There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 878: super explosive supernatural powers

Shot is the strongest. Xia Zhaoyang not only runs the big formation with all his strength to suppress and refine the demons, but also utilizes the formation's locks to gather ultimate moves with the eyes of the formations, thereby weakening the strength of the demons.

Although the real demons are much stronger than those derived from the small world in the tower, everyone's strength has also skyrocketed.

Moreover, there was a Kyushu formation pushing outside, so the Heavenly Demon was really suppressed in an instant.

The Baiyun Tower and the others would not miss such an opportunity. Once Tianmofang was suppressed by the formation, they all made a move with all their strength.

Hundreds of magic swords burst out of the air, and the immortal flames on them burst out, and as soon as they got close, they were all exploded by Baiyun Tower.

Even the mighty Heavenly Demon was caught off guard by the powerful impact, and such actions were only the beginning.

Covered by the bursting energy of the Immortal Fire Sword, two extremely powerful Dao-slashing sword intents pierced through the air.

A sword temporarily cut off the connection between the Heavenly Demon and the refining formation, and a sword intent temporarily cut off the power of some kind of magic rule hidden deep in the Heavenly Demon.

Although the sudden activation of the eyes of the formation caused the demon to lose control of the formation, but the aura of the demon remained on the eight cauldrons. As long as the demon regained his composure, he might not have no chance to control the formation again with his powerful magical powers. .

If the Heavenly Demon is to be completely suppressed by the formation, it is necessary to cut off these connected energy mechanisms, but the energy mechanism of the Heavenly Demon body is too powerful to be broken in a short time.

As long as the sword intent is wiped out, the severed energy can be connected again, so the sword intent of cutting Dao can only be temporary for the Heavenly Demon.

This was also deduced and explored in the small world in the tower before, but facing the demon body directly, how long the Dao Slashing Sword Intent can last for a while, can only be truly figured out by practice.

And the power of the rules of the magic way cut off by the sword intent of Zhan Dao is exactly the super explosive supernatural power of the heavenly demon.

The most powerful ultimate move of the Heavenly Demon can instantly trigger a super strong shock wave in the void and chaos, which can wipe out most of the creatures with the cultivation level of the Earth Immortal.

This is still the supernatural power of the Heavenly Demon that has been weakened by an unknown amount. If the Heavenly Demon is in its full power, it is estimated that it is possible to wipe out a small world.

Although I don't know what Tianmo himself calls this supernatural power, Baiyun Tower simply calls it Super Explosion.

As long as the super-explosive magical powers are temporarily sealed, they can let go of their hands and feet when they join forces to destroy the demons.

Lost contact with the Great Formation, and the supernatural powers were banned, and the Heavenly Demon couldn't help being stunned.

Taking advantage of Tianmo's stunned time, Huo Ling'er's flaming machete slashed down on the head, directly cutting Tianmo out of its original shape.

Sure enough, it was still the remnant of the three-foot-sized demon body, with the sharp sword marks still on it.

Not only that, but with the full operation of the formation, the true soul of the demon was locked and manifested by the formation eyes.

In the matter of killing demons, the few people cooperated very tacitly, took advantage of the fire to loot, and used the tricks of killing people very smoothly.

Zhan Fannian's sword intent, Mountain Breaking Sword Move, Invisible Great Sword, and Xeon Firewire took turns to fight, and combined with the Jiuding Soul Refining Formation, they quickly wiped out the demon's body and true soul.

A series of piercing sword intentions came, and the sword marks on Tianmo's body were all over the place. This is Qing Yunzi's full attack.

With Xia Zhaoyang skillfully operating the formation, Qing Yunzi finally freed up his consciousness.

Under the pressure of the sword intent that shattered the void, the true soul of the demon began to be truly wiped out.

Before, the demon seemed to be crushed by the big formation and almost dissipated, but in fact it was just an illusion of the manifestation of magical powers. Qing Yunzi had an insight into the methods of the demon, so he secretly preserved his strength and waited for the opportunity.

Followed by Qingyunzi's sword intent, there were also streaks of purple thunder. Immortal Nishang couldn't help it, and brazenly struck out at the risk of death.

Not only Aunt Xia, but all the cultivators in the fairyland in the base of the formation took action to kill the demons. Hongyu, who was not good at casting spells from a long distance, even jumped out of the base, shooting out blazing poisonous flames from the tail of the scorpion.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the Demon Body and True Soul of the Heavenly Demon collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Eighty percent, sixty percent, forty percent... Finally, the aura of the Heavenly Demon plummeted to below 10% again.

Success is in sight, but everyone has no slack.

All of a sudden, a ray of purple light appeared in the broken black heart of the Heavenly Demon.

"Back..." Baiyunlou shouted loudly, and the sun-moon wheel instantly found the moon-golden wheel and turned into a sun-moon golden wheel.

Huo Ling'er was also very familiar with this purple light. With a flash of her figure, she pulled up the red jade that was still crazily shooting poisonous fire, and instantly escaped into the sun-moon golden wheel.

The demon's super-explosive supernatural power has recovered, and that ray of purple light is the precursor of the explosion.

At the moment of the eruption, the three sword lights instantly slashed the Heavenly Demon, with a tacit understanding.

One is the joint move of Baiyunlou and Zi Yan, the other is the sword light condensed by Xia Zhaoyang's movement of eyes, and the other is the most brilliant sword light from Qingyunzi.

Qingyunzi's sword seems to have consumed his soul, and the powerful sword intent instantly submerged into the broken demon body of the sky demon.

Although the Heavenly Demon's breath was stagnated by the three swords' intentions, and the demon's body retreated violently, a ring-shaped void shock wave flashed out of the Heavenly Demon's body and spread outward rapidly.

The shock wave seemed to be controlled by a heavenly demon, half of it was directed at the four people protected by the sun-moon golden wheel, and the other half was directed at the foundation where Qing Yunzi and the others were hiding.

Although it was weakened a lot by the three sword lights, the super-explosive power still exceeded Baiyunlou's expectations.

The sun, moon, and golden wheel were directly scattered, but in an instant, a multicolored mask protected everyone.

Immortal Artifact Wishful Bead!

Although Xia Chaoyang was concentrating on running the formation, he still kept an eye on the movement of the Heavenly Demon through his soul-dividing thoughts, so there was a change in the situation in the field, and Ruyi Pearl instantly protected him.

With the protection of the celestial artifact, the four people in it are naturally safe, but the aura emanating from the super-explosive magical powers has not dissipated, and the wish-fulfilling orb that hit it retreats violently.

And behind everyone is the Formation Eye Barrier that has not been fully opened.

The Heavenly Demon is easy to calculate, after all, it is still aimed at the eyes of the formation.

No matter whether you hide or not, the knot in the eye of the formation will definitely be affected by the shock wave.

In the blink of an eye, Baiyunlou and Ziyan shot at the same Black and white rose up in anger, and quickly moved around Ruyi Pearl.

Since collision is inevitable, this method can only be used to slow down the intensity of the shock wave.

In the end, the shock wave still hit the barrier of the formation eye, and the barrier was weakened by nearly half in an instant, but it finally resisted.

A few people rushed into the barrier of the formation eye along the shock wave, and simply dodged together to come under the plane tree.

By the way, Baiyunlou sent some innate qi to the junior sister, and left behind a soul fragment.

Huo Ling'er condensed a small flame, and smoothly shot into the phantom of the soul that lived on the fiery red phoenix tree.

The sacrifice of the dharma body had a great impact on Ah Li, and even his soul was vain.

However, as the small flame sent by Huo Ling'er merged into it, Ah Li's spiritual aura immediately surged.

The breath of Nirvana was constantly washing and washing the little red bird's spirit, and there was a sense of transformation in an instant.

A Li, who had already cultivated eight tails, seemed to be finally about to grow a ninth tail feather.

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