There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 290 Departure

The moment when both feet stepped back onto the ground.

Survived a disaster.

Survived a disaster.

Everyone experienced the feeling described by these two idioms.

"If the 'Pioneer' was not strong enough, none of us more than 20 people would have been able to come back."

Faced with the inquiry of the special department, Zhang Xingfeng reported truthfully: "I'm not sure which force did it, but this behavior is very bad. If we don't take some legitimate actions to stop it, our company and the Aerospace Group's space exploration activities will face very great risks. We must eliminate such risks before we can move forward with confidence."

"We are not afraid of unknown cosmic dangers, but we are more worried about the hidden arrows shot from behind."

"Don't worry, we have launched the space escort plan and sent aerospace fighters to protect the trainees training in space, but you have to explain this problem well. Why did you ignore the safety of yourself and your teammates and force the second collision? Obviously, you have escaped danger the first time, why don't you choose to be cautious, but act recklessly?"

The interrogator asked seriously: "Do you know how dangerous this kind of thing is? You are gambling with your life, not just your own, but also a group of people's lives!"

"I'm not reckless."

Zhang Xingfeng explained: "Carrying In cargo mode, Pioneer can withstand a maximum overload of 16G, and in a collision with a relative speed of 60 meters per second, even if it is paused for a moment, the overload is only about 6G, which is completely within the tolerance range of Pioneer. It is precisely because of this calculation that I dare to implement a destructive collision to ensure that my own losses are minor. "

"If Pioneer also disintegrates and is damaged in the collision, it should not be my problem, but the quality problem of the aerospace plane. It is because of our trust in its quality that we can return safely. "

"It seems that you have not recognized your mistakes at all, but instead showed a certain stubbornness!"

The interrogator said very seriously: "If you are a soldier, according to the discipline, you have to be locked up for seven days and write a ten-thousand-word self-criticism. However, you are an employee of the Black Hole Group. Write a three-thousand-word self-criticism and say where you went wrong. If you write it on point, you can go out immediately. If you don’t find the point, rewrite it until we are satisfied, or your company comes to pick you up. "


Zhang Xingfeng opened his mouth, and then saw that the door of the confinement room was closed. Only the pen and paper on the table in front of him became the key to his freedom. He picked up the pen and racked his brains to write for an afternoon, but only wrote more than 500 words.

He took a risk of about one in a thousand.

The fuel redundancy was less than 12%.

Several students suffered from mild concussions, etc.

In addition to the above mistakes that could be written in 500 words, he really didn't know how to fill in the remaining more than 2,000 words, and he didn't have the water-filling skills of online writers.

But in the evening.

There was a creak.

The door of the confinement room opened.

Gu Lanlan walked in, pulled his arm and said, "Come on, you're fine, come with me."

"I haven't finished writing my self-criticism yet."

Zhang Xingfeng said, "Can you go out if you haven't finished writing this?"

"What kind of self-criticism is this? The big boss has praised you, saying that you are brave and courageous, and that you are an excellent employee of the Black Hole Group. He said that he would praise and reward you well and call on everyone to learn from you. If you encounter such a thing again, hit it to death! I don't know how encouraging it is to say that."

"But I also ignored everyone's safety. It was obviously safe, but I insisted on hitting it a second time."

Zhang Xingfeng said embarrassedly, "I think I still need to review it."

"You did it the second time and it was completely correct."

Gu Lanlan said, "Expert Long analyzed it for us and gave six reasons why we must hit it again: one is To prevent it from threatening other trainees in the company who are participating in space training after it is recovered and repaired; secondly, with the sturdiness of the Pioneer, it is not afraid of this collision at all... Finally, let those pirates see our bloodiness, let them learn a lesson, and pay a heavy loss, and dare not underestimate us again. "

"In short, if you encounter such a situation in the future, you must hit it hard!"

"What this female comrade said is right, it is indeed necessary to hit it hard and show our bloodiness."

At this time, the interrogator appeared again, and he echoed with a smile: "We also call on everyone to learn from your spirit. Space is not a place where some people can do whatever they want. We must be tough when we need to be tough. Whoever dares to provoke will be crushed to pieces!"

"The three thousand words of self-criticism..."

Zhang Xingfeng looked at him with surprise. Where was the serious face at noon?

"What's the point of review? We are afraid that your emotions will fluctuate too much, leaving some stress symptoms and sequelae, so we thought of a way to calm you down and adjust your mentality. How do you feel now? Have you adjusted your mentality?"

"Is that so?"

Zhang Xingfeng was half-believing and half-doubting, and nodded again: "I'm in good condition now, and I don't have any stress problems. Thank you for your concern."

"That's good, that's good, hahaha~"

The interrogator patted his shoulder affectionately with a smile on his face.


Return to Pangu Tiangong Base.

Zhang Xingfeng became a "hero" that countless people paid attention to.

He received the "Hero Student Medal" awarded to him by Mr. Wu of the company.

He received a cash reward of 3 million yuan.

I have attended many personal advanced deeds report meetings, often facing thousands of audiences, and expressed my thoughts. Of course, I also apologized to my teammates and colleagues in each report and expressed some reflection and review. I do not recommend that others learn to do this. Damn it, after all, their status is just quasi-Mars immigrants.

His speech was sincere and infectious, and he received a lot of applause.

But he gradually got tired of this feeling of being a "hero" and the "focus". He was just a decadent young man. He never wanted to be a hero, nor did he want to be so high-profile and public. He just wanted to do the job at hand well. .

Fortunately, he did not suffer from "fame and fortune" for too long.

Late November!

With the efficiency of ejecting 400 Kaifeng (cargo) vehicles from Tiangong Orbiter every day, for ten consecutive days, the "Fuxi" large transport spacecraft in space replenished 40,000 tons of various materials (the surface gravity of Blue Star is relatively large) , and there is no special space port, so it is more convenient to resupply in space).

Another ship, the "Shennong", also flew vertically into space, carrying tens of thousands of tons of various materials.

Then starting on December 5th.

Four days in a row.

With the efficiency of ejecting 100 Pioneer (manned) sorties per day, Tian Gong Orbit evenly distributed a total of 10,000 Mars immigrant pioneers on the "Fuxi" and "Shennong".

December 10th.

In the direction of Mars.

Two large transport spacecraft, "Fuxi" and "Shennong", started their plasma engines, generated powerful thrust, and accelerated towards Mars.

Arrival is expected in five months.

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