There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 285 Set up your own business?

The black hole group plans to take over Mars for itself.

At most, they agree to rent out 1% of the land.

The surface area of ​​Mars is 142.8 million square kilometers. Even if it only accounts for 1%, it is more than 1.4 million square kilometers, which is quite large and can be used as a base.

But the Black Hole Group accounts for 99%, and giving 1% is completely a charity!

Moreover, Youdao has a blank sheet of paper that is easy to draw on, and a horse that travels a thousand miles. The area is only so small, and it is not convenient to do anything. If you accidentally cross the boundary, you are tied up and severely restricted. Basically, you can't even think about doing anything big on Mars. , can only be used as a transit base.

But what if you don’t agree?

The supply of water drop crystals is permanently discontinued.

Unless the technical problems of a controllable nuclear fusion reactor are solved using conventional materials, the only transport spaceships available are the "Fuxi" and the "Shennong".

Just two large spaceships, even if used at full capacity, can only meet Yuexing's development needs.

If you want to develop the asteroid belt.

Want to exploit resources near Jupiter.

Want to develop the entire solar system.

At least tens of thousands of large transport spacecraft are needed, and two ships are far from enough.

"Comrade Wei, can I give in a little more, 10%?"

"5%, this is the bottom line, it really can't be any less!"

"Why are you so greedy, 3%! This is the final concession, no more compromise is possible!"

The boss kept making concessions and softening his attitude.

But Wei Ming remained unmoved.

The stalemate lasted for more than two hours.

The boss said with a dry mouth and a pleading look on his face. Still unable to get Wei Ming to nod, he sighed helplessly: "The universe is so big, why shouldn't we give up even an inch of ground? How about being more open-minded?"

"That's what I mean too. The universe is so big, so what if I give up Mars?" Wei Ming spread his hands.

"Your company only has hundreds of thousands of people, and we have to manage more than a billion or billions of people. The size gap is so huge, how can 1% of the cake be enough?"

"Then give me 100 million, and I will help lighten your burden." Wei Ming said calmly.


The boss looked at Wei Ming deeply and didn't understand what he wanted to do. It was just a company that managed hundreds of millions of people. What should I do if there was a problem?


Negotiations remained deadlocked until June 3.

The two sides finally reached a consensus.

The Black Hole Group occupies 99% of the territory of Mars and owns it permanently.

House G occupies 1% of the area and owns it permanently. Wei Ming will help find an area with more groundwater.

It can be said that both parties made difficult concessions and finally signed an agreement and reached cooperation.


The recruitment and training of Mars immigrants from the Black Hole Group will not be subject to any restrictions in the future, but the total number of recruits must not exceed 50 million.

As well as the future development of the asteroid belt and the development of resources near Jupiter, the core principle is "first come, first served, each based on his ability." If both parties are interested in the same place, they can "win-win cooperation, 50-50 split" to ensure Neither party suffers a loss and is bound by a common code of conduct.

After the signing of the "Partition Agreement", it can be said that all obstacles to cooperation have been basically cleared and a series of potential problems that may arise in the future have been resolved, so that we can move forward without worries.

In addition, Wei Ming has also placed an order for up to ten large transport spaceships, each of which has a carrying capacity no less than the Fuxi's transport capacity of tens of thousands of tons.

After the manufacturing orders for these ten large spaceships are completed.

Wei Mingcai might consider selling two more sets of fusion reactors to the aerospace group.

Let the number of controllable nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft owned by both parties maintain a fixed ratio of about 5:1 for a long time, and the Black Hole Group must maintain its advantage.


Negotiation is over.

Wei Ming exhaled a breath, turned the swivel chair, stretched out his hand to rub the center of his brow, feeling tired for a while.

In fact, to be honest, there is no need for him to compromise or give in to anyone. As long as he wants, he can get everything he wants, no matter what it is.

You don’t have to care about other people’s feelings and you don’t have to follow anyone’s advice.

There is no framework in the solar system that can restrain him.

At the most extreme, it is okay to become the supreme master.


Wei Ming restrained himself.

He is not the kind of person who wants to fight, and he can be very generous when he should be generous.

Even Mars, he can completely abandon it, and then find ten, a hundred, or countless high-value planets at a very low price, and he can have as many as he wants.

Including wealth, land, and others, they have no meaning or value in their eyes.

But he hated being played for a fool.

He can suffer some losses, but others cannot take advantage of him for granted, otherwise they will see his stingy and mean side.

As a certain saying goes: "I didn't give it to you, so you can't take it, let alone rob it."

Of course there is one more thing.

Wei Ming does have the idea of ​​​​turning Mars into his own "private territory". When the conditions are perfect enough in the future, it is very likely that he will immigrate to Mars to live.

Blue Star is good though!

But he still often feels uncomfortable living, always feeling like there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him all the time.

I have encountered at least more than ten accidents, large and small, in total. Since most of them were near misses, I didn't pay much attention to them.

But that doesn't mean that potential threats and covetousness will all disappear, because Wei Ming is associated with endless interests, so some forces will never give up, no matter what the price.

Perhaps after leaving Blue Star and running to Mars, Wei Ming's ears would be clearer and he would feel more at ease.

However, in this land of freedom, he still had to part with 1% and agreed to a lot of constraints. It can be seen that it was because he still had a bottom line in his heart that he did not break all the rules and constraints. Between absolute freedom and limited Between constraints, I still chose the latter.

Moreover, he felt that the big man's surprise and astonishment were unreasonable.

To show his ability.

With the responsibilities and missions he has undertaken, what if he established a "small portal" on his own? Why can't the Black Hole Group grow into an independent force, but instead be constrained within a certain framework, reducing its own profits and efficiency?

"If in a few years, a god-level civilization wants to destroy the solar system, can you resist it with your strength?"

"It is right to say that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. In the same way, the greater the ability, the rights should also be greater, matching the ability?"

"If I become the patron saint of human civilization and save billions of people, what kind of status should I give to a god?"

Forget it.

There's not much to say.

Wei Ming didn't want to worry too much about this kind of issue and put on a hateful face. He even wanted to have less trouble. He didn't want to try to be a 'hero'. He just wanted to enjoy life in a low-key way and live his own stable life. day.

Moreover, after some communication.

The big boss also figured it out and basically acquiesced to the Black Hole Group's approach. He said that after returning, he would discuss the "one pot N system" and possibly add a new "special company system". As long as everyone is within the same framework, It’s easy to talk about anything, just cross the river by feeling for the stones, as long as it doesn’t affect internal unity.

Furthermore, the universe is so big. After entering the interstellar era, can the old system and framework adapt? Across hundreds of millions of kilometers and a communication delay of tens of minutes, can efficient and unified management be achieved?

The enhancement of the independence of colonial planets is inevitable and almost inevitable. What is important is to maintain identity and cultural unity, and highlight more "commonalities". Only in this way can we live in harmony, move towards a bright future, and continue to unite the most powerful the power of.

After all, we are weak when we are divided and we are strong when we are united.

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