There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 116 Don’t mind

Neither of them spoke after that.

The girl didn't pick up Wei Ming's coat either.

They remained silent without saying a word until they returned to their respective residences.

In a rental house.

Wei Ming walked around, but still felt that it was not appropriate. This matter must be explained quickly to prevent the girl from misunderstanding.

Fortunately, the two of them had exchanged phone numbers before, and soon found her number and sent her a text message:

"Xiao Wang, my name is Wei Ming. Please don't misunderstand what happened just now. I didn't mean anything else. I was just afraid that your legs would be cold, so I checked a little bit. Just to care about your body and don't cause any discomfort. Good association, I’m not a messy, bad person.”

"I know."

Wang Xinran quickly sent a text message to reply: "Mr. Wei, you are a good person. You provided my father with such a good job and helped me so much. I am grateful to you before it is too late. How could I treat you as a bad person?"


Wei Ming shook his head repeatedly. The girl must be too naive. He quickly typed and said: "Xiao Wang, you can't just think of someone as a good person just because you are grateful to someone. This society is not as simple as you think. There are animals and beasts everywhere. , as a girl, you must take good care of your body. Not to mention your benefactor, even your dad, the closest person around you cannot be allowed to touch it casually. You must be wary of the opposite sex and be careful. A sense of self-preservation.”

"Okay, I admit it."

In order to teach the girl a lesson, Wei Ming said frankly: "Actually, I lost control of my mind just now in the car, so I reached out my hand without knowing it. I didn't tell the truth just now. Now, I solemnly tell you Please apologize and hope for your forgiveness. I promise that I will never do such a thing again in the future. You can keep a certain distance from me to prevent similar things from happening again. "

After this message is sent.

a long time.

The girl didn’t send any reply.

Wei Ming's heart skipped a beat, "Not good!" I shouldn't be too honest, the girl might be angry already.

According to the text message just now, if it is used as evidence and the girl calls 110 to report the crime, the police have every reason to arrest him and jail him for a few days. It is more likely to lead to a big scandal that shocks the whole country. Everyone will know about it and he will be blamed. Otherwise, you will be labeled as a pervert, and your competitors will try their best to add insult to injury, and the consequences will be close to social death.

That would be a huge blow to him.


After slapping his head hard, Wei Ming shook his head. He had committed such a low-level childish disease and was being blamed.

This hidden danger must be eliminated.

Preparing to call Wang Guoxin, Wei Ming planned to go to his house to solve the problem.

Ding dong~

My phone received a text message from Wang Xinran:

"Mr. Wei, you don't need to apologize to me. You are not wrong, and there is no need to explain so much... I don't mind what happened today, and you don't need to distance yourself from me in the future. Just keep it as usual."

In the bedroom.

After hesitating for a long time, Wang Xinran, who had just clicked to send the text message, buried her face in the pillow, but she could see the blush spreading to the back of her ears, and her earlobes were bright red.

The slender calves were also raised and lowered, repeated many times.

And made a whining sound.

do not mind?

Wei Ming was stunned and replied: "You must mind this kind of thing. You are a girl after all."

"If it's you, Mr. Wei, I don't mind."

Wang Xinran replied quickly, but such a straightforward meaning made her bury her head in the pillow faster, her calves shook faster, and steam seemed to be coming out of her head.

She really couldn't talk any more. She had reached the ultimate level of a young girl, and her bottom line of reserve had been pushed to the extreme.

"Xiao Wang, it's inconvenient to chat in text messages. Let's add a WeChat account. My WeChat account is XXX..."

Wei Ming replied with a text message.

He finally understood the girl's thoughts now.

Suddenly I felt relieved.

Then it becomes very easy to handle.

After adding each other’s WeChat friends.

Wei Ming said to her in the Wechat: "Xiao Wang, some of the text messages I just sent you were thoughtless. Please delete all those text messages, including the ones you sent yourself, so as not to Causing unnecessary misunderstandings.”


Wang Xinran replied: "They have all been deleted. Mr. Wei, I will show you the screenshots."

She sent another blank screenshot, showing that all text messages had been deleted.

"Thank you, Xiao Wang, for your cooperation." Wei Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know, Mr. Wei, you are a public figure. You should pay attention to everything, including your private life." Wang Xinran said.

Wei Ming opened his mouth.

At this moment, he found that the girl was not as mature as a girl, but was very sophisticated and could tell.

"No matter what, I still want to say sorry and send you a 5,000 red envelope as reward and compensation for you."

Wei Ming transferred 5,000 to her.

Wang Xinran clicked accept, accepted the five thousand yuan, sat up from the bed, and typed: "I accepted the money, Mr. Wei, let's completely eliminate the misunderstanding today. Also, what's going on in front of me?" It’s not a lie, I really don’t mind.”

"Okay, it's getting late, go to bed early, good night."

"OK, good night."

The two ended their chat.

However, after finishing his homework, taking a shower, and lying on the bed, Wang Xinran didn't feel sleepy at all. Instead, he was too excited to fall asleep.

Mr. Wei touched her leg.

Mr. Wei added her as a WeChat friend.

Mr. Wei sent her a big red envelope.

And it was the first time the two of them chatted for such a long time.

So many firsts happened today that she thought she was in a dream.

The relationship that used to be just a nod and acquaintance suddenly took a big step forward, and even had a little secret that only belonged to the two of them.

The gear of fate has moved forward in a big circle.

This was also the purpose of her decisive acceptance of the red envelope. She hoped that Mr. Wei would be more at ease with her, trust her, and eliminate his wariness and precautions as much as possible, so that the next time they meet, the relationship between the two can get closer and even form some kind of bond. and tacit understanding, narrowing the distance between hearts.

"Mr. Wei, I said that I want to stand by your side and become your secretary, and I mean it."

Under the covers, a cunning light flashed in the girl's charming eyes.

"There should be no problem, right?"

Lying on the bed, Wei Ming murmured, feeling a little unable to sleep.

He touched the girl's leg uncontrollably.

Then I apologized, added a Wechat message, and sent a 5,000 red envelope as compensation.

Is this done?

Although the girl has repeatedly stated that she doesn't mind, who can guess the woman's thoughts? What if she endures the humiliation for some reason?

But since the girl accepted the red envelope, the matter will most likely be resolved.

Thinking of this, he felt a strong sense of guilt in his heart.

How could a girl under the age of 18 do this? It was definitely illegal, and then she could settle it so easily with money afterwards.

Have I become a side of this society that can beat up others?

But that slippery, cool touch is so nostalgic. It has been deeply imprinted in my mind, even if it only lasts a few seconds.

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