"The Novel of Xianlou in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

Demonic thoughts are invisible, they live in the chaos, and they are also hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness of ordinary human races.

The thoughts of the human race are chaotic, and demonic thoughts are also mixed in it, which often disturbs people's minds, even monks who are successful in cultivation. Therefore, when monks break through the big realm, they must guard their hearts and prevent demons from haunting them.

And the demonic supernatural powers that the Heavenly Demon used with the Demonic Blade just aroused the demonic thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness of the human race, and strengthened them several times, dozens of times.

Ordinary human beings are attacked by demonic thoughts, and the harm is not great. After all, their strength is limited. However, if monks become possessed by demons in an instant, they can trigger a catastrophe in the world.

Just now there was news of the changes in Xizhou and Mingzhou, Xiaojing has already arranged countermeasures, and began to recite the Haoran Sutra in the sound display magic weapon to help the creatures of the two places fight against the evil thoughts.

The effect is good, especially for ordinary human races. Compared with monks, their minds are much weaker, and the magic thoughts they can attach to are also limited. After being rushed by the energy of the Haoran Jing, they basically returned to normal quickly.

However, many monks were recruited one after another, and under the sudden surge of evil thoughts, many ordinary small grudges immediately magnified into mortal enemies.

"There is a surge of demonic thoughts in the southern part of Mingzhou..." the monk who was concentrating on observing Mingzhou said anxiously.

Dongfang Yu also noticed the abnormality, and stepped to the side of Xianhua Mingzhou to watch intently.

"It's 530 miles southwest of Zhengsi, and 410 miles southeast of Chushen..."

In order to judge the direction accurately and timely, everyone researched a positioning method, specifying the direction according to the time and position manifested on the sundial.

Half a year ago, Baiyun Tower deduced the magic weapon of the sundial and refined a simplified version of the magic weapon of the sundial. Although it can only simply indicate the time, it was very popular and soon became popular in the Great Xia Kingdom.

Now this sundial is not only a favorite of the monks, several large cities are inlaid with a sundial as large as a millstone, which often attracts the city residents to watch.

Therefore, using the method of positioning the time on the sundial instrument, it immediately won the unanimous approval of everyone.

After receiving the exact information, Xiao Jing immediately began to issue instructions.

Several deacons of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce hurriedly finished writing the message and were about to send out the order, but they were stopped by Dongfang Yu.

"Wait a moment..., the divine light covers thousands of miles away, the demonic thoughts fade away, and Mingzhou is all right..., continue to wait attentively, and prepare for the next wave of demonic souls to attack."

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the cave became more and more excited. With such a powerful monk in the world, everyone's confidence in killing demons also increased a bit.

"With Senior Sister Ziyan here, it seems that Mingzhou should be fine..." Xiaojing said with great emotion.

This turn of events was within everyone's expectations, and it was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

Heavenly Demon's large-scale probing came so quickly, but he didn't know where his next target would be.

"Donghai Great Formation..." Bai Yunlou uttered such a sentence casually based on the feeling in his mind.

After saying that, Baiyunlou's figure flashed, and a group of souls escaped directly out of the cave.

There was already a sub-spirit hidden in the East China Sea formation, and a sub-soul that returned from Xizhou also fled to the East China Sea. The three sub-souls gathered in Donghai to help Donghai.

The elder brother has spoken, and he has escaped from the soul, which shows that Donghai is in trouble this time.

Dongfang Yu became more and more focused, carefully watching the movements in the Nanzhou formation.

Xiaojing directly issued an order to let nearly half of the monks in the Great Xia Kingdom who are equipped with demon-killing equipment rush to the eastern coast to guard the peace of the eastern part of the Great Xia.

In order to deal with the shock wave of the magic sound, more than a dozen strong-sound-type sound-expanding magic weapons were urgently transferred to the east bank. Before the devil soul arrived, the sound of recitation of the enhanced Haoran Sutra began to echo along the eastern coast of Daxia.

It was only just now that Baiyunlou noticed the change of the magic blade in Mingzhou, and vaguely guessed the next move of the demon.

The magic blade seems to be very interested in Donglai Kingdom, and the closest to Donglai Kingdom is the East China Sea Great Formation with the East China Sea Dragon Palace as the foundation.

The East China Sea Formation seemed extremely stable, but Baiyunlou knew that since Xuanwu from Beihai woke up, the East Sea Formation was actually a flaw in the Kyushu Formation.

After more than a year's deduction of the Kyushu Great Formation and the Jiuding Soul Refining Great Formation, the deeper Baiyunlou's understanding, the deeper his understanding of the way of heaven.

Among them, the auras of the four great beasts are very compatible with the Kyushu formation, and combined with the four great spirit beasts and the aura of the royal family to form the number of nine palaces, this arrangement coincides with the way of heaven.

Therefore, Baiyun Tower sent Teng Snake to Mingzhou in the southeast. There was a powerful demon scorpion Hongyu in the southwest, a white wolf in the northwest, and a little fox demon Luoli in the northeast.

Zhongzhou is guarded by Emperor Xia, and has the most powerful popularity, with extremely strong background.

But there are only three of the four great beasts that are supposed to guard the southeast, northwest, and north. There is the adult Xuanwu in Beihai, the juvenile white tiger in Xizhou, and the little red bird with mysterious energy in Nanzhou.

Although the latter two are just juveniles, they can still make up for the top.

But the Great Formation of the East China Sea is different. Although it has dragon aura, it is not the real Qinglong aura.

Therefore, Baiyun Tower has always cared a lot about the East China Sea formation, leaving a soul to guard the East China Sea from the very beginning, not only because of Xiao Chaoyang's presence.

What made Baiyunlou even more focused was that since the Heavenly Demon threw out more than a dozen magic blades, the number of demonic auras circling around him increased sharply, seemingly ignoring the suppression of the soul-refining formation.

Under the gaze of Dzogchen's celestial eye, the figure of the celestial demon wrapped in a strong demonic energy began to float.

The heavenly demon is brewing a powerful magical power, and the true soul is incarnated.

Baiyunlou learned about this magic power from Qingyunzi, but Baiyunlou didn't actually open the complete Kyushu formation, it was just waiting for the demon to display this magic power.

According to what Qing Yunzi said, this method of incarnation of the true soul is extremely depleting of the true soul of the demon, and its strength will plummet by nearly half after it is used, and it is extremely difficult to recover from this loss in a short period of time.

The true soul of Mo Nian that appeared in Xuanyin Temple that time was separated from the Heavenly Demon when he performed this method.

It's just that the way of heaven was broken back then, and the cultivation base of the human world could only be suppressed to the level of the magic core. The heavenly demon clone had no choice but to separate out ten magic souls and thousands of souls. Only then did the human monks have a chance to fight.

It took a full year for the Heavenly Demon to recover its strength after using the magical power of the incarnation of the true soul~www.readwn.com~, which also gave Qing Yunzi a chance to breathe.

This time, Qingyunzi has been saving his strength, and he should be waiting for the demon to display this supernatural power.

But Tianmo still did not disappoint the two of them. After two or three rounds, he couldn't wait to display his true soul incarnation supernatural power.

In the billowing demonic energy, the vain figure of the demon was blurred for a while, as if torn apart, a demon soul was forcibly separated from the main body.

The aura of this devil soul body is extremely powerful, almost the same as the main body.

As the magic energy merged into the two demon bodies, two identical sky demons appeared in the midair of the Nanzhou formation.

It's just that the main body is still imprisoned by the chains manifested by the soul-refining array, and Leihuo's true intentions are constantly being burned, while the other demon clone is temporarily freed.

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