There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 893: First visit to the fairy gate

After studying this thread of love, Baiyunlou did not realize the so-called one path of love, but bypassed it one by one, and integrated the meaning of tenacity into the true meaning of wind.

Taking this opportunity, Baiyun Tower unexpectedly realized a trace of the true meaning of the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind, and the Dao of Wind showed signs of consummation.

In the eyes of these Qing Yun sect disciples, the head of the sect sacrificed himself a great deal in order to kill the demons. As a disciple of the sect, it is his duty to help the master to find the right path of immortality.

But in Baiyunlou's eyes, these Qingyun sect disciples are all excellent enlightenment bluestones, and when these bluestones are honed into beautiful jade, he can also gain a lot on the road.

After a period of hard work, everyone finally understood the power of the sword's intention to cut all thoughts, and it directly emptied the thoughts of the heart.

Just when everyone was about to give up, Ziyan saw an extra gain.

After several discussions and exchanges, although the senior brother was not contaminated with the slightest smog, Zi Yan unexpectedly noticed that the senior brother's understanding of the laws of heaven has increased a lot, and the progress of the soul fusion has also improved significantly.

Now that she had gained this, Zi Yan immediately became more concerned about the discussion with her seniors. Not only did she suggest that the disciples of the Qingyun Sect should seek out the Senior Brothers who are in charge of the sect to learn from each other when they have free time, but she also recruited a few talented disciples from the sect to come together help.

Tian Yi from Zixiao Sect, Tian Yin from Xuanyin Temple, brother and sister Chen Qinghe from Haoran Sect, all of these familiar and familiar fellows have become frequent guests of Xiaozhulou.

The reason why Dongfang Ziyan was eager to improve the progress of her senior brother's soul fusion was precisely for Junior Sister Chaoyang.

Ever since the Demon Slaying War, Xia Chaoyang's luck has shown signs of collapse, and his consciousness and soul are all affected by it.

A slight ups and downs in the mind will trigger a sharp shock in the spiritual consciousness, and the strong vibration will greatly deplete the mind, and the only way to rest the mind is through deep sleep.

Every time I wake up, I have to run the Concentration Art all the time, so as to temporarily stabilize my consciousness.

As soon as Junior Sister Xia had this change, Zi Yan speculated that it should be an unknown change in the fairy world that made Junior Sister's luck appear broken.

It was from my senior brother that I learned that the luck above Junior Sister Xia's head is closely related to the fairy world.

After some deduction, Zi Yan finally found the root of the change.

Just when the body of the demon was killed, a colorful sword light also fell from the fairy light in the void.

The powerful and incomparable sword light combined with the passionate sword move of the senior brother, and finally completely wiped out the demon body of the sky.

The sword intent of killing all thoughts is also contained in the colorful sword light. Needless to say, the master of the sword intent should be the fairy queen who is far away in the ruined fairy garden.

Slashing this sword from a distance across the boundary, the Immortal Empress must have suffered a lot, and it must have triggered changes in the Immortal Court and even the entire Immortal World, which manifested in Junior Sister Xia's luck above her head.

After observing for a period of time, Zi Yan had an insight into the changes in Junior Sister Xia.

The time of waking is getting shorter and shorter, and the time of falling asleep is getting longer and longer.

From this point of view, the situation in that fairy world should continue to deteriorate, and something must be done, otherwise Junior Sister Chaoyang will fall asleep sooner or later.

In order to improve Junior Sister Chaoyang's situation, Ziyan tried almost every means, but the fairy fruit, pill, and fairy array were all useless, and they couldn't even help her ease.

Ziyan also tried to ask the elder brother to help her, and the elder brother's response was almost the same as expected.

The cause of Junior Sister Chaoyang has also been speculated, but there is no good way to solve it completely, and innate qi is not a panacea.

Afterwards, Ziyan joined forces with Xiahuang Shanzhang and other earth immortal masters, but they couldn't find a solution.

In the end, Qingchi told Ziyan that Xiao Chaoyang's problem still had to be solved fundamentally, and the only way to do it was to go to the fairyland to find out the cause, or even repair the broken fairyland.

Moreover, Senior Sister Qingchi also said that the Immortal Realm was originally very resistant to the entry of the Protoss, and entering it rashly may cause more violent shocks, so this Immortal Realm has to be explored by monks from the Human Realm.

But there are no real immortals in today's human world, but May Weng, who has the highest cultivation level, injured his main body in the battle of killing demons. So far, the broken main body is still being repaired slowly in Nanzhou, but he can't move.

If it wasn't for the chance this time, the Heavenly Dao would send it down, not to mention repairing it, it would be very possible for the cultivation base to plummet.

Mei Weng has obtained the spirit of the true spirit this time, if his strength recovers, he really has a chance to escape from the immortal platform to the immortal world.

But looking at the broken appearance of the main body, even if there is a huge amount of immortal energy, it will take at least three to five years to recover.

Three to five years is too long, Chaoyang can't afford to wait.

However, after communicating with May Weng, Zi Yan saw new hope.

In ancient times, if one wanted to step into the Immortal Terrace and enter the Immortal Realm in one step, one had to integrate the laws of the Heavenly Dao and cultivate the meaning of a true Immortal.

But there are always exceptions to everything. If there is a decree issued, even an Earth Immortal cultivator can follow the decree and enter Dengxiantai.

Once you step into Dengxiantai and ascend to the fairyland, you will be baptized by Huafan Immortal Pond.

Therefore, as long as there is a fairy decree, the earth immortal monks also have the opportunity to go to the fairy world.

Although the Kunlun Immortal Edict is there now, it has long lost the meaning of receiving it, but after all, it is a thing of the upper world. If it is deduced, maybe we can find other ways to escape into the fairy world.

Immediately, Ziyan returned to the Kunlun Immortal Realm, took out the edict, tried many times at the Immortal Terrace, and finally figured out a way.

First of all, you can use the fairy decree to activate the immortal platform. Although this fairy decree cannot attract the light of reception, it can open the fairy gate.

It is not difficult to open the fairy gate, but the restrictions on stepping into the fairy gate are extremely great. In addition to cultivating the fairy spirit, at least the cultivation of a monk in the fit state is required, and you have to use the aura of the Kunlun order to have the opportunity to step into it , if the strength is not enough, he will definitely be crushed by the immortal air machine.

In other words, the cultivation base of the Composite Body Realm, how can it be cultivated to such a state in a short period of time.

Zi Yan's merging of Yin and Yang souls into is not a real body fusion state, after all, her cultivation base has just broken into the middle stage of Yuanying state, and she is still far away from the body body state.

However, after careful consideration, Zi Yan still plans to try it out. Since the main body has no hope of stepping into the fairy gate at present, she can try to escape into the divided soul.

The subsequent temptation made Ziyan both happy and helpless.

Happily, this method is really feasible, guided by the decree of the immortals, and supported by the aura of the Kunlun order, a soul split really escaped into the gate of the immortals smoothly.

This branch of soul was floating, escaping through the endless void in an instant.

Zi Yan could tell that if it wasn't for the support of the Qi mechanism of the Kunlun Order, the split soul would be torn to pieces by the powerful force of space in a short while.

It's just that the body of Kunlun Ling didn't follow in, and the protective power of Kunlun Ling's aura is also limited. If he managed to escape to the ground, the protective aura has been exhausted.

The body of the spirit and soul first arrived in the real fairyland, and was shocked by the scene in front of him. It took only a few breaths, and before it had time to investigate carefully, a powerful wind passed through the body, and the first soul that escaped into the fairyland disappeared in smoke. up.

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