After the graduation ceremony, the reward for the last mission came down, and the military department finally awarded major Olivia the rank of captain of a spaceship under the first regiment of the first division and first brigade of the 17th corps!

At the moment when the war is not frequent, Olivia can become a major just after graduation. Olivia's job is absolutely the only record!

When he heard that the number of people under the command of the major could reach 450, mugan was shocked: this, this is more than their Unicorn! Ollie, can he put it here?

But Olivia seems to know.

"This is a brand new Legion dedicated to new star domain development. The number and establishment are all new. The troops and soldiers need to be transferred from other places. I was just in time. "

Seeing that mugan was still a little uneasy, Olivia added: "Hansel, most of them will go with me. In addition, I also wrote an application to the military headquarters to send Todd and jopson. I talked with them a lot during the graduation ceremony. It's hard for the Legion they are now in. They all want to go to the new Legion. "

Mugan nodded, "you just have a plan in mind."

"Dajiao and Mengmeng, please." Olivia added.

The letter of appointment requires him to go to the army "immediately", and the spaceship tickets are ready for him! The ticket and access letter for mugan to Pandora also happened to come with his appointment letter. The access letter was clearly sent to mugan alone, and Olivia couldn't accompany him if she wanted to go!

"Yes, I will send Meng Meng to you as soon as he is repaired." Mugan continued to nod.

Then, putting aside her appointment, Olivia began to discuss the family affairs with mugan carefully:

big white's behavior of robbing eggs is not very good! It's a rookie father who has broken the three corners of the moon. I have to find a substitute for it. I can't let it go on like this.

How's the bun business at home recently? Without uncle alfa, his business performance seems to have declined. Although he and mugan can make money by themselves now, this steamed bun shop has been uncle's hard work and can't let the business continue to decline.

after Hansel and his family left, there were only two young men with three young children Although boss Bunny's son generously gave boss Bunny's shop to them, they are not familiar with the place. Their life here is still worrying




“…… We all left and left everything here to Uncle alpha. They always feel very sorry... " Olivia sighed as she turned the subject among her friends and relatives.

Under Olivia's intentional guidance, mugan finds that there are so many things in his family that he can't leave people at all! But in order to find Ollie, I'm now in the army. I was promoted to second lieutenant two days ago. I can't retire for a while. What can I do?!

Find the goal, Olivia began to accompany mugan to think together, and finally gave him a move: civil service examination!

Today, the only way that serving soldiers can freely change their residences is this.

That's how Lord heatheri ronaskir changed his fate. He successfully jumped from dunprin to ifadia!

Good welfare for civil servants - there are many weddings, funerals, weddings, and maternity leave! Soldiers in the military headquarters can only rest for three days, while civil servants can rest for three months!

The social status of civil servants is high - civil servants and soldiers belong to the same national staff, and soldiers, spaceship tickets can be half price Da!




Olivia counted the N advantages of civil servants. These words finally moved mugan successfully. Mugan immediately decided that after returning from Pandora, he would continue to serve in the army and test the civil servants of Balu star at the same time!

Olivia was relieved at last.

In his view, mugan's life trajectory has been disturbed for his reasons.

Mugan should have stayed in school or become a chef, although he is not good at his own business, but it is his dream!

However, because of himself, mugan joined the army.

He is excellent, but it is because of his excellent, he will be sent to more dangerous places.

Olivia doesn't want that.

He hopes that mugan can do what he likes, and that he is selfish. He hopes that he can see mugan at the first time when he comes back from his mission, instead of finding mugan still in an unknown place when he comes back.

Olivia won't impose his will on mugan, but he is willing to add fuel to the flames. When he finds that his goal has been achieved, he stops talking. In the next day, he happily knocks down the remaining walnuts, cleans up the residence for the moon dragons, plays with Dajiao for a while, and Olivia even sells them in his own bun shop After that, he left with the luggage that mugan had prepared for him.There is no fear, no uneasiness, Olivia is very smart to enter.

On the afternoon of Olivia's departure, mugan also took his family to leave on time by spaceship. The military department applied for 20 days' detention time for him to take all the worn robots and a Nanny Robot. Mugan didn't waste this opportunity to take all the robots at home.

There is only one route to pandra, and there are very few spaceships. They need to transit three times to get on the spaceship to pandra.

Even though they have only one big head left, mugan still doesn't want to put them in the box. He would rather be tired to hold them. In this way, mugan and his party look very strange.

However, this situation was greatly improved when they boarded the spaceship to pandra.

No, it can't be said to be "better", it should be said to be reverse - the ship is full of robots! On the contrary, mugan became the only living person on the spaceship!

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