There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 877: Ah Li sacrificed his life

Fortunately, Baiyun Tower kept a trace of clarity to guard the soul core, and also protected Zi Yan's idea of ​​dividing the soul with a ray of pure yang.

It was through the opportunity of soul melting and Ziyan's divine thoughts that Baiyunlou's true water soul could trigger the transformed red lotus karmic fire, escape into the void, and escape the clutches of the devil's claws.

After escaping back to the formation base, the true water soul circulated the power of the soul core to barely reshape, and returned the ray of divine sense of Junior Sister Ziyan and incorporated it into the red lotus karmic fire.

With the return of the divine sense, the newly born red lotus karmic fire suddenly became a little more agile, and a radiant divine light bloomed in the void of the formation here.

All the demonic energy within tens of feet around the base of the formation was swallowed by the fiery red flames, which greatly relieved Qing Yunzi's pressure, and he was able to take the time to run the formation to transform into a sword light, helping his comrades out of trouble.

bang bang...

Juehai and Juehai had just been rescued, two places in the void's magic seal exploded one after another, and Mei Weng and Hongyu broke through the space barrier by themselves and escaped.

Mei Weng's strength was not weak, but his reaction was a little slower. With the body revealed, the huge branches of the plum tree burst out with plum blossoms, and the magic seal was opened.

After practicing for this period of time, Hongyu has made breakthroughs in both cultivation base and demon spirit, and finally broke the seal with the help of Xiewei's supernatural power.

One true spirit and one demon got out of trouble, which immediately stabilized the situation a lot.

Mei Weng raised his stick to meet one demon claw, Baiyunlou and Ziyan blocked the other demon claw with the help of the sun, moon and golden wheel, while Hongyu, Huo Ling'er, and the soul of Baiyunlou who had just escaped into the formation made their moves. Help other comrades break the seal.

In just two breaths of time, all the human earth immortal monks who were trapped in the seal of demonic energy were successfully rescued.

It is also because the Heavenly Demon is running its full power to infiltrate the formation, and has no time to use other methods of magic, otherwise it is hard to say what will happen.

The Heavenly Demon didn't seem to care too much about the escape of the human monks. Instead, he laughed shrillly in mid-air as if his plan had succeeded.

"Don't even think about going out once you've come in. When I refine this great formation, I just use your best bones and blood to re-condense the altar. The human world will be my palace, hahaha..."

The Heavenly Demon laughed wildly in the formation, but Baiyunlou didn't bother to pay attention to it. While entangled with the devil's claws in the void, he kept watching the changes in the formation.

The rescue inside the formation is coming to an end, but Xia Chaoyang outside the formation is in trouble.

Because the demonic energy began to permeate the entire large formation, the aura of the large formation was completely different from that evolved in the small tower before, even with the celestial light of the wishful pearl, it could not successfully lock the stagnant void in the formation's eyes.

In just a few breaths of time, the phantom of the demon manifested in the eyes of the formation gradually took shape and turned into a huge claw, but it has not been condensed yet, and it looks a little broken.

The devil's claw gradually took shape, and under the devil's claw, it was the fiery red plane tree, which was also the center of the Nanzhou formation.

Seeing the Heavenly Demon's intentions, Xia Zhaoyang took A Li and tried to dodge more than ten times in a row in a hurry, but they all missed.

In this situation, Xia Chaoyang didn't have the slightest intention of giving up, and after dodging again, one person and one bird directly hit the eye of the formation.

This is also the closest time to the eye of the formation, just a little bit short of being able to escape into the eye of the formation...

Xia Zhaoyang regained his mind and planned to try again, but A Li refused.

"Sister Chaoyang, Ah Li also wants to be self-willed once..." After saying that, Ah Li dodged for several tens of feet, and then slammed into the frozen formation.

At the moment of touching, Ah Li's soul escaped from his body and directly escaped into the eye of the formation.

And the main body Dharma Body turned into the fiery Lihuo True Intention, and sacrificed it to the Kyushu Grand Formation.

Ah Li, who had given up his dharma body, fled down without looking back, like a fiery line of fire, cutting through the time and space that had been stagnant for thousands of years, piercing through the phantom of the demon claw that was about to complete its transformation, and instantly fell into the fiery red On the sycamore tree.

In an instant, Ah Li's aura merged into it, and the fiery red sycamore tree shone with a faint fiery red glow, its branches and leaves swaying slightly, breaking free from the shackles of the laws of time and space.

Li Huo's true intention, which had been imprisoned for thousands of years, burst out, breaking through the stagnant time and space at the center of the formation, and also breaking away the claws that were about to be condensed into shape.

Under the tall plane tree, a large tripod more than two feet high stands out.

The cauldron of Zhongzhou appeared, and the cauldrons in the other eight bases trembled at the same time.

The stagnant time and space in the eye of the formation dissipated, Xia Zhaoyang did not hesitate to send the Ruyi Pearl to escape in an instant.

Although it was surprising that Ah Li gave up the dharma body, this is not the time for heartache, and the opportunity is fleeting.

As soon as Fang escaped into the eyes of the formation, Xia Chaoyang immediately sat cross-legged on the cauldron, penetrated his spiritual thoughts into the cauldron, and focused on promoting the operation of the Nanzhou formation.

Not only that, with the whole body's Qi machine running at full speed, it directly led the Haoran Qi machine outside the formation into the eye of the formation.

The incomparably massive energy from Zhongzhou finally had a chance to pour into Nanzhou's eyes.

All of a sudden, the Nanzhou Great Formation was fully activated, and the demon energy in the base of the formation disappeared in an instant, and the arrogant arrogance of the Heavenly Demon was immediately forcibly suppressed.

A Li sacrificed himself to join the battle to solve the problem at the front of the battle, but Xia Zhaoyang didn't slack off in the slightest.

It has been deduced countless times in the small world of the tower before, and the methods of the demon are treacherous and changeable, not to mention that this time it is facing the real body of the demon.

Before the Heavenly Demon could make a move, Xia Chaoyang already used the power of the large formation to condense an invisible sword, and slashed at the Heavenly Demon's body forcefully.

Seemingly aware of the crisis, the demon's figure instantly disappeared into the void.

The demon who reappeared is no longer in the same place, and all the eight chains manifested around him have been broken by him. It turns out that the demon has been hiding his strength.

But at this time, although the broken demon body escaped for several miles in an instant, it still couldn't escape the invisible sword, because although the demon broke free from the suppression of the formation base, it could not escape the lock of the formation eye.

The reason why its body and soul have been sealed off by the Nanzhou Great Formation for thousands of years is because it was sealed by the eyes of the formation frozen in time and space.

Such a Having practiced countless times in the small world of the tower, Xia Chaoyang is already familiar with the operation of the big formation.

With the locking of the eyes of the formation, as long as it is in the formation, the demons cannot escape being refined by the power of the formation.

Although it went through a lot of twists and turns, it finally successfully activated the formation eye and began to truly refine the heavenly demon.

But at this time, the demon is still hiding its strength in secret.

Because the frozen time and space of the formation eye re-rotated, the Xeon barrier around the formation eye also began to dissipate.

The reason why the Heavenly Demon hides its strength is that it intends to take the opportunity to seize the eye of the formation when the enchantment weakens.

The Heavenly Demon's plan was already well understood by the people in the Baiyun Tower from the derivation of the small world in the tower, so they had already made up their minds.

Since the Heavenly Demon is waiting for the opportunity, then he will use his plan and use the force of the big formation to attack with all his strength, so as not to give the Heavenly Demon a chance to attack.

Having gone through countless deductions before, Xia Chaoyang is not only extremely proficient in the operation of the formation, but also does not hesitate to make a move, and now he is also executing it in the same way.

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