Fortunately for Baiyunlou, Junior Sister Chaoyang has been coming less and less recently, and her hobby of playing chess has also restrained.

Occasionally, I come here for half a day. Apart from tasting delicious food together, I just lie on the desk and watch in a daze.

He said that his comprehension is too poor, but he has the state of mind of sitting and forgetting. On weekdays, he would watch the master brother deduce the Dao method more often, which will help improve the Dao practice.

Inspired by this junior sister's heart of Taoism, Baiyunlou also intends to fulfill it, and often deduces wood-like supernatural powers and wind aura for her to watch.

As a result, recently, Baiyun Tower has gained a lot of insights on the way of wood and wind spirit, and has made a lot of progress on the road of consummation of heaven.

In addition to these two juniors, other juniors and some fellow practitioners came to Xiaozhulou to discuss and learn from each other, which also added a lot of help to the practice of Baiyunlou.

Now Baiyunlou's cultivation strength is almost unrivaled in the world of human cultivation, if they compete directly, they will gain very little.

However, Sect Master Bai has his own magic method, and almost every monk who comes to discuss the Dao and learn from each other comes here on a whim, and returns with full enjoyment.

Relying on the great achievement of the illusion, every time there is a thought of exchanging ideas, Baiyun Tower will directly pull the visiting monks into the illusion of clouds and mist.

In the illusion, monks can borrow the powerful spiritual power of Master Bai to maximize their comprehension of magical powers, thus possessing the strength to fight against them.

Not only that, but the borrowed power of the soul contains the law of heaven that is very suitable for him, so if he has realized the real power of the great way in advance.

At the same time, Baiyun Tower will also use different Taoism and supernatural powers to discuss with the monks. In this way, the two sides will naturally have a more transparent understanding of the changes and operations of the laws of heaven.

In this way, the monks who came to learn from each other gained a lot, and Baiyun Tower also gained a lot.

If you really want to talk about how much you have gained, among these Qingyun sect disciples who came to learn from each other, there is still a little fat man.

In the beginning, the little fat man came here with a mission, and the purpose of looking for the big brother was not to learn from each other.

Before the action, this group of Qingyun sect disciples went to Senior Sister Zi Yan's portable cave together to discuss the situation of the elder brother.

After some in-depth discussions, a consensus was finally reached. For the sake of the second senior sister's happiness, everyone should do their best to bring the senior brother back from the fairyland to the world.

Anyway, the elder brother once said that he wants to be a free and unrestrained immortal.

Everyone believed that if the elder brother wanted to return to being a human immortal again, he still had to start with the word love.

Family, love, friendship, you can try to induce.

For this reason, Father Bai was also invited to the cave several times, but it seemed that there was no progress.

The green ant settled down in the Green Cloud Valley, and stayed in the Qingyun Cave for a long time, and it seemed to have returned to its former appearance.

As long as the elder brother is in the small bamboo building, the green ant will come every morning with clean face, clear spring and delicious food from the world.

Baiyunlou didn't have any intention of shirking it, and followed the previous habit, enjoying the mortal breakfast food after cleansing.

Although the love of the world has been cut off, the habits of the past have not been cut off. It's just that Master Bai is doing mortal things and eating the delicacies of the world, but he still has an extraordinary sense of immortality.

Every word and deed is as natural and transparent as the way of heaven, without a trace of human fireworks.

The green ant also gradually adapted to this kind of aura and immortality, unknowingly influenced by her elder brother, her practice became more and more in line with the way of heaven.

There are green ants to guide slowly in the family relationship, and Her Royal Highness Princess Zizi personally appears on the road of love.

Every time Xia Zhaoyang woke up from a deep sleep and came here, everyone retreated, so how the two of them got along and how they were progressing, others had no way of knowing.

And the little fat man, as a close friend of Master Bai, has also been pinned with great expectations.

Unexpectedly, the aura of the current head of Bai is too strong, the fairy spirit floating around his body, even the whole small bamboo building is infiltrated with fairy charm.

The little fat man bit the bullet and mentioned the past, but the senior brother in charge turned the conversation to Dao Dao perception in a few words.

The change of words was extremely tactful, and when the little fat man realized it, the two of them had already followed the meaning of the words and came to the illusion, and the senior brother was also ready to learn from each other and get enlightened.

Out of curiosity, he sparred with the big brother, and the little fat man immediately fell in love with this method of enlightenment.

Powerful, smooth, happy!

He could actually feel the strength of the Earth Immortal Realm with the help of the spirit power of the senior brother in charge. Although he was tortured badly by the senior brother, he gained a lot.

Originally, the little fat man just wanted the senior brother to regain the feeling of friendship, but he was taught by the senior brother a lot, and even touched the true meaning of kendo.

There is no mercy in the heart, and the sword is natural.

In order to get rid of the wandering thoughts of the little fat man when he drew his sword, Baiyun Tower set up a terrifying illusion, leaving only a glimmer of life in the catastrophe of life and death, and repeatedly tempered his mind and sword intent.

Squeezing the potential of this Junior Brother Feiyang so hard not only allowed him to achieve supernatural powers, but also stepped into the door of sword cultivation.

When the little fat man returned to the Wenxin Pavilion with joy and looked at the expectant eyes of everyone, he recalled the original intention of the trip to Lingzhu Peak.

The senior brother in charge of the sect is too full of immortality, so it can only be subtly influenced, and the future will be long...

After such a hasty confession, the little fat man immediately fled to a place where he practiced swords. Taking advantage of the feeling in his mind, he concentrated on tempering his sword intent.

Afterwards, the disciples of the Qingyun Sect gradually followed in the footsteps of the little fat man.

Master Bai's Dao has mixed feelings, and he has dabbled in the practice of each disciple, draws inferences from one instance, teaches according to his aptitude, and often inspires bursts of inspiration when deriving various laws of heaven, and a lot of insights.

Moreover, these disciples are not the ones who follow the rules. Each of them has a unique understanding and perception of the rules of the Dao of Heaven, which has also provided Master Bai with more ways to understand the Dao.

Among them, Junior Brother Bai Zhan has a deep understanding of the way of gold practice, but the few magic arts and supernatural powers have all been cultivated to the state of Dzogchen, especially the sharpness that is refined is as real as it is.

After a lot of tempering and training by Master Bai Zhan's perception on the Golden Avenue became more transparent, and his heart became stronger.

In addition to these two juniors, Junior Sister Xiaojing's Illusion Dao, Junior Sister Caiwei's Way of Controlling Beasts, and Junior Brother Meng Yu's Poison Art all aroused Baiyunlou's interest. The two divine powers can benefit a group of disciples a lot.

Among these little disciples, it was Junior Brother Luo Yu who really benefited Baiyun Tower the most.

In Baiyunlou's eyes, this Junior Brother Luo is quite interesting, his six faculties are not clean, and his words also reveal the meaning of exhaustion.

The most interesting thing is that this kind of state of mind has survived the tempering of the illusion, and it has been tempered to the extreme. No matter whether it is practicing or using magical powers, there is always a trace of distracting thoughts in its mind.

Originally, I thought that this distracting thought would affect marksmanship and supernatural powers, but I didn't expect this distracting thought to be extremely tenacious, even in the face of life and death disasters, it could not be completely wiped out.

Sometimes the abnormality may be the avenue. After careful observation and deduction, Baiyunlou gradually realized that this is the true love in the world that he had forgotten.

Although he has forgotten his feelings now, it does not affect Baiyun Tower's observation and promotion of the way of love.

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