There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 889: Incarnation of Heaven

Qingchi seemed not interested in the multi-colored qi machine, although Baiyunlou was quite interested, but he didn't care about being ignored.

Now Baiyunlou's mind is extremely clear, no distracting thoughts arise, and he has understood the reason in an instant.

In order to improve his cultivation, he fused his soul in the moonlight, and then was finally tempered by the demon-slaying sword intent, and most of the nine souls were already fused.

Although the fused soul is still fused into the human world, it is also fused into the sapphire energy.

Sapphire is originally a thing of the gods, and Xiao was quite resistant to this aura, so he deliberately avoided himself when the five-color aura fell, not to mention Qingchi who was still displaying the laws of the gods in the human world just now.

Although being avoided by these colorful qi machines, it did not prevent Baiyun Tower from being curious, and a thought penetrated into the falling colorful qi machines.

Good luck!

Although he had never seen this kind of mysterious energy mechanism, as soon as the thought of Baiyun Tower penetrated into it, the name of this energy mechanism emerged in his mind.

It seems that Qingchi is quite familiar with the theory of merit and virtue, and he has already guessed nine out of ten of this qi mechanism before it falls.

After a little intuition, the function of this meritorious luck is also known to Baiyunlou.

As the name suggests, it is the luck descended by the Dao of Heaven based on the contributions made by the creatures in the lower world. With this luck in the body, everything goes smoothly, and most of the opportunities for cultivation can be obtained according to one's wishes.

The so-called time comes and goes, which is exactly the case.

According to the merits and virtues, there is also how much luck there is. If you get a chance, your luck will be lost. Life cannot be smooth, and luck will always be exhausted.

Inductively, Baiyun Tower also understood the origin of this meritorious luck. It was after the extermination of the demons that the first dome over Nanzhou was repaired by the luck of the human race brought by the Kyushu formation.

As a result, the human world is much more stable, so that it can attract merit and luck to descend.

From the single immortal energy in the past, the happy energy was derived later, and now there is more meritorious luck. It can be seen that as the broken heavenly way is repaired bit by bit, the ancient rules of heavenly way are also restored to perfection little by little.

Just as he was sighing, Baiyunlou's eyes narrowed, because a thought from Senior Sister Qingchi came from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Don't blink, look at Senior Sister..."

what do you mean...

With curiosity in mind, Baiyun Tower once again looked at the top of the sky.

I saw Senior Sister Qingchi stretching quite casually, tapped her toes lightly, and the smoke and clouds were born by themselves, within two steps, she had already come in front of Xiao.

I don't know what idea the elder sister sent, but for a moment, Xiao seemed to be shocked and frozen.

As Xiao stabilized his figure, the time and space of the entire human world seemed to be stagnant.

Taking this opportunity, Qingchi seemed to have premeditated it, and directly stretched out his hand, stretched out two flamboyant jade fingers, and gently squeezed Xiao's beautiful little face twice.

Seeing this action, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and sighed secretly in his heart, this Senior Sister Qingchi seems to have been obsessed with this for a long time, and today she got this opportunity, finally got her wish.

After Dong Nian sent a congratulatory thought to his senior sister, Bai Yunlou turned his head and looked around, the stagnation of time and space, and the power of rules in the human world all revealed a very beautiful appearance.

After observing for a while, Baiyun Tower saw a few agile auras that were not stagnated by the Dao of Heaven.

The first thing I saw was that Junior Sister Chaoyang. The fluctuation of luck above her head seemed to be a little abnormal, which directly woke her up from the stagnation.

This junior sister seemed to be very curious about the frozen appearance beside her, she immediately looked around as soon as she woke up, then she seemed to think of something, and hurriedly turned her head to look over, the surprise revealed in the corners of her eyes and brows made Bai Yunlou couldn't help but follow the corners of her mouth. bend.

Bai Yunlou responded with a slight nod, and then turned his head to look at another agile aura.

The source of this movement is precisely from the imprint between the eyebrows of Junior Sister Ziyan, the aura on the fiery red lotus imprint is very agile.

While thinking about it, a burst of firework light appeared on the lotus imprint, which immediately made Zi Yan break free from the stagnation.

This Taoist companion who is connected with his heart and mind, not only his cool fairy charm is very suitable for the Tao, but now it seems that the meaning of this clever real fire is also extremely extraordinary.

Baiyunlou felt a little bit emotional in his mind, he glanced at Ziyan, nodded slightly, and then looked at the last aura.

It was a plum blossom tree with broken roots and broken branches. It was the old fairy Mei whose body had been severely injured.

It should be that the merit and luck have been integrated into the immortal body just now. Although the immortal body could not be restored directly, a mysterious energy was derived in the tree heart.

True spirit fairy.

Mei Weng has practiced for thousands of years to obtain the meaning of true immortality, and after going through such a catastrophe, he unexpectedly obtained it by accident.

Although this true immortal energy machine is quite agile, May Weng did not use it to forcibly use the power of the immortal spirit to break free.

Just as he was contemplating the true immortal aura, the stagnant time and space suddenly moved, and the whole world returned to normal.

At the same moment, Baiyunlou realized that the feeling of repulsion under the original rules of heaven disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by fit and kindness.

Tiandao actually accepted the breath of sapphire, so that there is no obstacle in the remaining soul-melting road of Baiyun Tower.

At this time, a rather peculiar sense of intimacy arose in my mind, and as soon as the thought moved, Baiyunlou's figure flashed, and he had already escaped to the top of the sky.

"Sister Xiao..." In the past year of getting along, Baiyun Tower has long since lost the slightest bit of cramping, and it is very natural to arouse my sister.

"Call Senior Sister." Xiao said a word or two very rarely.

Xiao looked over with a more friendly gaze, although for some unknown reason, Baiyunlou vaguely guessed that it should have something to do with Senior Sister Qingchi's biography.

Thoughts came and went, Baiyun Tower casually bowed his hands and called "Senior Sister" again.

Xiao nodded in response, raised his hand and concentrated, the power of Taoism and rules gathered, and a translucent magic weapon of the void was condensed out.

The magic weapon of the sundial was shattered by the demon before, and the power of time and space contained in it was integrated into the red lotus industry Unexpectedly, this time, Senior Sister Xiao was so generous that she took the initiative to refine one again.

After a while, the brand-new sundial magic weapon was condensed and formed. This time, the Dao pattern on the magic weapon became more refined and solidified a lot.

Seeing the magic weapon floating in front of him, Baiyunlou was not polite, took it with a nod, and refined it with ease.

As soon as the sundial magic weapon was put into the dharma body, Baiyunlou was shocked, and immediately sighed that this brand new magic weapon is really mysterious and extraordinary.

All the original functions have been preserved, and the inner Dao of the magic weapon is self-generated and self-contained. It seems that the Dao of such operation will not be affected even if it goes to other realms.

In addition, this brand new sundial magic weapon is more like an identity card. With Baiyun Tower's understanding of the way of heaven, a special title emerges in the mind.

Heaven incarnate!

It's just that his avatar is really weak now.

One can use the sundial magic weapon to completely control the laws of the Dao of Heaven after practicing Dzogchen. However, among all the laws of Dao of Heaven that Baiyunlou comprehends, only the Dao of Water is perfect.

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