For the ordinary people of Bailu, the Imperial Army's expedition was no different from usual.

There are still reports of success, and there are still an endless stream of warships coming back to supply. Everything seems very calm. Only mugan was getting more and more nervous.

The location of all the battles in the victory report and the steps he calculated according to the supply configuration have been completely closed. Through frequent small-scale battles, the Empire began to form a net, and it was time to close the net immediately -

as more and more enemies were captured, and more and more people knew about each other's scientific and technological level and civilization, it became an urgent choice for the high-level Empire to defeat the invaders as soon as possible and end the war as soon as possible.

The technology level of level 7 civilization is terrible! And there will be backup coming soon -

The Empire must catch up with the other side and take the lead to fight to the death with the other side when they still have the advantage of population!

In June of 407, after countless small-scale battles, the Empire won six important battles, and the remnants of the invaders were driven to the Hengyang system by the imperial army.

Under the encirclement and interception of the second, third and fourth army under the general command of Argos, the Empire launched a decisive battle aimed at "exterminating the invaders".

On the fourth day after entering the Hengyang system, the fifth and eighth armies of the Empire also entered from another direction and participated in the encirclement and suppression of the invaders. The next day, the sixth group army and the seventh group army came after another group of invaders

This is the battle that the Empire took part in the most in the stalemate against the invaders of foreign civilizations. It is also the battle that lasted the longest and had the highest firepower standard!

The battle lasted 12 months! At the beginning of the battle, the army of the fifth and the eighth group had already begun to fight against the enemy! The whole Hengyang system became a closed arena. In this huge arena, the imperial army made full use of the complex terrain of the Hengyang system to conduct guerrilla operations, breaking the whole into parts and breaking the parts into a whole. They concentrated their superior forces and first destroyed the weakest warship team of the enemy. After a fierce encirclement and suppression and counter encirclement and suppression, the invaders' forces were finally weakened to the level of the emperor Since then, the two sides have entered a stalemate.

The stalemate lasted for about eight months, which is also the longest period in this campaign. During this period, both sides were avoiding large-scale fighting. When the stalemate entered the eighth month, the first imperial group army led by Marshal Rousseau finally arrived!

Although it is still a group army in name, the army under the personal command of Marshal rothsey is the most luxurious of the Imperial Army in terms of organization and weapon configuration. Before the formation of the eighth group army, all the soldiers who are more than organization are under the first group army.

The emergence of the first imperial army was like a heavy chip. After it was put on the sky, the power of both sides was completely unbalanced, and the two sides entered the final stage: the period of sweeping up.

Taking Hengyang galaxy as a prison, all eight imperial armies appeared on the same battlefield for the first time, vowing to end the invaders' pace here -

on the day of the final decisive battle, the time on Bailu was daytime.

After a long distance of light years, all the people on Bailu see the dazzling red light on the bright day, and then the whole sky of Bailu presents a wonderful golden red.

Everyone ran to the street to watch the strange sky. Mugan was no exception. However, when he got up, he suddenly felt heartache. Mugan stopped and covered his left chest. His brain suddenly went blank.

Just then, he heard the screams of panic outside the window.

"It's the intruder! The intruder ran up to Bailu star - "

regardless of the dull pain of his heart, mugan opened the door of the office with an arrow step -

the intruder ran up to Bailu sta

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