there are countless monks and even mortal warriors supporting it.

"Xizhou, the magic blade burst out of the air channel..."

"Mingzhou, the magic blade burst out of the air channel..."

Two consecutive messages came out again.

Baiyunlou noticed the abnormality early in the morning, and a soul that was wandering outside went to Xizhou, and Mingzhou has Ziyan, so there should be no need to bother...

In fact, there is no extra mind, the six bases are successively impacted by the aura of the magic blade, and the aura sent out will inevitably be affected.

If it weren't for Baiyunlou's full concentration and coordination with the power of the dome, the air mechanism sent by the Kyushu formation would have already deviated from the land of Nanzhou.

After the two magic blades broke through the passage of the air machine, they did not immediately flee or scattered thousands of demon souls, but trembled and howled in midair.

When Baiyunlou's souls arrived, the magic blade resisted slightly, and then turned into dozens of magic blade clones and fled in all directions.

This magic blade is hiding the true thoughts of the demon soul, so that it can break through the Qi machine channel halfway, but it is crushed by the rules of heaven on the wall of the channel, and most of the magic thoughts are lost. If it is separated like this, how can it escape the head of Bai? palm.

In the blink of an eye, the souls of Baiyunlou turned into dozens of pure Yang swords, and the embers of the immortal fire burst out, catching up with the dozens of magic blade clones in an instant, and annihilating them one by one.

As soon as Fang finished cutting, a silver ray of light came by the wind, revealing his figure, it was a big tiger full of murderous aura.

This place is not far from Fengleidongtian, it seems that the magic blade over there has been crushed by Duan and Aunt Xia together.

With a slight nod to Duhu, Baiyunlou immediately looked down at Xizhou below.

The whistling of the magic blade came out, and the waves of fluctuations were just magic powers, which could draw out the magic thoughts hidden in the monk's sea of ​​consciousness.

During this period of time, Baiyunlou used Jing Wuxin's demon body to deduce the supernatural powers of the demonic way, but he could perceive a thing or two.

If the evil cultivator hears this sound, not only will his evil thoughts surge, but his magic skills will also greatly increase.

Fortunately, this Xizhou was trained once by Baiyunlou with the help of wind and thunder, and all the evil spirits were wiped out.

Even if there are a few more demon cultivators, Dumb is now connected to the Qi machine of Xizhou, and he can easily detect it...

As soon as he thought about it here, Dui already fled away in a flash, and it seemed that he had really found the breath of the demon cultivator.

Compared with Xizhou's easy response, Mingzhou is much more noisy.

Dongfang Ziyan was very quick to respond to the message from the elder brother~www.readwn.com~ but the escape speed of the magic blade was too fast.

After helping Master Ziyang to stabilize the Mingzhou formation and working together to destroy the magic blade suppressed by the formation, the true soul of the magic thought that broke through the Qi machine channel halfway screamed for a while.

Perhaps Ziyan restrained her soul energy, this magic blade was extremely arrogant, after whistling in Mingzhou for a while, it didn't turn around and flee towards Donglai Kingdom.

But before escaping from Mingzhou, a blazing sword light flashed through the air, and Haoran's sword intent directly locked onto the magic blade.

The magic blade sensed the abnormality, and immediately transformed into dozens, but was instantly suppressed by a powerful air mechanism, and turned into a magic blade again, and then there was a violent collision of air mechanisms.

"Boom boom boom..." Three blazing sword lights flashed in succession, cutting off the magic blade in the void.

Although the magic blade was cut off, its influence has already begun to brew and explode.

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