There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 291 The Night of the Nuclear Explosion

The first advance team of ten thousand people to immigrate to Mars has already set off.

The prelude to an interstellar colonization organized by the Black Hole Group has officially begun.

It is more than a year ahead of schedule compared to Wei Ming's previous plan.

Why is he so impatient?

This answer can be known by looking at the several immigration bases on the surface of Yuexing. The number of immigrants in Yuexing has exceeded 10,000 people.

The country's actions are not slow at all.

Even if the "ant moving" method is adopted, Yuexing's permanent population will exceed 10,000 within one year, and more than one million immigrants will be immigrated in the next ten years.

This put considerable pressure on Wei Ming.

Unwilling to lag behind others, of course he must take more active actions.

We must strive to catch up with the number of immigrants in a relatively short period of time, instead of continuing to take our time leisurely.

It can be said that he was forced into this state.

After the construction of the 10 large transport spaceships belonging to the Black Hole Group is completed next year, they will make one round trip every year to complete the transportation task of 100,000 immigrants. This will be maintained in a long-term and stable manner, which may last for more than 30 to 50 years.

In addition, the recruitment and training plan for the second and third batch of Mars immigrants has also begun. The training period for outstanding students has been compressed to two years, and for ordinary students to three years. For those who are really not very smart, they can use AI smart assistants and robots To complete the work, they do not need to be proficient in principles. They only need to follow the prompts of the "work assistant" step by step. After three years of training, as long as they can skillfully use the "work assistant" and complete most simple tasks, such students are considered qualified. .

The pace of interstellar colonization.

The era of opening up the universe.

It has arrived firmly and clearly.

Even if it seems a little premature, even if it is a little unprepared.

But as soon as you take that step, as soon as you step onto that sea of ​​stars, it's like the gears of fate begin to turn, and you can only continue to accelerate forward.

This is also an internal competition.

A harmonious and friendly competition, but still a lot of pressure.

Under normal circumstances, how can a mere company, regardless of its human, financial, material resources, organizational, mobilization, and division of labor capabilities, be able to compete with a behemoth?

Fortunately, there is a huge anomaly like Wei Ming.

In the early stages of the competition, he could almost draw the game on his own, at least not at a disadvantage.

On the one hand, in the field of new materials, he still maintains the advantage of "stuck neck".

In addition, as a "super porter", he can exert a transportation capacity no less than 1,000 "Fuxi" ships, and with his own power, he can tower over a behemoth.

But Wei Ming also knew that these advantages he had were only temporary and could not be maintained forever.

Besides, he didn't want to act as a "porter" every day, engaging in repetitive and boring work, running constantly like a machine.

He is actually very lazy and does not have a strong motivation to work. Working three days a week is almost to his limit.

In the remaining time, he has to rest and have fun, and spend time with his three children. In order to do this and that, Wang Xinran also has to visit occasionally, and deal with various interpersonal relationships. Even if he is a time management master, It always feels a little too busy.

Now we are trapped in the race for interstellar colonization.

I’m afraid I’ll still have to be busy for many years to come.

Sometimes Wei Ming also had thoughts like "it's better to take a break", "it's basically enough", "don't make the stall too big", and there was so much money that he couldn't spend it all, so why bother?

To conquer the stars and the sea, he will provide help from behind and then take a free ride on the country. Why bother to do it yourself and reinvent the wheel again?

That's right, Wei Ming's mind is not that big, he is easily satisfied, and he does have a bit of a "little wealth makes him happy" character.

But he will never be confused on important matters.

Something had to be done because he was not alone.

He now has a wife and two sons and a daughter.

I have many relatives and friends.

There is a giant group with tens of thousands of employees.

As well as hundreds of trustworthy allies in the Lime Club.

These are already quite a large interest group.

When Wei Ming was here, these people could live quite well and live happily without fear of any threats.

But what if, or what if, Wei Ming is gone?

For example, death from illness, death from old age, death from an accident, etc. may occur.

What will be the fate of the Black Hole Group?

What will the future life of my wife and children be like?

Will all the enemies hiding in the dark emerge?

Can the Black Hole Group maintain unity within itself instead of breaking out into internal strife and falling apart?

Will the more than 8 trillion in cash on the books and various assets worth more than 40 trillion attract countless sharks, gluttons, jackals, and hyenas to covet and eat them?

Shaked his head.

Wei Ming could only say that he didn’t know, wasn’t sure, and couldn’t guarantee it.

Or I dare not imagine it!

People often say that sharks are ferocious, tigers are powerful, elephants are angry, and bears should not be messed with. Not only because of their size, but also because they have sharp teeth and claws and powerful strength that can easily kill people.

But after the emergence of more powerful thermal weapons, they quickly became endangered animals.

The bigger it is, the more meat it has, so it will die faster.

And Wei Ming is the fangs and claws of the Black Hole Group, the protective umbrella of his family, and the safety of everyone.

Once he's gone.

Or be away for a long time.

I am afraid that he will immediately become a "giant piece of meat" in the eyes of countless forces, and you can guess the outcome without even thinking about it.

This is the reason why Wei Ming usually seems a bit arrogant, irritable, and unreasonable. If he doesn't be tough and domineering, how can he hold on to such huge interests?

But almost no one can live forever. He cannot shelter the Black Hole Group and his family forever, stay in a certain place every day, and tie himself to a small area.

Therefore, we must prepare a safe and reliable escape route and build an insurance to prevent unexpected events.

Wei Ming had no intention of breaking the original framework and order of Blue Star. He just wanted to create a small private territory outside of Blue Star.

The "Mars Home Plan" came into being.

December 20, night.

Off the sea east of Hangzhou, hundreds of meters above the sky.

Looking at the ten giant container cruise ships below.

"Let's get to work."

On Water Drop 3, in the acceleration control cabin, Wei Ming shook his head and muttered: "I am 33 years old this year. I don't know if I can officially announce my retirement before I turn 50."

Hook connection.

A container assembly weighing 100,000 tons was slowly lifted and was about to accelerate into the air.

Suddenly, there were dozens of small dots dragging white flames in the distance, rising from the sea, accelerating explosively, and heading towards us at extremely fast speeds.

Buzz buzz~

The huge sky-breaking noise is getting louder and louder.

Like dozens of meteors, they converged directly above the head of Shuidi No. 3 from all directions.

Wei Ming's expression changed drastically!


The originally dark night sky over the sea suddenly lit up with one sun, two suns... thirty-two suns.

They light up almost at the same time, turning into a super sun.

Hundreds of kilometers around were illuminated by daylight.

Shuidi 3 was probably less than 300 meters away from the explosion center of the super sun, and was almost instantly submerged in endless bright light.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The container assembly was shattered into pieces by the air waves and fell back to the sea from a high altitude with a loud bang. It was distributed in an elliptical discrete plane and splashed hundreds of meters high.

But among the noise of nuclear explosions and small-scale tsunamis, this loud noise seemed insignificant.

The ten super cruise ships drifting on the sea were either overturned by huge waves or burst into flames. Many of their hulls were cracked and water was pouring into them. If they were not rescued in time, they would surely sink to the bottom of the sea.

As for the small number of crew members on the cruise ship, some died on the spot, while others' skin was charred and their flesh was rotten, as if they had been soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid, running like zombies, howling and jumping into the sea.

Fifteen minutes later.

A few sea miles away, two black fish slowly surfaced.

"Confirm, the target has disappeared!"

"Report, we killed the superpower and eliminated the biggest threat!"

"This long nightmare is finally over. Victory and glory have returned to us. The devil from hell has returned to his own hell!"

"The demon hunting operation is over, prepare to return."

"Not good! There is an object approaching at high speed, hurry up..." The voice stopped abruptly.

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