There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 866: The method of melting fire

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"Xiaoqing passed on his thoughts, saying that he wanted to protect the earth's veins..." Xia Zhaoyang said emotionally, and raised his hand to condense a stream of pure cyan true energy, which was accurately poured into the body of the little white dragon who was fleeing with all his strength.

Yimu Zhenyuan!

With the help of the two senior brothers and sisters, Xiaoqing's spirit increased greatly, and her speed of escape skyrocketed again.

It didn't take long for Xiaoqing to catch up to the stream of real water that Baiyun Tower released first, opened her mouth to inhale, and swallowed it into her stomach, wisps of mist began to release around her body.

Although his cultivation base is not high, his talent of flying clouds and fog has been brought to the extreme by him, no wonder even Junior Sister Ziyan praised him endlessly.

Although there are dozens of miles away from the shock wave ahead, Xiaoqing has already started to prepare.

Such a method of dispersing the fog is very good. It seems that when he just observed the leylines, this little white dragon already had his own ideas.

Gradually dissipate the mist, and use the cooling layers separated by tens of miles to buffer the rapidly coming shock waves, which can indeed protect the ground veins to a greater extent.

However, Xiaoqing underestimated the power of this shock wave after all, but the strongest rule power is contained in the shock wave.

This kind of buffer is too limited, even if a buffer area of ​​dozens of miles is arranged, it will still be crushed by the force of the rules.

Although he saw the problem, Baiyunlou didn't intend to remind Xiaoqing, after all, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, its heart is full of energy, so it's okay to try, anyway, Junior Sister Ziyan will come here in a few breaths.

While thinking about it, Xiaoqing had already bumped headfirst into the first shock wave with a decisive momentum.

With a soft pop, Xiaoqing's several-foot-long dragon body trembled, but it passed through the shock wave smoothly.

"Huh..." A stream of fiery red light rushed over and entered the clear wishful mask, it was Ziyan's pure yang soul.

Although Xiaoqing was a little weaker and could not bear the powerful fire energy contained in the shock wave, she was able to ignore the great way of shock contained in the shock wave, which made Zi Yan also surprised.

"Sister Ziyan..." Seeing Senior Sister Ziyan fleeing, Xia Zhaoyang was very pleasantly surprised.

"Could it be dragon energy?" Muttered suspiciously, Xia Zhaoyang's crystal dragon horns and crown headband flashed on his head, and the dragon energy around his body soared. The shock wave that rushed towards him.

When Junior Sister Xia rushed out, Baiyunlou and Ziyan looked at each other and shot at the same time.

Where the thought moves, the yin and yang qi manifest and emerge, like a black and white net, circling and blocking the hundred-foot-sized earth vein channel.

With a bang, most of the first shock wave dissipated, but Xia Chaoyang was also shaken back.

A qi mechanism came out from the Baiyun Building, and it took Xia Junior Sister firmly, and the Dzogchen's Little Sweet Rain Technique gently wrapped her.

At the same time, the Taiji qi mechanism composed of Yin and Yang qi circled to meet the remaining shock wave, but it was received steadily.

"Looks like it's not Dragon Qi... Fortunately, senior brother is here. I almost fainted from that blow just now, hehe..." After regaining consciousness, Xia Zhaoyang touched his forehead and said with some joy.

"It's good to have a dragon's breath coming out, you rushed fast..." Bai Yunlou rubbed Xiao Chaoyang's forehead with some amusement.

"Hey... I didn't expect Zhenbo to be so strong. Forget it, let's not be brave."

While speaking, Xia Chaoyang sent Ruyi Pearl to meet the second shock wave.

When they are about to collide, they will retreat with the shock wave, and cooperate with the brothers and sisters very tacitly. In this way, the Tai Chi Qi machine can exert its maximum effect.

In the past half a year, the three of them have deduced various contingency methods. As long as the Ruyi Pearl is on, Xia Chaoyang can cooperate very tacitly, so they are no strangers to this kind of situation.

Immediately, the three of them advanced and retreated in the veins of the earth, gradually obliterating shock waves one after another, while Xiaoqing was busy walking between the shock waves, although trembling violently due to the hot earth fire, her momentum did not diminish at all.

Ziyan was grateful for Xiaoqing's persistence, and raised her hand to drive a feeling into Xiaoqing's soul.

Within a few breaths, the three of them and one dragon had already retreated more than ten miles, obliterating four shock waves in a row, but there were dozens or hundreds of shock waves behind them.

And as the shock wave in front was blocked, the shock wave in the back already showed signs of superposition. If the shock wave superimposes, the pressure on the two of Baiyunlou will definitely increase greatly.

"The original soul has been deduced, and there are only ten breaths." After obliterating a shock wave again, Baiyunlou said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the two women immediately understood that after ten breaths, these shock waves would eventually affect the stability of the East China Sea formation, and these shock waves must be resolved in ten breaths.

"Twenty miles." Baiyunlou said in a vibrating voice.

Xia Chaoyang immediately ordered Ruyizhu to retreat twenty miles in an instant, and by the way, passed a thought to Xiaoqing to make him retreat one after another, saying that the two senior brothers and sisters were about to amplify their moves.

As he retreated, the yin and yang qi rotated even more rapidly, completely arousing the magma in the veins of more than twenty miles in an instant.

Afterwards, the three of them retreated another 20 miles, and under the aura of energy, the tens of miles of ground veins were like tumbling dragons, facing the shock waves.

Can't retreat anymore, behind is the range of the East China Sea formation.

The movement of yin and yang manifested the Taiji qi mechanism as if it were real, and Xia Zhaoyang also sent the celestial artifact Ruyi Bead to mix celestial power in it.

A series of shock waves were crushed and obliterated by the tornado of the leylines, and the tumbling momentum of the leylines was also consumed. As the shock waves superimposed, the channels of the leylines began to be unbearable and began to crack.

Six breaths, five breaths...

"Xiao Qing is gone..." Xia Chaoyang, who had been paying attention to Xiao Bailong, suddenly exclaimed.

"I taught the method of melting fire, so I should have escaped into the fire of the earth..." Zi Yan was coordinating with the senior brother to run the yin and yang qi at full strength, and had no time to search for the trace of the little white dragon, but she still replied aloud.

"It should be Xiaoqing's chance..." Bai Yunlou followed up, and he had no time to pay attention to others. He and Ziyan jumped up, transforming Yin and Yang into their bodies, and exerted the true meaning of Tai Chi to the extreme.

Three breaths, two breaths, one breath...

The ultimate Tai Chi true meaning breaks through the air to meet the shock waves superimposed to the limit...

No accident, the two Xeon's regular forces collided, as if the void was split.

There was a loud bang, and the channel of the earth veins red hot magma burst out in all directions.

Xia Chaoyang reacted in time, and instantly covered the souls of the two senior brothers and sisters with the wishful beads, but the impact was too strong, knocking back the clear mask of the wishful beads for several miles.

The three of them stood still, but saw that they were shocked by the scene in front of them, time and space seemed to be stagnant, and the shattered veins maintained the appearance of exploding outwards.

In the next moment, as if going back in time, the splashed magma gathered inwards, and the broken channels of the veins condensed again.

As the magma in the vein surged like a tide, the cracks in the vein passages filled up one after another, and it returned to normal in a short while.

The shock wave disappeared, the ground veins became unobstructed, and the flowing magma seemed to have a spirituality, circling around the mask of the wishful bead.

"Xiaoqing? Is that you?" When the celestial light of Ruyi Pearl fell, Xia Zhaoyang's thoughts were churning, and he asked eagerly along with his thoughts.

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