There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 974: Advanced supernatural powers

"Big crucian carp!" Haiyue on the side exclaimed.

"What crucian carp?" Xia Chaoyang asked in confusion.

Haiyue smiled and held Xia Zhaoyang's little hand and said: "During the time when Senior Sister was sleeping, there were many interesting words in the cultivation world. Big crucian carp means great opportunity, great opportunity."

"It's so interesting, but Senior Sister, I don't seem to have got any great opportunities, just an advanced supernatural power." Xia Zhaoyang muttered a little dismissively.

"What is an advanced supernatural power?" Seemingly never heard of this supernatural power, Haiyue was very puzzled.

Xia Chaoyang was also a little confused, muttering: "This... seems to be able to improve a small realm of magical powers, such as Evergreen Art..."

Halfway through the conversation, there was a crisp cry in the air: "Wait a minute!"

Accompanied by a hasty cry, Huo Tong jumped down from the void portal, holding a sea beast in his hand.

In a hurry, Huo Tong directly threw the sea beast aside, but it seemed that it was too late.

I saw Xia Chaoyang's fingertips glowing green, obviously he had used this newly acquired supernatural power on Evergreen Art.

"Uh..." Realizing that it was a step too late, Huo Tong was speechless for a moment.

Seeing Junior Brother Huotong's abnormal performance, Xia Chaoyang realized something, put away the bright green light on his fingertips, and asked a little bit: "Little Huotong, is this advanced supernatural power very powerful?"

"Of course it's powerful. It can already be regarded as a supernatural power of the upper mystical level. With it, no matter what level the supernatural power is to be advanced, it can be raised to a lower level. After all, it is..."

Speaking of this, Huo Tong paused for a moment, there were so many people here, it seemed that he didn't want to mention the name of Xuanshui Shenjun.

Thinking that it was already too late, Huo Tong lost interest in an instant, and then muttered: "You must know that there are some powerful supernatural powers, even a small level of promotion will have earth-shaking changes, senior sister is lucky, just waste it ..."

"It's okay... Senior Sister, I seem to be the best at Evergreen Technique..." Xia Zhaoyang also understood immediately, but he still struggled to reply.

After saying that, he turned his head to look at his senior brother.

Bai Yunlou replied quite casually: "Use it, use it, Evergreen Art is also very good, how about...You guys who are juniors and sisters, who will dedicate themselves and let your seniors try a trick?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of resistance.

"Brother, this is a bit too much..."

"That's right, who would dare to try Senior Sister Chaoyang's evergreen technique..."

"This is still advanced, come here casually, you won't lose your mind and soul..."

Hearing the gossip of this group of senior brothers and sisters, Master Bai is also very helpless, it is understandable that the shadow of the past is difficult to dissipate for a while.

"If you are timid, you are timid. There are quite a few reasons... how about this, whichever one of you is injured first, you can use whichever one to practice, how about it?" In the end, Master Bai backed down a step.

This time, there was finally a clear response, and a group of Qing Yunmen disciples all responded sullenly.

Hearing such an arrangement, Xia Chaoyang nodded excitedly and said, "It's better to be my brother's proposal. Don't worry, I'm going to be very measured, senior sister."


Hearing this group of Qingyunmen disciples talking, fellow monks from other sects didn't mind much, because they had more contact with each other on weekdays, and Qingyunmen disciples' casualness was already commonplace, but Huotong just listened in a daze.

I have already informed of the power of the supernatural power, but no one from the master to any of the young disciples has taken it seriously, and that kind of casualness seems to have been engraved into the basic knowledge.

The helpless Huotong decided not to dwell on this matter anymore, turned around and pulled up the sea beast from the grass beside it, and came to the old patriarch, saying that it was a prey hunted by the Dashi tribe.

But the old patriarch was slightly taken aback but refused to accept it, and replied that today's hunting is enough.

The big cannibals actually said that meat is enough...

Everyone came back to their senses, and turned their heads to look at the God's Wishing Platform curiously. It was indeed empty, and the mission of hunting sea beasts had dissipated.

At this time Luo Yu stepped forward and said: "Patriarch, since this sea beast has been sent to the clan, you might as well accept it, maybe it can be used elsewhere."

The old patriarch didn't hesitate much, and immediately responded, turned around and took out a piece of Lingyu from the animal skin bag, and brought it to Huotong.

It seemed that they did not expect such an operation, and everyone sighed secretly, but Mr. Luo had a calm expression on his face.

Huo Tong took the Lingyu smoothly, nodded to Luo Yu very rarely, walked to the side and found a piece of jade, and compared it with the newly obtained Lingyu.

At this moment, the old patriarch went on to say: "This time I went hunting in the sea, I got the help of all the gods and men from outside the region, and I gained a lot. Thinking of the past..."

Alien gods...

It seems that the people who entered the tower this time have become gods outside the territory in the eyes of these illusory creatures, but it doesn't matter how they are called. The next words of the old patriarch immediately cheered everyone up.

"Thinking of the help of several major tribes in the past, I can't help feeling a little bit emotional. If you drop by, can you help send some barbecue to the tribes in the front mountain and the back mountain?"

"Of course." Nangong Xiaojing responded immediately, taking up the words of the old patriarch.

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at the God's Vow Platform together, only to see a few lines of handwriting really manifested on the smooth stone wall.

Send a bag of jerky to the Qianshan tribe.

Send a bag of jerky to the Houshan tribe.

It's just that these handwritings are fleeting, and each task can be completed by only one person. It is the monk who first touches the corresponding handwriting with his spiritual mind. As long as he accepts the task in his mind, the corresponding line of handwriting will disappear.

"Hey..." As the mission disappeared, a burst of sighs came out. The mission was accepted by only a few people, and those who didn't receive it could only sigh.

"You guys... are too Luo Yu didn't grab the mission yet. After sighing, he seemed to understand the usage of the God's Wish Platform, and then continued: "If you don't grab the God's Wish, don't worry , you can chat with other tribes, or go to other tribes to find opportunities. "

Hearing this, many monks immediately dispersed and began to explore this small world by themselves.

As a servant of the Dashi tribe, Luo Yu seems to have become the master here, patiently pointing out to a group of fellow Taoists, calling the people to bring dried meat, so that the monks who have received the god's wish can successfully complete the task.

Then Luo Yu came in front of the elder brothers and the others in amazement, and sighed to Huo Tong, who was standing proudly beside him: "I didn't expect my younger brother's divine sense to be so fast, and I actually received the first mission, I admire you..."

While talking, he handed him a large bag of barbecue.

"Xiao Huotong, that's amazing, I didn't even get my senior sister..." Xia Zhaoyang also sighed.

Hearing the praise from his senior brothers and sisters, Huo Tong took the heavy animal skin bag with great air.

"Chaoyang, you don't need to grab these. When you return to the Qianshan tribe, if you have any interesting tasks, just stay by yourself..." Baiyunlou replied quite casually.

Hearing this, Huo Tong's small hand holding the animal skin bag froze slightly, feeling that the task he had just snatched seemed to be just that...


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