There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 286 The kneeling old noble

Wei Ming has reached an agreement here.

But the impact of Fuxi's first flight is far from over, and it doesn't end here.

Especially for Blue Star's entire geographical structure, it has had a tearing and devastating impact.

Controllable nuclear fusion!

China was the first to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

For other countries, even if they concentrate all their resources on tackling key problems, if they want to achieve a breakthrough, the fastest is 2035, and 2050 is an optimistic date. If they delay a little longer, they don’t know when they will be able to achieve a breakthrough.

But Hua got it done again.

It has also been miniaturized and installed on a spacecraft.

That 100,000-ton spacecraft will take at least two years to build. In other words, China's controllable nuclear fusion will be successful before 2026, or at least a huge breakthrough!


For such a big thing, we always don't say hello, we always do it secretly!

Moreover, a person who eats alone never considers the problem from the perspective of all mankind.

It even wants to establish a monopoly, and there is no intention to share the technology at all.

Hey, hey, what about the promised win-win situation, and the promised community of shared destiny?


The most severe criticism must be carried out!

But the news media has been bombarding and criticizing for more than a month. Is it effective?

In addition to the excitement and self-promotion of the people on our side, sending people to the streets every day to protest, or wooing a bunch of countries to vote, the proposal requiring China to share "controllable nuclear fusion" technology was passed 99 to 1, which has already put the performance on hold. Acted to the extreme.

However, Hua Guo didn't even look at it and just chose to ignore it.

A performance might as well be done for the blind, at least the blind can still hear it!

what to do?

Public criticism has no effect.

There is no use in voting for pressure.

Showing off your muscles is not a big deal... A certain country has already done it, but a single high-power infrasound generator cannot be approached within a range of fifty kilometers, and people will die within thirty kilometers. If you are more arrogant, it will be a disaster. .

There is nothing you can do!

He can't do anything except talk, and the talk is self-indulgent, and the real owner won't listen. The most he can do is run to the road in his own city, grab a yellow-skinned person with black eyes, and beat him up. Later, it was discovered that most of the people who were beaten were people from the island country and the country.

This is the limit of what they can do.

Then it should slowly subside.

But on June 30th.

Things have changed.

A major European country knelt down, or woke up.

Abandoning his noble identity, his dignity and moral integrity, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, hoping to establish a comprehensive cooperative relationship with the big boss, open up to each other, lift the blockade in the high-tech field, and express his willingness to integrate into China's scientific and technological system. Embrace a better future.

What was even more shocking was that the first one to kneel down was actually the most respectable You Laidian.

Cruelly abandoning his cousin, the jaws of all the old European aristocrats dropped.

He even did a series of things that were completely unacceptable to the keyboard warriors in his country.

For example, we have apologized for the past, returned cultural relics from museums, written a letter of guarantee stating that we will no longer do some minor bad things that cannot be brought to light, and in the business field, we will resolutely protect the legitimate interests of Chinese companies, etc.

It can be said that he showed enough sincerity and his attitude was very humble.

The word "kneeling" is an understatement.

But if you want to establish more comprehensive and in-depth cooperation with big bosses and establish good mutual trust, it is not enough to just do these things. Several additional conditions must be met.

"First, abandon my cousin, set a clear stage, and stop having too much contact with him."

"Second, liberalize freedom of speech, give up the hegemony of public opinion, and allow Chinese media to enter without any obstacles."

"freedom of speech?"

Youhuidian was shocked: "You actually said we don't have freedom of speech?"

"That's right, we said you don't have it, but you just don't have it. If you don't agree, shut up. Also, from now on, you can only say good things about us. The negative content should not exceed 10%, and it must be objective. All rumors and slanderous content will be deleted. If you don't do it well, , stop cooperation immediately.”

Yousipian was dumbfounded: "You, you are crazy, this is impossible, we cannot agree to such conditions!"

"The conditions haven't been finished yet."

The boss continued: "If any of our citizens or tourists are beaten here, the beater will be sentenced to more than five years; if they are killed, the police must solve the case and the murderer will be punished! Otherwise, no businessmen will come. Investment, tourists coming to visit, and other cooperation are also out of the question.”

"This is super-national treatment from above! Our laws treat everyone equally, and it is impossible to specially enact such a law."

Youhuidian exclaimed: "This request is too much. We can't possibly fulfill it! No citizen will agree."

“Forget it if you can’t do it!”

The boss said arrogantly: "We are people who are in a hurry. We don't have the energy and time to deal with stagnant beggars. We need to recognize our own strength and find our own position. Our goal is the stars and the sea, our interests It’s no longer on you. It doesn’t matter to us whether we cooperate or not. If you want to cooperate, then show a cooperative attitude and sincerity! Remember, it’s you who want something from us, not the other way around!”

The boss waved his hands with disdain and walked away.

after a few days.

July 5th.

The cooperation between the two parties was reached, a secret agreement not disclosed to the public was signed, a comprehensive cooperative relationship was established, and the mutual blockade in the high-tech field was lifted.

But only two days later, perhaps because it was too humiliating, the secret agreement was announced, causing an uproar around the world.

"Betray your cousin."

"Abandon the hegemony of public opinion."

"Give Chinese companies and tourists super-national treatment, and two punches will result in a five-year sentence."



This is something that can only be done by a dog that has completely knelt down. All moral integrity and decency have been lost!

It is said that several representatives who signed the "Dog Licking Agreement" were beaten in the House of Representatives until they were covered with bruises, but they still did not tear up the agreement because the royal family insisted that even if the crown fell, the agreement would not be invalidated.

So a few more days passed.

Another old nobleman knelt down. This time he signed a similar agreement with no morals and no morals.

Then, like dominoes, they fell one by one, their moral integrity falling faster and faster.

The proudest Gallic nobles also signed the agreement at the end of July.

So far, all of Europe has fallen, and there is no one who does not kneel.

This also declares the disintegration and collapse of the Western technology alliance and the collapse of the Western internal circulation market. After the ban is lifted, a large number of low-priced and high-quality Chinese high-tech products will flood into Europe, and tourists with high spending power will also flock there. Come.

"FxxK! FxxK!"

"You sons of bitches, traitors and traitors."

"You must die a good death, and you will definitely pay the price!"

With the collapse of the alliance system, Moujiang was completely isolated. He could only scream and roar like a wounded beast with scarlet eyes, and utter hysterical curses, but it had no effect.

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