There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 876: Beginning of the decisive battle

Baiyunlou was a little puzzled, but Xia Shimei greeted Sanlong directly: "Dahuang, from now on, this South China Sea area will be entrusted to you to protect."

"Erhei, you go to guard the North Sea, Sanbai, you go to guard the West Sea..."

Little Huanglong nodded quickly, but the other two little ones seemed to hesitate.

"Oh, if you don't like living in the sea for a long time, then go build a dragon's nest on the cliffs by the sea..."

Hearing these words, the two little Yinglongs hurriedly nodded in response.

"Haiyue, you should help bring these three little dragons back to the Crystal Palace first. After refining their souls, they are still a little confused. I have given you the instruction in advance. It is estimated that the demons will not be willing to disperse the demon souls. Three dragons go back to the Crystal Palace first."

Haiyue immediately responded to the command of the lord of the palace, wrapped up the three dragons very simply, and fled along the South China Sea Channel to the East China Sea Crystal Palace.

Watching Haiyue leave, Baiyunlou turned his head to look at the Heavenly Demon in the big formation, and a kind of throbbing jumped into his mind with this concentration.

"The monks below the fairyland, quickly retreat to two hundred miles away... five hundred miles away."

Master Bai gave a clear shout, and all the monks moved in response, and most of them immediately set off to escape to the open sea.

The disciples of the Qingyun sect with extraordinary strength did not try to be brave, even the little fat man protected the disciples of the same sect and retreated. Since the senior brother of the sect master gave such orders, he must have discovered something unusual.

"Yunlou, what did you find?" Aunt Xia approached and asked with some doubts, and several other earth immortal monks also came forward one after another.

"It's too quiet, the aura around the demon's body hardly fluctuates..." Bai Yunlou's eyes flickered, and he replied in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, Baiyunlou moved and took a step forward, his aura surged, enveloping everyone around him in an instant.

At the same time, Zi Yan also used the power of the soul, and cooperated with her senior brother to set up multiple barriers of the soul in a radius of tens of feet.

As soon as the enchantment was laid down, the air mechanism of the Nanzhou formation changed, and the operation of the formation did not stagnate, but sped up a bit.

The base of the formation suddenly revealed a demonic energy, and it was the appearance of these demonic energy that caused the formation to undergo such a change.

The Heavenly Demon finally saw through the operation of the Great Formation's eight tripods. As a result, the power of the Great Formation could not refine the demon body and demon soul, and was pushed by the Heavenly Demon.

Not only that, wisps of devilish energy were pulled out from Moxiu's body and gathered towards the eye of the formation, learning how the magic crow flew away, and began to rotate around the eye of the formation.

After all, the Heavenly Demon sensed the existence of the dark formation, not only did not take action to destroy it, but instead took the opportunity to observe and understand it. It seems that it will not take long, and this formation will not be able to keep it.

While thinking about it, the formation suddenly released a strong suction force.

This kind of suction directly pierced through the boundary wall of the formation, pierced through the void, ignored the multiple barriers of spirit and soul set up by Baiyunlou and Ziyan, and instantly dragged most of the monks into the formation.

Other than the unaffected Qingchi, the only ones who could resist this powerful suction were Baiyunlou and the three junior sisters.

Only if the soul is strong enough and has the supernatural power to resist the power of space, can it resist the method of the demon.

Not only a few Earth Immortal monks, but even the extraordinary May Weng was drawn into the formation.

Baiyunlou and Ziyan had a deep understanding of the way of space, and when the supernatural powers of the heavenly demon with the rules of space swept across, their figures habitually turned reality into nothingness, and the strong suction immediately failed.

Xia Chaoyang held the Ruyi Immortal Sword, and the fairy light was overflowing, and the little flower spirit also used the fairy light to fix the figure of the little master in the Sea of ​​Knowledge Flower Palace, so there was nothing wrong with it.

Huo Ling'er is also not weak, she has already cultivated to the state of great perfection of true spirit, and by refining the Nirvana True Fire, she can display a trace of the power of burning the sky.

When the devil's supernatural power swept across that day, he was immediately blocked by the true fire of Nirvana.

"Zi Yan, Huo Ling, follow senior brother into the battle to save people, Chaoyang, try to lead A Lidun into the battle." The incident happened suddenly, but Baiyun Tower did not panic at all, and arranged the actions of several people in an instant.

In this situation, several people have also practiced in the small world in the tower, but they did not expect that the demon counterattacked so quickly, and also borrowed the power of the big formation.

Before the words were finished, the four of them took action. Xia Zhaoyang dodged to the eye of the formation, and directly protected A Li with the fairy wishful bead. Without the slightest hesitation, he took A Li and tried to dodge into the eye of the formation.

The three of Baiyun Tower escaped into the formation in an instant, and separately rescued the fellow earth immortals who were enveloped by the devilish energy.

"Heavenly Demon's scheme, so what..." Qingchi murmured, getting up from the cloud bed, his expression was quite serious.

At this time, the Nanzhou Formation was not completely controlled by the Heavenly Demon. The Heavenly Demon's supernatural power only pulled everyone into the formation, but was blocked by the surrounding Qing Qi.

The monks and demons who were pulled into the formation didn't panic either. Although they were all surrounded by demonic energy, they each sat cross-legged and concentrated, their magical powers fully operating to resist the erosion of demonic energy.

"Five breaths, the demonic energy breaks through the blockade of clear energy..." Dongfang Yu was very calm in the dome barrier, still concentrating on calculations.

In the enchantment, Baiyun Tower still left a soul split, so the energy mechanism can still clearly manifest.

"Take care, gentlemen!" The soul split left a word of encouragement, and then fled out.

When the figure escaped, a short thought came from the divine mind: "One line..."

This is the message of the star operator, and the souls of Baiyun Tower immediately understood its meaning, but without a moment's hesitation, they came out of the cave in an instant, and fled into the South Sea Soul Refining Formation.

Although there are still eight breaths left for the Heavenly Demon to absorb the supernatural power next time, more and more devil energy penetrates into the base of the formation, and there are only four breaths left before the Heavenly Demon completely dominates the formation.

At the beginning of the decisive battle, you should go all out.

At the same time, two demon claws grabbed the two human earth immortal monks through the air. The two human monks were the Sect Master of Haoran Sect and Master Jue Hai who had just broken through.

However, as the two sword lights fell first, UU Reading immediately broke the magic energy that sealed the two people, and two fairy lights, one gold and one blue, met the claws of the devil.

Two beams of sword light came out from the clear air, they were the sword gang that Qing Yunzi took the time to cut out, and the two beams of immortal light were Baiyun Tower and Zi Yanyu's Lingbao Sun Moon Golden Wheel.

Now the Sun Moon Golden Wheel has been refined into a high-level spirit treasure by the two of them, even though the demon claws are astonishingly powerful, they still block it for a moment.

A moment is enough, the enchantment of magic energy is broken, and the fresh air penetrates, rolling up the figures of the two people and fleeing towards one of the formation bases.

Now all the eight formation foundations in the big formation have manifested, one of which is difficult for demonic energy to penetrate, and there is fiery red flames shining out of it, it is the formation foundation guarded by Qing Yunzi.

The flames of the red lotus karma penetrated the dark magic fog, guiding the monks in the direction of escape.

Just now on the bone altar, Ziyan directly integrated the pure yang sub-soul into the endless fire, and Baiyunlou also integrated all the demon souls derived from the real water soul into it.

The two originally planned to fuel the power of the endless fire, and burned the altar of bones, but they didn't expect that the endless fire would be transformed, and the legendary red lotus fire would be born, which was a surprise.

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