At this time, Xia Chaoyang finally realized the benefits of being a goddess.

Mr. Luo only has the status of a **** servant, so he can easily influence the God's Wishing Platform of the Dashi tribe, not to mention himself as an authentic goddess.

Now that the small pagoda has collapsed and evolved again, the new cultivator who entered the pagoda has gained the title of a **** from outside the territory, and the title of son of a **** who has already been obtained is still retained.

Judging from the reaction of the big cannibals today, the status of goddesses and servants of the gods has not changed at all, but the gods from outside the territory seem to be just a false name.

It's just a master from overseas, and it's a little less cordial.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhaoyang became interested, and continued following the senior brother's words: "Senior brother, if it is true, then the days to come will be more fun, hehe..."

"Now there are more than a dozen big tribes attached to the Qianshan tribe, and sister Ziyan and I have become the goddesses of these tribes. Brother, you, the great elder of the Houshan tribe, are even more powerful, and you also control ten people. A big tribe is coming..."

"By the way, senior brother is quite busy these days. I'll help keep an eye on the Houshan tribe, junior sister."

Shenzi Huotong at the side became speechless the more he listened, sparks flickered on his fingertips, and he bid farewell to several people, intending to take Taoyao a step ahead.

As soon as the Gate of Void manifested, Baiyun Tower directly fixed it in mid-air, calling for the younger brothers and sisters who were interested in going to the Qianshan tribe to go with them.

Since Junior Brother Huotong's supernatural power is so convenient, it would be good to take a downwind passage.

As soon as Sect Master Bai spoke, there was an immediate response, not only the few people who had just received the task were among them, but most of the disciples of Qingyun Sect shouted to go with them.

After all, the Qianshan tribe is the territory of the two goddesses, and it is said that they still control more than ten tribes.

Moreover, there was a downwind channel to send them off, so the response was enthusiastic, but God Zi Huotong consumed a lot of consciousness.

Even with Senior Brother Bai's location marker, it would not be easy to teleport more than 20 monks thousands of miles away.

When the last one stepped out of the transmission channel and appeared in front of the gate of the Qianshan tribe's village, Huo Tong couldn't help but staggered a little.

If it wasn't for the bursts of pure spirit coming from Taoyao's tightly clenched little hands, she would have been unable to hold back just now.

As soon as Fang stood firm, several pieces of Lingyu flashed in front of Huotong.

Then came the words of Senior Brother Bai: "These few spirit jades are given to Junior Brother. They were caught while hunting that sea beast..."

"Brother Bai, I got this piece in that sea area, why is it so devoid of spirituality?" Huo Tong asked curiously as he touched a piece of dull jade.

Hearing this question, the accompanying monks also surrounded him curiously.

Baiyunlou didn't hide anything, and replied patiently: "It should be limited by the rules of this small world. Senior brother, I am very familiar with the Houshan tribe. Since I can be regarded as a creature of this small world, I have obtained this place." Recognized by the rules, the spiritual jade picked up is the same as the one picked up by the big food tribe, and spirituality will manifest on it."

"As for fellow daoists who are new to this small world, just as the patriarch of the big food said, their identity is an alien **** and man, and they have not yet been recognized by the rules here, so their aura does not show."

"I think that in the future, your qi will gradually integrate into this place, so there shouldn't be such restrictions."

After receiving Senior Brother Bai's careful response, Huo Tong suddenly realized: "So that's the case, thank you Senior Brother for clarifying the confusion..."

At this moment, the gate of the village opened in front of everyone, and the female patriarch of Qianshan led a group of people to welcome them in person.

After not seeing each other for a while, Xia Chaoyang felt very kind. After going up to greet him, he asked Feng Qimei and Hua Shishi to ask questions.

Accompanying them all the way to the Temple of the Goddess, everyone listened to the chat of the three women, and learned about the current situation of the Qianshan tribe by the way.

A month and a half ago, the ground shook for a while, and the sky and the earth changed color. After half a day of tossing, it gradually subsided.

Since then, there have been many ferocious sea beasts in the sea, and there have been many monster caves on the land for no reason. Many evil monsters hide in them, and often come out of the monster caves to plunder the tribe.

It turned out that Feng Qimei and Hua Shishi had finally cultivated the Concentration Technique to the Dzogchen, and were about to cut through the Shenjing and go to the upper realm to find Hua Xiaojiu. They didn't want to catch up with this change.

Later, when the two tried their best to find the **** crystal, they couldn't hurt it any more.

Regarding this matter, Chaoyang Goddess comforted: "If the law of the earth changes today, the Shenjing can no longer be broken, but in a few days, this world will be connected with the upper world that Hua Xiaojiu went to. The location is also convenient.”

Hearing this, the two daughters immediately felt relieved, and after sending everyone to the Goddess Shrine, they even prepared a lot of spiritual fruits.

"Senior brother, these two women seem... very unusual, as if... they are more spiritual." Huo Tong watched secretly, and asked curiously to Senior Brother Bai in a low voice.

The corner of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up, and he smiled and said: "Of course it's unusual, I practiced the skills of the gods..."

"This..." Hearing that he was related to Xuanshui Shenjun, Huotong Shenzi's spirit was greatly lifted, and the few traces of depression before were immediately swept away.

Afterwards, Huo Tong took the initiative to send the dried meat, fulfilling the divine wish he had received earlier, and successfully obtained a demon pill.

The obtained demon pill and spirit jade have the same effect. With the energy contained in it, it can also refine the spiritual consciousness and increase the strength of the spiritual consciousness.

Godson Huotong, who had an idea, was very enthusiastic, and began to search for various god-wish tasks on the big bluestone in front of the Goddess Shrine without the guidance of the two goddesses.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a big clan that governs more than ten tribes. There are so many mission items manifested on the bluestone that there is no need to fight for them, and they can choose freely.

In the end, Huotong chose to follow Feng Qimei and other clansmen to go to the demon cave to kill the evil demon.

After a moment of Tower called Feng Qimei and the two to his front, and passed on instructions.

There were not many things to explain, but the second daughter became curious about the little monk named Huotong.

It's okay to help take care of this little Huotong in the next few days, but then the second uncle's confession of martial arts and supernatural powers made the two of them have to look at this little monk differently.

The Concentrating Art, which the two of them regarded as a peerless skill, was treated like nothing by the second uncle, and he gave it away as soon as he said it.

But the second uncle also said that he can take the opportunity to let him complete extremely difficult tasks, and even let him exchange the same skills and supernatural powers.

What puzzled the two of them was that the second uncle asked them to re-divide the Concentration Art into upper, middle and lower parts and teach them separately.

He even said that only in this way can the Concentration Art be used more fully.

"Don't think too much, that kid knows a lot of supernatural powers, the second uncle just wants to help you two get some benefits."

Hearing the rumors from the second uncle, Feng Qimei and the two were immediately relieved, but they were even more curious.

A little doll actually knows a lot of supernatural powers in the upper realm, so his status in the upper realm is definitely not low.

Afterwards, Feng Qimei and Hua Shiyi bid farewell to the second uncle, Goddess and others, and happily left with Huotong and Taoyao's little maid.


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