There are lots of robots in the sky above dew. Each robot is a yuabis.

The enemy is on the way.


When he saw the invaders, the first thought in Mugen's mind was these two words.

No, No.

If the Empire was defeated, these invaders could not be so intact. They looked more like Sneak attack

Mugan pursed his lips.

In a way, he guessed right.

This neat line-up of invaders did come to steal. However, they were not any of the invaders who were forced into the Hengyang system by the imperial armies, but the "enemy reinforcements" that marshal rothsey had been worried about.

Marshal Rosse learned from the report submitted by the Academy of Sciences that reinforcements were on the way. It was knowing that the new enemy was on his way that he decided to take the initiative to start a decisive battle!

He wanted to finish the battle before the reinforcements arrived, but the other side arrived too fast.

He miscalculated.

After all, the reinforcements of the uabis were against the rear camp of the Empire.

But fortunately, they also have the costaro defense system. The weapon made by boss Tony is powerful! In the face of civilization level 7, which is three levels higher than our own, it is not inferior. Last time, the enemy lost thousands of warships, and only five warships were leaked in. Besides, during this period, boss Tony upgraded the costaro defense system again

But why doesn't the enemy look nervous at all?

After squeezing the key of constarro, mugan's forehead broke out in a cold sweat.

When all the people on the ground were stupefied and looked up at the sky, suddenly a robot came from behind the crowd.

When all the others are still, any moving object will become particularly eye-catching.

In particular, he looks very embarrassed.

There are a large area of tear marks on the fuselage. The threads inside half of the body are outside. There are still a lot of uncooked plasma and white powder on the metal surface.

Wait -

blood? White powder

Flour - after instinctively identifying what it was, mugan only felt that the heat of his whole body had faded from him.

He knows the robot.

It's a nanny robot named cake. Mugan knows him very well because he's boss Tony's robot!

He even bought the robot with sigma and boss Tony together!!!

"What's the matter with boss Tony?" What mugan can think of, Sigma can also see that, with the advantage of being petite, sigma grabs the robot's foot when it passes by!

The robot named cake lowers its head slightly, and the half torn head is reflected on Sigma's screen.

This originally mellow and lovely robot gives people a ferocious feeling at this time.

"He's dead." Cake answered his question calmly.

"Dead? How did you die? " Sigma is still clinging to him.

"Killed by me." Robot cake finally said a word, and then looked up indifferently, straight ahead.

Sigma is stuck.

"Today's business is very good. Mr. Tony asked me to order more flour, but I'm in a hurry. I may be out of stock at other places. Sigma, can I buy some from your home?"

"Sigma, this is the energy liquid with yoghurt flavor. Try it!"

"After I joined the army, please take care of Mr. Tony for me. His waist is not good and he can't meet for a long time."

"Oh! It's little sigma! Do you want to work for me? I'll pay you 100 yuan an hour ~ "


Sigma's hard disk has a very large capacity, which can record everything he has experienced in his life in detail. When he wants to access the information of relevant people, these records will be recorded in video, audio, picture Various forms appear in his brain, just like what is happening.

For robots, this is their memory.

In Sigma's hard drive, there are many memories labeled "boss Tony".

Those memories are refreshing in his mind with extremely fast frames, and the pictures are finally fixed on a scene:

"little Sigma is so sweet! I haven't thought about using a robot for most of my life, but now I really want one. " The boss Tony in the picture is laughing.

It was dusk. After sigma helped boss Tony stand at the counter for a day, boss Tony had a whim when he handed him Sigma's salary.

It happened that mugan had just come to pick up sigma. The three of them checked. Now the biggest department store on Bailu is doing activities. It's very cost-effective to buy robots, so they went happily together."Cake" this robot is selected by sigma, the name is also taken by sigma!

It's such a robot, but now it's covered with blood and says that he killed boss Tony?!

When sigma got stuck, the robot had already walked out of a certain distance, staring at the blood on the ground. Sigma quickly ran on the ground with both hands.

"You How did you kill boss Tony? " There is no way to deal with this time in the program, Sigma can only keep asking.

When he was stopped again, only half of the light screen of the robot flashed red light representing the warning.

Reach out a hand, the robot vigorously pull to sigma!

"That's it -" sigma was lifted up by him, and then fell forward heavily -

sigma rolled down in the middle of the road, motionless, he looked like he was broken, but when others thought he was really broken, he got up again.

Climbing up again, sigma continued to chase the robot.

But this time he didn't succeed. He just ran two steps and was picked up by ipsilon.

Everyone can only watch the dilapidated robot slowly walk to the open space with a certain distance from everyone, and then talk to the sky.

"Report sir, I've successfully disrupted the costaro defense system from within. We can safely enter here now."

So says the yuabis, who carry the cake shell of the robot.

"Good." With a cold mechanical sound in the sky, the uabis who had been hovering in the air quickly landed -

"now, you are our captives." Then, the cold mechanical voice.

With the sound of landing, the uabis finally stood on the land of Bailu star, the last pure land of the Empire.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" I don't know who made the first cry of despair.

"Roar -" then, I don't know who made the first roar.

Just as the uabis came towards the crowd on Bailu, a huge and ferocious red beast suddenly appeared in the crowd. With a big mouth, she bit the nearest uabis!

That's What kind of monster is that? The White Dew starlet was stunned!

However, they soon recognized that the ugly monster that they could not recognize was one of their own! Actually bit off half of each other's body.

Not long after the beast appeared, one giant dinosaur after another appeared. They use the body to block in front of the White Dew Star public, toward those metal casting enemies roar and go!

"Well, it seems that I've changed. It's so good. Everyone knows what my prototype is. It's more difficult to find someone." Mugan heard Miss Maria sigh softly.

Then, another ugly red monster appeared beside him! Without waiting for mugan to speak, he ran to the other red monster with his long tail.

In a short time, the scene of order on Bailu disappeared and was replaced by chaos! Most of the people who stay here are ordinary people. In this situation, they have changed their body with the people in front of them, and they want to join in the scuffle. However, more people are completely flustered, and they don't know which direction to go -

mugan looks at a little red hair peeping out of the wall timidly, and then none Standing still, seeing that he was about to be trampled to death by the crowd in the chaos, mugan ran to him and caught him.

Little maocho didn't know what he had just experienced. He just saw himself rolling in the arms of Mugen, who was familiar with him.

The voice is soft and full of trust.

He was too young to understand what all this meant.

Holding the baby in his arms and feeling the heavy weight, mugan quickly climbed up the wall: "from now on, everyone go to area a! As we've done before, retreat in order! Come on

In the dark crowd, mugan saw Mr. Heather at a glance.

He is always so eye-catching, no matter where he is, he always has a way to make people pay attention to him at first sight.

Mugan saw Mr. Heather smiling at him with satisfaction.

Then -

Mr. Heather turned into a black khantas and resolutely joined the ranks of blocking the enemy.

Mugan resolutely ran to the courtyard at home -

he let go of the circle of Unicorn animals such as big horn, and then went to the room to find out the little maocho head by head. According to the number of heads, he and the robot parents ran with them to the direction of area A.

The unicorns are well bred by mugan's family, and they can't run around even if they don't lock. Now they see their owners are so busy, and they are in line wisely. During this time, they are used to raising them together with the little maocho. They understand that the owners seem to be suffering from the little maocho's disobedience, so the unicorns take the initiative to carry the little maocho, and then follow the owners fast Run to the front.Nowadays, these unicorns are quite big. They are mixed in the crowd, and no one recognizes them as rare and precious unicorns. They only regard them as the prototype of ordinary human beings, and all of them are running towards the position of area A.

After more and more people came to Bailu for refuge, with the help of Dean AUD, mugan began to expand the refuge on Bailu long ago. After the panderans entered, it was transformed into a secret passage. Countless small spaceships stayed here, always preparing enough food and water, preparing for the possible escape one day.

There are several ships, and the list is established.

According to the list, the panic stricken people were put into the spaceship in batches. Mugan watched the spaceships go out, and his heart became more and more confused.

The Unicorn with its cub on its back was crowding around him. They were a little scared in front of so many strangers. A pair of big eyes happened to look at his position, waiting to enter a ship with the master.

Although they are also a little afraid of spaceships, they can endure as long as they are with their masters.

Finally, when he loaded the last little maocho into the spaceship, looking at the expecting eyes of the unicorns behind him, mugan froze -

finally, there were several positions left, including mother Maria and others who were resisting the invaders, Mr. Heather's, his own, and his own robot parents, but

There's no place for these unicorns!

"Granny Maria hasn't come up yet, and boss Joe hasn't come either." Sigma pulled his sleeve.

When mugan heard the cubs chirping, he seemed to ask why he didn't come?

He also heard the deep Moos of the unicorns.

Finally, he heard uncle alpha's voice.

"Mugan, you go up, little a, you go up, too."

Uncle's voice is as calm as ever.

"What about Sigma?" Sigma looks up in confusion.

“…… You go up, too. " Alfa thought hard for a while before answering him.

Next, he counted the rest of the seats and picked up some of the unicorn cubs.

"This is spare food." Alfa said coldly, but the movement of putting down a few Unicorn cubs was extremely gentle.

"Well What about you, uncle? " Mugan had a bad idea in his head.

Sure enough -

"we'll stay here, and all the other military robots will stay here." Alpha said quietly.

Mugan froze.

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