Qing Yunzi stabilized his mind a little, straightened his clothes a little, said with a smile: "Senior Sister, Xiao Dao has nothing to worry about now, can I leave?"

"Little Qingyun, you have to start and finish things. You recruited Jiuding back then, and you have to return it yourself..."

Hearing these words, Baiyun Tower on the side seemed to be interested, and there was a glint of light in his eyes, and he watched Qing Yunzi carefully.

Since Senior Sister Qingchi said that Senior Qingyunzi has the ability to show supernatural powers again, then there must be some, but...

While thinking about it, Qingyunzi replied with a sigh: "Xiaodao, I am no longer elegant, and the last mouthful of true energy will be lost by you, my senior sister."

"It seems that I still have to do it, Senior Sister..."

While speaking, Qing Chi pointed out that the divine light suddenly appeared in the void, and countless light spots gathered, condensing into a drop of divine water with divine light between his fingers.

The water droplet of divine light submerged into Qingyunzi's eyebrows in an instant, Qingyunzi's dilapidated aura was instantly perfected, his dilapidated dharma body seemed to go back in time, and his white hair turned black.

The water drop of divine light appeared, and the robbery cloud in the Nanzhou formation flashed out of thin air. In an instant, a glazed robbery thunder fell through the air, and directly struck Qing Yunzi, as if to crush the drop of divine water.

Qingchi didn't take it seriously, raised his hand and took Jielei over.

The Liuli tribulation and thunder should be the most powerful existence in this small world, even Qingchi's divine body seems to be unbearable, when the tribulation thunder strikes, the power of mysterious rules shatters, turning into clouds and mist coming out through the body.

Fortunately, the power of rules in Qing Chi's body is boundless, and he can still bear it.

With Qing Chi blocking the Heavenly Punishment Tribulation Thunder, Qing Yunzi changed his appearance in a moment.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, white clothes and black hair, he is majestic, with awe-inspiring aura that pierces through the clouds, and looks like a fairy.

After a few breaths of time, Qing Yunzi regained his former style.

"Forget it, Yunlou and Chaoyang, take a good look..."

While speaking, Qing Yunzi stretched out two qi machines to connect the two of them, the formula in his hand flashed like lightning, and the formula in his mind moved, all the other eight tripods manifested and came through the air.

The nine cauldrons rotated in the air, and then one by one escaped into the void to hide without a trace.

In such a short time, Jiuding has returned to its respective positions, and now only the brother and sister of Baiyunlou know exactly where they are hiding.

The nine cauldrons returned to their respective positions, and Qing Yunzi didn't delay any longer, leaving a sentence that everyone take care, and then dissipated between heaven and earth.

Senior Qingyunzi walked swiftly, after all this trouble, the scene that was quite tragic at first seemed quite weird at this moment.

It seems that Qing Yunzi has not dissipated, but just fled to another small world.

"Congratulations to senior..." As the fairy-like figure disappeared in the sky, a group of monks greeted each other with respectful voices.

As Qingyunzi's figure dissipated, the Jieyun in mid-air also receded, Qingchi gently rubbed the center of his brows, as if to relieve the severe pain when he was struck down by the God of Punishment Thunder just now.

The man has passed away, but his demeanor is still there. Everyone looked at the void, and they were all a little dazed.

At this time, there was a sigh in the field.

Qing Chi was also looking at the void, his eyes twinkling with stars, he seemed to hear the sigh, so he asked casually: "Xiao Jing, why are you sighing?"

"This..." Xiao Jing's body was surging, as if she was resisting the power of some law, but in the end she obediently said what she wanted in her heart: "I thought Senior Qingyunzi and Elder Sister would have a relationship..."

Thinking like this was somewhat beyond Qingchi's expectation, and he immediately replied with a smile: "You little girl, you have been too experienced in the illusion array on weekdays..."

Before Xiaojing could respond, Qingchi said quite calmly: "We have known each other for more than six thousand years, and the day we met was the time of parting. After all, there is no fate. This is the same for Xiao Qingyun. Maybe we can really achieve a lot of fate with this goddess, it's a pity..."

After saying that, Qingchi seemed to think of something interesting, a few smiles overflowed from his eyebrows, clouds and mist rose under his feet, he turned his head and said to the crowd: "The merits of exterminating demons are not small, everyone wait for a while, there should be a mysterious energy descending, Huo Ling'er, you can stay too..."

Then he didn't stay any longer, his figure turned into a rainbow light in a flash, and fled to the top of the sky.

Watching the senior sister's rainbow light dissipate, Xia Chaoyang glanced at the senior brother again, thinking secretly in his mind, not caring about the mysterious aura mentioned by the senior sister.

The senior brother cut off his own love, but just now he even wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes... Could it be that the senior brother still has his own shadow in his heart?

The brother who killed Fan Nian seems to have more fairy charm, and the expression of looking up at the sky is also more focused, his eyes are so bright...

Looking at it, Xia Chaoyang's eyes surged with emotion, and he unconsciously took two steps closer to his senior brother.

At this time, Ziyan saw Junior Sister Xia's eyes, sighed secretly, stepped forward slowly, shook her little hand lightly, and said softly: "Chaoyang, before Senior Brother cuts off all feelings, I will make an agreement with Senior Sister, Promise to find your true heart within three years."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang recovered from the distracting thoughts just now, his eyes lit up after a while, and he hurriedly asked: "Sister Ziyan, senior brother accepted the three-year contract?"

"Yes, senior brother personally agreed." Zi Yan replied in a positive tone.

"That's great. Senior brother will definitely not break his promise easily. Senior brother still remembers the agreement with that demon killer." The more Xia Zhaoyang said, the more excited he became.

Zi Yan nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and then said: "Actually, after senior brother cut off Fan Nian, he is a little closer to the Dao, and the practice will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Knowing about the three-year agreement of his senior brother, Xia Chaoyang had nothing to worry about in his mind, but returned to his usual escape.

While thinking about it, he casually replied: "Senior brother has cut off all thoughts, and he has no worries. With his temper, it is more likely that he will stare at the clouds in a daze and spend his days idle, hehe..."

Zi Yan couldn't help being startled when she heard this, and then she smiled and said: "It seems that sister Chaoyang understands the mind of senior brother best~www.readwn.com~ It seems to be true."

When the two daughters were talking secretly, the headmaster Bai, who was mentioned the most in their thoughts, was watching another interesting thing with great interest.

Above the clouds, a clear and aura figure emerged, it was Xiao with a beautiful face.

Qing Chi on the side was smiling, as if talking casually.

And Xiao's fingertips moved very rhythmically, and he didn't respond to Qingchi's words at all, as if he still had a grudge against that drop of magic water.

As if she was done with the work in her hand, she saw sister Xiao's fingertips paused, and with a flick of her cloud sleeve, a series of colorful auras appeared in the void, and then floated down towards the world.

These energies flowed freely, drifting down to the world of Kyushu and all over the world.

Almost none of the creatures who participated in the extermination of demons were lost, but there seemed to be two great heroes who had been deliberately ignored by him.

One is Qingchi standing above the sky, and the other is the head of Bai Damen who is looking up.

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