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In a short while, Baiyun Tower deduced this change from the beginning to the end several times, but failed to find a perfect countermeasure.

The leylines here are hidden deep underground. If you forcibly seal them with water spirit energy, or even use ice magic power to seal them, the water vapor will most likely explode, and the impact will definitely be no less than a shock wave.

This kind of earth vein vibration with the power of the law of heaven is not something that ordinary earth immortal monks can calm down.

While thinking about it, the scene of the chess game in Yunxiao Manor flashed across Baiyunlou's mind.

When playing chess at the beginning, I didn't have too much thought of gains and losses, and I made the moves according to my heart, and I can often adapt to all changes with one move.

Now that things are coming to an end, I realize how difficult it is to maintain a peaceful state of mind in the midst of the situation.

This place is Junior Sister Xia’s Dojo, and the Great Array of the East China Sea is also deployed here. It is related to the stability of the Great Array of Kyushu. If there is a discrepancy, the task of killing demons may fall short...

All kinds of thoughts secretly surfaced in the mind, like turbid air, affecting the mind of Baiyun Tower.

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou's eyes revealed a trace of sword intent to cut all thoughts, instantly cut away distracting thoughts, and his mind was indeed much clearer.

Anyway, let's go to the leylines and see...

After the mind was cleared, this was the first thought that came to mind. Baiyun Tower immediately realized that the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil. If they want to calm down the earth veins, they must escape into the earth veins to feel it before they can find a countermeasure.

When he regained his senses, another part of the soul just escaped from Donglai, Baiyun Tower left it to guard and run the formation, and the main divine consciousness brought the real water soul to go to the earth veins to explore.

Knowing his senior brother's plan, Xia Chaoyang immediately wanted to go with him, saying that it would be no problem to have a fairy weapon to protect him, and maybe the fairy weapon could still come in handy.

It's okay to go together, among other things, just relying on the rainbow-like luck of the junior sister, maybe you can suppress the fluctuations of the earth's veins, but the luck is related to the fairy world, so don't try it lightly if it is not necessary.

Within a few breaths, the two of them were ready to stop, Xia Zhaoyang tossed the wishful bead in his hand lightly, and the wishful bead turned into a transparent mask to envelop the two of them.

With this fairy artifact, no matter whether you go to heaven or earth, you can escape without hindrance.

At this moment, Xiaoqing, who had been watching and listening, suddenly turned into a ray of light, escaped into the wishful pearl cover, transformed into a white jade dragon bracelet, and gently wrapped it around Xia Zhaoyang's left wrist.

It turns out that this is the case... Looking at the jade bracelet that Xiaoqing transformed into, Baiyunlou once again had a bit of understanding in his mind, it seems that this predestined relationship should be applied to Xiaoqing.

"Can Xiaoqing help?" Seeing the look in his senior brother's eyes, Xia Chaoyang also sensed a clue.

"Go down and have a look, if it can really help, it's because my junior sister has taught me well..." Bai Yunlou replied calmly.

While speaking, Xia Zhaoyang had ordered Ruyi Pearl to flee underground.

"Hey, Junior Sister only teaches Xiaoqing's character, and those methods of flying clouds and rain are all taught by Sister Ziyan." Sensing that the senior brother's mind is determined, Xia Zhaoyang is also more calm.

Within a few breaths, the two of them and one dragon had escaped to the depths of the ground, and suddenly their eyes lit up, and the flames blazed.

The hidden leylines under the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea have arrived!

Close your eyes and feel for a moment, your thoughts follow the leylines and sweep across thousands of miles, roughly exploring the leylines.

The so-called veins are actually magma veins hidden deep underground.

The change of the land veins will cause the earth to shake if it is light, and it will cause great changes in the mountains and rivers, and the sea will change.

While sighing, Baiyun Tower manifested the shape of this earth vein in the space opened by the Ruyi Pearl.

At this time, Xiaoqing also recovered her original form, transformed into a little white dragon several feet in size, floating in the air beside Xia Chaoyang, watching the manifested earth veins.

"Senior brother, this ground vein is winding and undulating, which looks like a dragon. Could it be that it was transformed by an ancient dragon god?" Xia Chaoyang said with emotion as he looked at the shape of the ground vein.

"It's not impossible, but there is no trace of dragon energy in it, presumably it has dissipated after countless years."

While talking, Baiyun Tower began to deduce it through the development of earth veins.

Time is running out, and the time for half a cup of tea is fleeting, and the shock waves are rushing towards them like ocean waves.

At the same time as the Baiyun Tower deduced, it also condensed an extremely pure water line, which greeted the shock waves hundreds of miles away.

The magma in the leylines is hot and viscous, not only does it take a lot of effort to escape, but the speed of escape cannot be compared with that in sea water, and it is difficult to reach it in an instant.

However, with a clear mind, Baiyunlou didn't feel how terrifying this powerful shock wave was, it was nothing more than a fire explosion plus the avenue of shock.

The Avenue of Earthquake, Baiyun Tower also has a deep understanding. Anyway, the shock wave is still far away. It is a big deal to detonate it hundreds of miles away. Not a big problem.

The waterline has not yet arrived, and the shock wave of manifestation has already begun to evolve.

After a brief deduction, it is still true that the water element and the fire element are effective, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Of course water movement is the most effective, water can overcome fire, as long as it is operated properly and the temperature of the fire is well controlled, it can really slow down the heavy shock waves.

However, due to the intolerance of water and fire, it will definitely have a great impact on the earth veins, and it is very likely that the earth veins will be broken.

It evolved five times in a few breaths, three of which completely broke the earth veins, and the other two severely injured the earth veins.

The good news is that this method is effective, at least it will not have too much impact on the East China Sea formation.

The method of fire movement is simpler. With the help of the fire energy of the ground veins, a fire-tornado-like energy is condensed to meet the shock waves of fireworks coming from the ground veins.

Since the breath is the same, the method of cushioning and shock absorption is much softer, and it will basically not cause too much damage to the ground veins.

It's just that the incoming shock wave is too powerful, if the nine souls come together, it's really possible...

"Senior brother, if you need a junior sister, I'll come right over..." Ziyan's voice sounded softly in Baiyunlou's mind.

This is the idea from the Chunyang sub-soul stationed in the Mingzhou formation. After all, the Jinghu formation has to be driven by Ziyan's original soul.

Otherwise, it is not impossible for the soul to come here~www.readwn.com~ with the joint efforts of the two of them, to directly freeze the half of the earth vein.

There is also Master Ziyang in the Mingzhou formation, but Ziyan's pure Yang soul can escape here, and then join forces with the three of Xiao Chaoyang...

At this point in the thought, Baiyun Tower was about to recall and respond, but saw a white light flashing beside him, directly escaped from the wishful bead, and rushed into the earth's veins, it was Bailong Xiaoqing.

This..., the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and after replying to Ziyan's brief recitation, Baiyunlou immediately regained consciousness, and together with Junior Sister Xia, raised the wishful bead and chased after Xiaoqing.

"He looks very cute on weekdays, but he is also an impulsive master." Bai Yunlou sighed, condensed a line of water, chased after Xiaoqing, and protected Xiaoqing's body.

Xiaoqing has not been practicing for a long time, and her physical body is not enough. She forcibly escaped into the earth's veins, and immediately the burning smoke billowed up, but she didn't care about it, and began to escape in the earth's veins more and more quickly.

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