There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 320 Bait Broadcast

After the devouring is over.

Although it also consumes a small amount of energy.

But Xiao Hei still succeeded in swallowing material equivalent to the mass of two suns.

So the parameters of Xiaohei at this moment are——

View range: 6120 meters

Gravitational radius: 782.26 kilometers

Scanning radius: 7822.6 kilometers

The longest distance that can be released: greater than 782,260 kilometers

All data have increased by several orders of magnitude.

It was originally just a small black ball as big as a room, but now it is more than 6,000 meters in diameter, extremely dark in color, and round, like a squid in the deep sea; it also looks a bit like a slime from another world, cute. It clicks, but as soon as you touch it, you will scream wow.

The gravitational radius of nearly 800 kilometers allows Weiming to cover the entire Ecosystem and accelerate and decelerate evenly, so that there is no longer the concept of "acceleration period" and "deceleration period". The work of the more than one billion residents on board Life will no longer be affected by inertia.

And the maximum release distance is close to 800,000 kilometers, which means that if you encounter a star like Vega next time, you don't need to use any "space storm method", you can just go deep into the star and devour it.

Even if we encounter another blue dwarf star like Vega, with Xiao Hei's current appetite, he can absorb every drop in less than a day.

It's so terrifying!

"What kind of existence can hurt me now?"

Wei Ming murmured to himself: "By the way, where is the god-level civilization? Come and compare our treasures. If the god-level civilization loses, give me a share of all the god-level technologies; if I lose, I will I’ll give Xiao Hei to you, and I’ll take it as long as I can.”


Speaking of god-level civilization, there is still one more important thing to do.

"Bait Broadcast Plan"!

At the original site of Vega, a coffin-shaped monument was placed, and broadcasts were continuously sent out. Using a combination of prime numbers, it sent out pieces of information that could be easily cracked and could express the meaning more accurately.

The purpose is to allow certain advanced civilizations to hear and understand.

Contains these sentences:

"We've destroyed the star."

"We are also an extremely powerful advanced civilization!"

"Recognize our strength and immediately extend a friendly invitation to let us enter the High Civilization Club."

"We are not afraid of war, since even stars can be destroyed! We are not afraid of a mere advanced civilization! Make wise choices, we are a powerful opponent that we cannot afford to offend!"

Of course, the purpose of this memorial speaker is not to make friends.

This is a bait.

As long as it can attract the detectors of a god-level civilization to approach, then——


The bait will explode.

The "God Mechas" that were ambushing the surroundings and setting up dragnets would then rush out together and try their best to capture the detectors of the god-level civilization.

The "Celestial Mecha" is one of the ultimate killer weapons of the Black Hole Group, and its combat effectiveness is unimaginably powerful.

The celestial warriors who control this type of mecha have a human brain embedded with a biochip and soaked in a nutrient accelerating fluid. The rest of their limbs and body are all mechanical structures that can withstand instantaneous accelerations of up to 10,000 G.

It is powered by a matter-antimatter annihilation engine, which contains 20 kilograms of matter-antimatter fuel.

The weapon system includes high-energy annihilation cannons and sharp swords made of water droplet crystal material.

The combat effectiveness of a "Celestial Mecha" is at least equivalent to 10,000 ordinary space mechas.

Due to the high cost, the entire Black Hole Group has only cultivated a hundred "Celestial Mechas" - although the number is small, but when put on Blue Star's side, it definitely has the power to "annihilate a country with one machine" and is the leader of countless countries. The enviable "ultimate battle weapon".

Wei Ming mobilized twenty units and brought them to serve on the Ecosystem.

But in order to implement the "Decoy Plan", Wei Ming brought 8 units, and was also equipped with a small high-speed spacecraft 'Lightning' with stealth capabilities. The spacecraft is equipped with an anti-matter engine and has a maximum flight speed of 0.8C, which can be the fastest Get out of danger as quickly as possible, or take the mission items with you and rendezvous with Kepler 83142b as soon as possible.

"Fifteen years, just wait here for up to fifteen years."

Wei Ming looked solemn and said to Long Zhan, the captain of the Tianshen Team who was executing the "Bait Plan": "If you get nothing in 15 years, you can activate the 'Lightning' and leave immediately to meet us at Kepler 83142b. There is no need to pass the test." Stay longer.”

"Thirty years, plus the time on the road, the Ecosphere will stay at 83142b for about thirty years, giving you enough time to catch up. Don't abandon or give up. This is my promise to you."

"Yes, boss!" Long Zhan and the seven team members saluted at the same time.

"Do you have any other questions?"

"There is no boss!" Long Zhan and other gods warriors saluted again.

"Really not?"

Wei Ming frowned and shook his head: "Do you really have no objections to this child's plan to play house? It will take 15 years, and the probability of the arrival of a god-level civilization detector is only about 1%. Why don't you raise questions? If you all object, you can not perform this task and have it replaced by an intelligent robot."

That's right.

From the beginning, Wei Ming knew that the "Bait Plan" involved a lot of child play.

First of all, the probability of a god-level civilization detector within 15 light-years of Vega is no more than 1%.

Secondly, even if there is a detector, it may not be calculated by such a simple scheme and just run within the radius of the decoy explosion.

Finally, even if the detector of the god-level civilization is damaged, it does not mean that it has no attack power and will be easily captured by the Celestial Team instead of killing the Celestial Team.

In short, if this "Bait Plan" with a high degree of wishful thinking is really successful and they get a detector, then either Long Zhan and the others are very lucky, or they are the detector managers of a god-level civilization whose IQ has dropped too seriously. Making such a stupid mistake.

Wei Ming just held the child in his arms and played house, with the mentality of playing two poles when there is no date, and promoted this plan.

What if it really succeeds?

It's just Long Zhan's unconditional obedience that makes Wei Ming unhappy.

You are all god warriors who spent a lot of resources to cultivate, not cheap goods for consumption. You should show some wisdom and arrogance instead of unconditional execution.

"We know the boss."

Long Zhan said: "But we need a chance to prove ourselves! The peace has been too long, and life has been too boring. We are eager for tasks, even if they are absurd and dangerous tasks, we are willing to do them , we need to prove our worth!”

"That's right, we want to prove our worth!"

The other seven team members said at the same time.


Wei Ming nodded: "I leave this task to you. I hope you can come back in good condition."


Long Zhan and other eight heavenly warriors, the decoy broadcast monument and the small spacecraft Lightning were placed in that space.

Wei Ming immediately took the three scientific research ships and accelerated all the way back to the Ecosystem.

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