The main food for breakfast is walnut cake. Fresh walnuts are delicious. Olivia and mugan like it very much. Five walnut trees were planted in the enlarged backyard. Thanks to the care of little a's father and the unicorns, they grew very well. Before the walnut ripening season, uncle Alfa would gather several robots to knock down all the walnuts and give them to each of the neighbors. The professor of mugan college would send some to Olivia, and the rest would be raw materials for Olivia to squeeze walnut oil.

Mix the batter, sprinkle the fresh walnuts, coat the pancake pan with oil, and then pour a spoonful of batter on it After a while, the delicious walnut cake was ready. Olivia uses the local flour of bailuxing, mixed with a little flour made from the root of Mugen grass. It tastes crisp and can't dry at all. With a lot of affordable walnut kernel, the taste can't be better!

Early in the morning, Olivia was busy climbing to the tree to pick fresh walnuts and peel them into cakes.

While he was cooking breakfast, mugan was not idle. Together with sigma, they polished the whole body of robot xiaoa, tied a bow tie around his neck, and lost several big heads. Mengmeng was the most important thing. These days, with Alfa's advice, mugan and sigma even used the materials they had left that were not worn during the process of crossing the gate Made a body for Mengmeng.

Today is Olivia's graduation day.

The graduation ceremony that should have been held half a year ago has been postponed for more than half a year! This is the wish of all graduates. They hope to hold the graduation ceremony after the return of the chief executive. The college accepted their collective request, but also set a time limit before which Olivia returned safely.

"Little Ollie, I'll iron your dress for you." There was a knock outside the door. Before sigma jumped down to open the door, Miss Maria's voice came from outside.

Although Miss Maria looks like a lady, she speaks and behaves like a lady, but her voice is really big!

Her strength is also very big, did not want anyone to help, she a person smilingly carrying several big boxes came over, it is difficult for her to wear elegant skirt, feet also stepped on a pair of thin heels, can carry so many things still walk so steady!

Mugan came to take the box in her hand. Olivia also came to help. Seeing Miss Maria's shy little eyes looking at the walnut cake on the table, Olivia quickly invited Miss Maria to try her own special walnut cake.

"Oh! They are losing weight And I've had breakfast today... " Miss Maria hesitated for a moment, but she didn't resist the attack of walnut cake. Swaying and sitting on the table of Mugen's house, she said she wanted to taste a little.

Then she tasted that mugan and Olivia were all full, and she continued.

As a lady, or a young and beautiful lady of courtship age, Miss Maria achieved the task of "winding up" on the dining table in grace (← winding up, especially refers to the anti waste behavior of wrapping up the leftovers and eating them all. At a dining table, the male often completes this glorious mission).

Satisfied with the last piece of walnut cake, Miss Maria quickly went to help the two young people try on the dress.

Mugan's dress is just an ordinary dress. Today's protagonist is Olivia.

As early as the end of the internship, Imperial military academy customized the formal dress for each student for the graduation ceremony. Olivia also had a set of formal dress, which was made according to the size of their last physical examination report before the internship. However, Olivia's height increased by 5cm and her hands increased by 5cm after the accident With the feet getting longer, the original dress no longer fits. Miss Maria, who opened her own clothing store, took the initiative to help him make the dress again in three days.

Dress dress is very particular, especially the military dress: medal wearing position is particularly particular, there are special manuals to explain these! Every detail requires meticulous, Olivia still put her hands on both sides of her body, and miss Maria watched her "work" with pride. It was perfect!

If Olivia was just a growing up child in her eyes, she is now an aggressive "adult male".

The black dress is completely custom-made, which perfectly outlines the broad shoulders of the youth, the thin waist, and the long and tight legs wrapped in the black army boots. It's perfect!

This is my back.

And when he turned around, anyone would fall into those golden eyes in an instant. The eyes of strange color are embedded in that pretty face, which adds a layer of dignity to the youth. There is only a short layer of blonde hair on his head. This simple hairstyle makes him look more like a soldier -

"God! Little Ollie, you look great Hands together, exclaimed Miss Maria. She handed mugan the black cap in her hand. She motioned mugan to put it on Olivia's head.

"Formal dresses need to be worn by others. Little Ollie can't do without taking part in such occasions in the future. Little Morgan, you should learn how to help him." As she spoke, Ms. Maria instructed the angle of the brim and how to wear the hat so as not to affect the hairstyle after removing the hat.Mugan listened carefully. When Miss Maria finished her explanation and wanted to operate, she was stunned:

er Ollie Ollie is so much taller than him now that he can't reach the end. What should I do?

Looking up, mugan bumps into the golden eyes. The corner of his mouth is smiling. Ollie is looking at himself with a smile.

Mugan pulled his sleeve, and Olivia bent down obediently. Mugan put his hat on his head perfectly. After a moment's careful observation, he motioned to miss Maria to check.

"Very good." With a thumbs up to mugan, Miss Maria ran to the robots.

After the whole family had packed up, the neighbors drove them to the port and watched the mugens get on the military spaceship to hang Tian Xing.

It takes more than half an hour to finish the graduation ceremony of the seventh year of the Imperial College.

As the only day for parents to visit their children's campus in seven years, today Imperial military academy is full of cars and people.

Since most of the students' parents are senior military officials, the graduation ceremony looks like another military meeting.

In previous years, the annual graduation ceremony was fixed at the Imperial military academy: "I'm Paul's grandfather. I don't know if Augustus mentioned that child at home..."

Complete, complete, no, mention, have, do - mugan quickly turned over his memory.

What he can do is easier for robots to do. Before mugan can react, the Six Sigma screen, which just tried to say hello to people but failed all the time, flashes.

No, it would be bad if sigma told each other that Ollie didn't mention that classmate at all!

Just when mugan wanted to stop sigma, sigma had taken over.

"Good day. Olivia often talks about Paul at home! Paul's mecha performance is very good, and he will be an excellent soldier of the first mecha battalion of the Empire in the future... "


Mugan then remembered that because he cared about Olivia's learning environment, he had carefully knocked around Olivia's surrounding environment, and recited the names and general information of Olivia's students. As a good brother who never separated from mugan, sigma naturally assisted him.

I always feel that sigma's behavior pattern of saying good things to people seems a little familiar. As soon as this idea passed in my heart, mugan immediately watched Sigma and talked to the old man with a smile.

The old man is probably a man with a wide range of knowledge. When he talked with the Mugen family, many people came to greet him. As more and more people came, fewer and fewer people looked at the Mugen family with different eyes.

Soon it was time for the Mugen family to enter the auditorium. After saying goodbye to the gentleman, Mugen and his party stepped into the legendary auditorium!

"(* @ o @ *) wow..." After entering the auditorium, mugan's expression was always like this!

However, in order not to humiliate Olivia, he reluctantly restrained his excitement and walked to the seat under the guidance of the hospital staff while observing the venue without any trace.

Mugan has never seen such a beautiful place!

The roof of the whole auditorium is a huge arch. Every step on it is inlaid with numerous square portraits. This is the portrait of the celebrities of the Imperial military academy. Under the portrait, the name, honor and simple resume of the person are recorded in small words.

The background color of the auditorium is white, the frame of the portrait is full of gold relief, with scarlet cloth curtain and seats. The simple three colors make the auditorium extremely spectacular!

This is a rare royal architectural style in recent years. This kind of gold, this kind of red They're all imperial colors!

While watching, Mugen recalled what he had learned in the art appreciation class.

In the end, they were introduced to the front row, which is the best position in the parent area.

One head and one position, indicating that dad and Mengmeng are welcome to take a seat quickly, mugan and sigma also sit on the scarlet seat.

After they took their seats, the parents who came to the back of Mugen's family went there one after another and sat in the back seat of Mugen's family. Without looking back, they knew that countless people were staring at themselves. Mugen put his hands on his knees in embarrassment and did not dare to look back for a moment.

This occasion is too formal, everyone's dress is too formal, the surrounding situation makes mugan have to be nervous.

It was at this time that the host announced the official start of the ceremony. When the national anthem sounded, the scarlet curtain in front of the main stage fell instantly, revealing a figure behind as the main background: the protagonist of the portrait is a man in black uniform, with long golden hair and golden eyes. He is -

Louis I!At the moment when the portrait was exposed, without any instruction from the host, everyone stood up in silence, took off their hats and paid homage. One minute later, they all sat down.

He didn't know what was going on and could only follow suit. Mugan felt his heart beat faster and faster.

Fortunately, the following ceremony was similar to what he had experienced. After the long and colorful rhetoric, the host invited the dean and Professor representatives of the college to deliver speeches.

Mr. Argos looked very serious when he was in College - mugan was still thinking about it when the Dean delivered his speech. These are regular speakers, and the atmosphere was very calm.

The atmosphere reached a climax when the host invited the guests to give a speech:

the Imperial military academy invited Marshal Rosse as a guest this time!!!

It's too heavy!

The atmosphere became more serious. After Marshal Rosse's speech, the applause was so loud that mugan almost felt that he was going to be deaf.

As usual, it's time for the graduates' representatives to give their speeches after the guests' speeches. Mugan can't help but raise his spirits and is always ready to applaud Olivia. However, after marshal rothsey's speech, Olivia is not the second person to come up, but another person mugan also knows!

"Mr. Heather?" Mugan was stunned.

When heatheri ronaskir stood in front of the portrait of Louis I and began to speak, the atmosphere in the room was almost warm and about to explode -

as the leader of the opponents of all the military personnel present, heatheri ronaskir had not set foot on any land belonging to the military's sphere of influence for 150 years, and the Imperial military academy was naturally within this sphere.

The corner of his mouth slightly tilted, waiting for the atmosphere in the room to return to the scope of his voice, siser Xili began to speak. First, he praised the auditorium where the graduation ceremony was held. Then he recalled the glory of Louis I's time, his gorgeous words, and his slow speaking speed. This adult's speech was very consistent with his field of force and his impression in front of the public. People don't know why he appeared in this place at this time, just because people thought he would not When praising the Imperial military academy at home, to my surprise, Heather Ronald Schill praised the Imperial military academy seriously.

“…… It's a good college where young people can gain strength and a brave heart. "

"I will consider having my children come here in the future."

Everyone knows that this adult is a cantas. As the number one fanatical supporter of reviving the prosperity of the cantas race, his "children" are all cantas.

As a college founded by the emperor Louis I of cantas, the Imperial military college is deeply marked with the name of cantas. Even the emblem of the Imperial military college is a black cantas. However, in recent decades, the college has never welcomed a cantas student.

It's not that there is no cantas, but that the adult has brought all the new cantas into his own sphere of influence.

But now, in full view of the public, Heather sironashikir finished his speech, and then, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stretched out his right hand in one direction.

It's a gesture of invitation, completely equal and kind.

"Come on up, my child," people heard Heathcliff say

When the tall young man stood on the stage, people recognized the identity of the Imperial military academy student from his dress. When he came on stage, he should be the best student of this year and also the representative of the graduates.

But -

What's the relationship between the graduate representative of Imperial military academy and the adult of the Council?

All doubts stop at the moment when the young man raises his head and takes off his military cap.

Standing in front of the portrait of the golden haired and golden eyed emperor, the young graduate representative showed his golden eyes.


the young man, who was very consistent with the appearance of the emperor, began his speech gently. Without any manuscript, he always faced the public.

He talked a lot.

He talked about the excellent instructors of the Academy, the dean of Argos who took him to school, and the distinctive restaurants of the Imperial military academy

Then he solemnly recommended No. 3 restaurant's food that tastes like fish without fish (laughter).

Just like an excellent young man, from his speech, people can hear his memory of Imperial military academy, his impression of faculty and staff, and his feelings with his classmates.

There is no doubt that he has deep feelings for the college.

Then the topic changed. From the food in No. 3 canteen, he mentioned some of his missing experiences.

Hunger, and how to use the precious recipes of No.3 canteen to spend the disaster with colleagues.

He didn't mention much about that task. At the moment, all the parts that he talked about are the parts that can be talked about. There is no one here who doesn't know his experience. Instead of covering up, it's better to let everyone know that he is the one who is talking about.The military department is very complicated, and the Council seems to want to play a part in this matter. In order to get the highest interests, Olivia uses this occasion to push herself to the public.

What's more grand than the presence of the leaders of the military department and the Government Council at the same time?

Olivia was smiling from beginning to end.

As Miss Maria said, he looks great!

From the moment Olivia came on stage, Meng Meng became very focused.

He stares at Olivia on the stage with a light screen. Mugan guesses that he is probably recording the whole process.

Just as mugan takes back his eyes on Mengmeng, Olivia sees that Mengmeng suddenly turns her head.

"Well, it looks strange to Olivia."


"He looks so advanced now." Mengmeng chooses an adjective that is more in line with robot habits.

"I'm so shabby now. Do you think Olivia won't want me?" The colorful cute way.

Meng Meng looks a little pitiful with her head tilted.

He gently touched Mengmeng's body, and then mugan laughed.

"No, you're cute."

"For Ollie, you're the only one who's cute!"

Mugan smiles. His smile is faithfully recorded in the video recording of this day by Mengmeng who is still in camera mode, and is finally seen by Olivia.

Of course, it was later.

Soon after mugan comforted Mengmeng, Olivia on stage finally turned to her family.

“…… I am a soldier, and from the moment I enter this academy, I know what my future destiny is. "

"Unlike lieutenant general bulfast lane, who hopes to be starry at last, I hope to die in my own home, surrounded by my family and left under the gaze of all."

"At that moment, I just want to bring everyone back."

"I don't want to die in a strange star field. Even if I die, I will die in my own country."

"I love my country."

"Once again, thank my family for coming to me when I was in despair. Although they were not senior officers or even military officers, they did their best to come to me when I was in despair."

"I love you."

Olivia's speech ended with a thank-you and a deep bow.

Beautiful words can be said by anyone, and Olivia is especially good at it.

This speech, which made him feel like a duck in water at the same time in the military department and the Government Affairs Council, has been repeatedly studied by later generations.

People think Olivia has been a qualified politician since then.

In a speech, he not only introduced his relationship with the military headquarters, but also acquiesced in his cantas identity, which won him the support of the Council. He also introduced his contributions and his patriotism. Finally, he used the introduction to his family to show that his family was very ordinary and did not belong to any forces.

This is a very beautiful closing speech, which marks the end of Olivia's student days;

at the same time -

it is also a very, very beautiful opening speech. After this graduation ceremony, this great man who has been famous in the history of the Empire has officially stepped on the stage only belonging to him!

This speech is a bit true and a bit false. Maybe only Olivia knew it.

Olivia, who was sitting in the front row of the parents' table, was gazing at them and smiling at them.

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