There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 319 Extinguishing the Star

Although there were various incidents.

But the course and speed of the Ecosphere did not change.

Always headed towards the blue dwarf.

However, scientists have also been studying a major topic in recent years: How can we achieve the achievement of extinguishing a star quickly and well?

We must eat quickly.

We must also eat safely.

Stars are not easy to mess with!

Especially Vega, the surface temperature of the photosphere exceeds 8000 degrees, and the temperature of the nuclear fusion layer inside exceeds 20 million degrees. The radiation light it produces, facing strong pressure, takes several weeks to be transmitted. It is an unprecedented high temperature, high pressure and high brightness environment.

A large number of high-energy particles will be accelerated to a level close to the speed of light, thereby triggering fusion.

So even if a water drop crystal spacecraft enters, it will not last for many seconds.

How to eat it while avoiding danger and eating it quickly is a technical job worth studying.

By proposing a model and then simulating it with a supercomputer, scientists have proposed a total of three plans:

The first one is the relative static absorption method.

Let Xiao Hei and the star maintain a relatively fixed distance, then open the gravitational radius, start absorbing from the photosphere, and Wei Ming, who is riding on Water Drop No. 5, hides behind Xiao Hei. Due to the reduction of internal pressure, Vega will explode like a flash bomb in the later stage, so as to avoid blinding the eyes.

The swallowing speed of this scheme is a bit slow, similar to drinking a beverage with a straw, and it takes about a month to complete the absorption.

The second method is the high-speed orbiting method.

This scheme has certain risks.

That is to let Xiao Hei orbit Vega at 0.1 times the speed of light, and then sink into the photosphere to start crazy swallowing.

The average temperature of the photosphere is only about 10,000 degrees, which the water drop crystal can completely withstand.

However, there is a coronal ejection phenomenon on the surface of the star. The high-energy particle flow ejected comes from the interior of the star, with a temperature of more than 1 million degrees and an extremely high ejection speed. Once Water Drop No. 5 encounters a coronal ejection and is hit with a small probability, the destructive power is also very huge.

Water Drop No. 5 may not be able to withstand it.

The third method is the gravitational wave stripping method. It is also called the "space storm method".

This scheme is slightly complicated.

It simulates the scene of a star passing by a black hole and being swallowed, and then, in contrast, it simulates how a high-speed black hole passing by a star eats the star.

Then the black hole is accelerated to a terrifying degree of 0.85C.

The rotation operation is performed at a maximum distance of 23,000 kilometers.

Although the coverage radius of gravitational waves is only 23 kilometers, each time it passes, it can only carry trillions of tons of matter.

At the beginning, Xiao Hei can rotate twice per second.

But after bringing out a giant "halo" of matter, as long as the halo accumulates enough matter and forms a kind of "light shield", it can withstand the light flashes released from the interior of the star and the randomly erupted corona.

Xiao Hei's rotation speed remains unchanged, but the rotation radius is reduced to 10,000 kilometers.

The number of rotations per second increases to four, and the matter brought out can reach trillions of tons.

In addition, during the swallowing process, Xiao Hei's gravitational radius will increase.

The material flow driven by gravitational waves increases exponentially.

Eventually, an unprecedented "space typhoon" will be set off, constantly impacting the interior of the star and stripping away more matter.

Until the star is blown out.

From the beginning to the end, Wei Ming, who is in the center of the storm's eye, will be burned by some high temperatures, but generally not more than 100,000 degrees, which is within the tolerance range of Water Drop 5 and is very safe.

In addition, in terms of time, if it is fast, it should be done in about ten days.

Wei Ming nodded.

That's right, considering all aspects, the third option is definitely the best.

So when there was only half a year left in the countdown to reaching Alpha Lyrae.

Wei Ming first reduced the speed of the Ecosphere to 0.7C and slightly changed the course, no longer heading straight to Vega.

Then, he set off in advance with three scientific research ships (converted from C-class battleships) and arrived at a position less than 5 astronomical units away from Vega at an extremely fast speed in just three months.

The speed was reduced to zero. The scientists on the expedition ship were operating telescopes, infrared detectors, X-ray observation instruments and other long guns and short guns. They were all excited and looking forward to the arrival of an important moment. They named this scientific observation operation "Witness of Miracles".

Even in order to register for a place on the ship, scientists lost their manners. Many people fought hard for it, and some friends broke up.

Wei Ming didn't quite understand the scientists' ideas.

It was just a small scene. Why did they have to come to the scene to visit like they were punching in an Internet celebrity store? Wouldn't it be the same to watch the live broadcast? Why did they fight so hard that their heads were broken? Are they still gentle and wise scientists? In front of the truth, they have become old scientific hooligans.

He shook his head.

Entered Water Drop No. 5.

It took only half an hour to arrive in front of this burning fireball with countless bubbles on the surface and countless blue twisting tentacles extending out.

It was only 23,000 kilometers away and remained fixed.


Facing this blue dwarf star that is several times more violent than the sun.

Let Xiao Hei spin at high speed.

It reaches a terrifying speed of 0.85C.

Falling into the photosphere on the surface, opening the gravitational radius with all its strength, dragging out the material on the surface of the star.

Like a small tsunami, at least hundreds of billions of tons of matter were stripped away by strong gravity, breaking away from the star and being thrown into space.

The first circle brought out less material, and even some of it fell back to the surface of the star - the strong gravity is not so easy to overcome.

But soon there was a second lap.

The third lap.

The thousandth lap.

After the 10,000th lap.

The red, low-temperature "space storm" finally formed, like a burning circle of heaven and earth, rotating at a speed of more than 10,000 kilometers per second, constantly impacting the surface of the blue dwarf star.

the following few days.

It is the process in which the aura of the Universe Circle thickens, the rotation speed accelerates, and the scope continues to expand.




The blue dwarf star erupted with more than one flash of light, with increasing frequency.

On the fifth day, its volume suddenly more than doubled, and a small-scale helium flash broke out inside. Logically speaking, after the helium flash broke out, its volume could expand more than ten times. However, due to insufficient pressure, it seemed to be deflated. Collapsed back again.

The shocked scientists all exclaimed and breathed a sigh of relief.

On the eighth day, its color changed from blue to yellow, becoming a yellow dwarf star similar to the sun.

On the tenth day, the yellow dwarf disappeared, and there was only one red dwarf left on the scene. The light of the "space storm" next to it completely covered up the dimness of the red dwarf, greatly diluting its sense of existence.

the eleventh day.

The space storm subsided, and the small red dwarf star disappeared, leaving only the dark cosmic background.

On board the scientific research ship.

"Do you believe there is a god in this world?" A scientist murmured, looking at the darkness in front of the porthole.

"I didn't believe it at first."

The scientist next to me said: "But the moment that star went out, my world view was reconstructed. What governs this world may not necessarily be the laws of physics, but the existence that can extinguish a star in 11 days."

"Yes, how can a mortal control a black hole? But since black holes can be controlled, it is not surprising that there is a god in this universe."

The scientist sighed.

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