There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 867: Xiaoqing metamorphosis

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During the interrogation, Xia Chaoyang stepped out of the Ruyi Pearl, and reached out to touch the magma flowing in the veins.

But the magma retreated one after another, as if worried about scalding Xia Chaoyang.

Afterwards, an arm-thick piece of magma slowly protruded out like a tentacle, restraining its fiery energy, and gently wrapping itself around Xia Zhaoyang's left wrist.

It seemed that it took too much effort to manifest this way, and the magma was closed as soon as it was touched, and it returned to its flowing state.

"Senior brother, Xiaoqing has played too much and turned into magma in the veins, what should I do?" Under the celestial light of Ruyi Pearl, Xia Zhaoyang calmed down quickly, and asked his senior brother the solution.

"This little white dragon, you can't usually see it, but it's so strong... It seems that Xiaoqing was able to break through the shock waves just now, relying on his powerful will of the true spirit, just like when he broke out of the shell, and it just fits The power of rules hidden in the shock wave..."

After sighing, Baiyunlou continued: "The appearance should be that the body and dragon soul have been integrated into this leyline with the help of the fire fusion supernatural power. In the end, the leyline was really saved, but the dragon body was lost."

Zi Yan raised her hand to attract a ball of magma, gently held it in the palm of her hand, and then said with emotion: "I have learned a bit of my temper, my senior sister, and I taught you the magic power of melting fire just to relieve the pain of burning. The whole body is melted."

The mass of magma rolled in Ziyan's palm, full of spirituality.

"It seems that the original knowledge is still there, not bad..." Xia Zhaoyang also saw that although Xiaoqing gave up the dragon body, the dragon soul did not completely dissipate.

Thinking of this, Xia Chaoyang's eyes lit up, and the golden hairband wrapped around the dragon's horns on his head suddenly danced.

"Since you have become an earth vein, then make the most powerful earth vein, and leave the rest to my sister..."

Qingyue's voice seemed to penetrate the void, Xia Chaoyang's whole body was full of energy, the golden hair band on his head suddenly turned into a crown, and the golden cloud robe flashed.

Powerful dragon aura came out through his body, his blood boiled like boiling, within a few breaths, the real dragon aura was extremely strong.


With a tender shout, the air of the blood came out through his fingers, and a drop of bright red blood was condensed between Xia Chaoyang's palms.

As soon as the true blood formula condensed, a ball of golden light flashed from between Xia Zhaoyang's eyebrows and fell into the true blood.

In an instant, the true blood glowed red, revealing a perfect and transparent breath.

Consummation meaning!

The meaning of consummation that was not even willing to use through the painstaking efforts to cross the tribulation, was used up without hesitation at this time.

Along with the golden light flashed out, there was also a small figure, and Xiao Hualing couldn't help showing up to watch.

This time, the little flower spirit didn't land on the young master's shoulders, but sat cross-legged on the magic weapon of Yun Duo and floated beside Senior Sister Ziyan, looking at the bright true blood in the palm of the young master.

"In the name of the Dragon Emperor, I bestow upon you the dragon body!"

Xia Zhaoyang's eyes flashed, and he raised his hands to send it lightly, and the drop of Shenlong's true blood instantly submerged into the boiling magma of the vein.

The red light of the true blood melted into the earth veins, and in an instant, the entire earth veins stagnated, and all the red lights appeared.

The earth veins began to mutate, the breath of true blood seemed to attract unknown existences, the ancient breath revealed in the void, and blue light spots appeared in the void of the earth veins.

Strands of mysterious energy broke through the barriers of time and space and merged into the veins of the earth.

The green light flickered where the original true blood was, as if some unknown existence was gradually waking up.

The cyan light spots scattered all over the ground veins were suddenly collected, and gathered into a group of extremely dazzling cyan lights in front of the wishful bead's mask.

As the divine light gradually receded, the magma of the veins flashed out of the space of tens of feet, and a blue dragon with a height of nine feet, head held high, and extraordinary momentum appeared in the original place.

Divine Beast Azure Dragon!

With its cyan dragon head and back scales, golden dragon horns, back spine and dragon tail, and pure white belly scales, its appearance is almost the same as that of the blue dragon in the album of the Four Great Divine Beasts.

The most important thing is that the mysterious energy formed by the gathering of the void is hidden in its body.

Fang Yi condensed his real body, Qinglong's soul was agitated, and he looked up to the sky and chanted in the veins of the earth.

As the Qing Xiaolong chant shook the sky, Xiaoqing's dragon soul gradually merged with the Qinglong's aura, and she could be considered to have taken over the Qinglong position.

The sound of the dragon's chant spread all over the Kyushu, and the first thing to be affected was the Great Formation of the East China Sea.

With the infiltration of Qinglong Qi, Donghai's large array of Qi was released, and the vain formation was completely stabilized.

Under the roar of the sky-shaking dragon, the remaining demon souls and thoughts in Donglai immediately dissipated without a trace, and the monks who had been planted with demon seeds suddenly felt clear-eyed.

It should have sensed the appearance of the Qinglong Qi, and the sound of the tiger's howl was also heard from the direction of Xizhou.

There were waves of fluctuations from the Beihai Great Formation to complement it, and the little red bird guarding above the eyes of the Nanzhou Great Formation also burst into full aura.

It's just that when he looked at the imprisoned fiery red sycamore tree in the formation, the true meaning of Lihuo in Ah Li's eyes became more and more intense.

The Qinglong qi mechanism appeared in the world, the four great beast qi mechanisms gathered together, the Kyushu formation became more and more smooth, and the Nine Cauldron Soul Refinement Formation that was promoted seemed to break through the limit, and even the extremely strong demon heart finally showed signs of being refined.

Sensing Xiao Chaoyang's fatigue, Bai Yunlou gently stepped forward to hold that soft little hand, and sent all the innate qi stored in the center of the soul's brow to it.

"Senior brother, Xiaoqing is promising now..." Xia Zhaoyang's exhausted mind gradually recovered, and he sighed in relief.

"It's also Xiaoqing's good luck." Baiyunlou nodded and replied.

At this time, Qinglong transformed into Changxiao and enjoyed himself, turned his head to look at the three people, then turned around and turned into a small dragon several feet long, Shi Shi ran into the mask of wishful beads.

This little green dragon first wandered to Zi Yan's outstretched palm, circled around twice intimately, and then circled and flicked its tail in front of Baiyun Tower.

Bai Yunlou looked funny, touched Xiao Qinglong's soft belly with his hand, and said with a smile: "The innate qi of this dharma body has already been fed to you, Senior Sister Chaoyang..."

Xia Chaoyang stepped forward to pick up Xiao Qinglong and was about to say a few words of Suddenly a message came from the three of them at the same time, and then they looked at each other, and at the same time dodged, escaping from the East China Sea.

Leaving a ghost to accompany Xiaoqinglong to guard the East China Sea formation, Xia Zhaoyang didn't stay on his body, and fled towards the void above the South China Sea together with the ghosts of his brothers and sisters.

There seems to be something wrong with the demons in the Nanzhou formation...

It must be unusual for the main body of Baiyun Tower to say something is wrong.

Now the Kyushu formation is abnormally stable, and the Qi mechanism is integrated into one body. The previous flaws in the Qi mechanism channel have disappeared, and it is impossible for the Heavenly Demon to escape from the demon soul along the Qi mechanism channel.

Kyushu Great Formation Wuyou, the souls of the three escaped together into the void at the dome of the South China Sea without hesitation.

On the clear light curtain, what manifested was the demonic heart churning with demonic energy. The powerful large array of energy seemed to be real, and it was riddled with holes in refining the demonic heart.

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