There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 96 Several videos

July 26, late.

Through video platforms such as Bilibili and Douishou, an account named "Black Hole Technology Official" released a short special effects video.

The video length is only 35 seconds.

The content is very shocking.

At the beginning, a spherical metal droplet was slowly falling in an elegant manner.

Suddenly a beam of pulsed light lit up in the distance, suddenly hitting the metal droplets like a comet hitting a planet.

The energy of the pulsed light is huge, and the metal droplets undergo violent deformation as if they have suffered a violent impact. The liquid tin at the impact site spreads out like flour and becomes a metal pancake in the air.

But there was no moment of respite yet.

Another beam of high-energy pulse light struck.

The metal pancake that was hit again was shattered into pieces by the bombardment, but it also released a purple light in an instant, which was even more dazzling than the pulse light.

The whole process was very shocking.

What’s even more shocking is that in the second half of the short video, a high-definition photo of a real photolithography machine appeared.

On the front of the container-like white casing of the lithography machine, a fierce and violent dragon with fangs and claws is drawn, with a ball of fire brewing in its mouth.


Domestic EUV lithography machine.

Officially launched on August 1st!

The three lines of text fade in and out on the screen one after another, and finally end with a black screen.

Although the video is short, it is very visually impactful.

It quickly attracted a lot of clicks and comments.

"What's this?"

"An advertisement for science fiction movies? Or an advertisement for technological novels?"

"Is EUV produced in this way? YY I can do it too."

"Deceitful marketing account, boring."

"Isn't this company a black hole company that was hacked some time ago? It hasn't closed down yet, but it's out to swindle people again?"

"August 1st, it will be August 1st ten years from now. This wish is quite beautiful."

The attitude of most netizens is one of doubt and disbelief. After all, there have been too many unscrupulous and unlimited marketing accounts in recent years. They are very good at inciting emotions and spreading rumors. They have YYed all the star battleships in China, let alone just one person. An EUV lithography machine.

In the past three years, EUV lithography machines have been built at least dozens of times by marketing accounts. If there is a slight disturbance or breakthrough in the technology field, it is immediately said that the success of high-end lithography machines is in sight, or that there is a technology more powerful than EUV, which can bypass Passing EUV, etc... The enthusiasm of netizens has been consumed again and again, turning into the traffic they want.

Nowadays, most netizens have become very normal.

For some marketing account videos, you don’t need to read the content. Just click to report them immediately after reading the title!

In the development of top technology, there is no such thing as overtaking around a corner, only waiting patiently.

Therefore, the first video released by "Black Hole Technology Official" only received more than 5 million clicks. Netizens' evaluation was not very high and it did not have much impact.

But soon a second 60-second video was released.

The comparison lists a number of technical features of the "Tyrannosaurus" photolithography machine.

132nm impact light source

Dual light source system

1250W ultra high power

Can turn on violent mode

Comprehensively surpassing EsMed EUV

This video had a greater impact and quickly received tens of millions of clicks, but it only got more scolded.

"Oh, YY's is even better. He has thought out the specific details. It's not bad. It would be a pity not to write online novels."

"YY can't make the country strong! You have to be down-to-earth and work hard. Stop posting videos like this to trick people into clicking!"


"Be realistic and stop living in fantasy!"


July 28th.

As if no noise could stop it, the third video was released.

The length of this video is 3 minutes and 55 seconds. It does not have any special effects or text. It looks very ordinary and normal.

It is a container-like machine that irradiates a 14-inch wafer covered with photoresist back and forth dozens of times in less than 1 minute of operation.

But when the wafer was placed under a high-power electron microscope.

The densely packed four characters "China, Tyrannosaurus" appeared in the microscope.

At the end of the video, the microscope lens is aimed at the word "国", and it keeps zooming in, focusing on the top horizontal line of the word "jade" in "国". The camera slows down, and you can see a physical horizontal ditch, the narrowest part of the ditch. , a rough count, there are about 70 atoms distributed.

Anyone with a little knowledge of physics knows what this means.

The diameter of an atom is approximately 0.1 nanometers.

Multiply by 70.


The minimum line width for one exposure is 7 nanometers.

what does that mean?

What type of lithography machine can achieve this lithography width?

Really hammered.

Say it without saying a word!

Speak with facts!

The explosive impact caused suddenly increased tenfold, and it became a hot search on the Internet within half a day.

"Is this... is this true?"

"It's just a small company that has just been established. How is this possible?"

"I don't believe it. The video is probably fake and just used some kind of deception."

"I don't believe it either. It's only 2023. Domestic EUV won't come out that soon. We have to wait at least five more years!"

"Everyone has already proven it! Doesn't anyone still believe it? Isn't it enough that seeing is believing?"

Zhang Qiang, 28 years old, is an older single man who pays great attention to the development of science and technology. He bangs on the keyboard and expresses his opinions.

"I work as a security guard in the park where Black Hole Technology Company is located. Recently, I can hear cheers coming from the lithography machine factory almost every day. That kind of cheers can be heard from a long distance away. They After get off work, everyone told me that their lithography machine is about to be successful. They have built the most awesome lithography machine in the world, and it will definitely make a sensation all over the world in a few days.”

"I think what they said is true. They really built the EUV lithography machine. Would they be so happy if they didn't build it? Would they stay at the company all day long and not go home? I saw more than 300 people with my own eyes. They took a straw mat and slept on the grass in the park early in the morning. They didn't go to a nearby hotel to sleep for a while, for fear of missing some good news. They only slept an average of three or four hours a day, but they seemed to be more energetic than anyone else! Those who work on photolithography machines, I can’t bear to drive them away.”

"So I believe what they say. There is no company with thousands of employees cheating people together. If you want to cheat, it is the boss who is lying. Now that the solid evidence has been produced, then we should all believe it and be happy!"

Zhang Qiang's words aroused many inquiries, asking whether he was a security guard or a navy soldier hired as a caretaker?

"I will open a Douishou account now and broadcast it live to you!"

It took fifteen minutes to register as a video blogger. Zhang Qiang put on his security uniform, immediately started live broadcasting, and headed to the high-tech park overnight.

Five hours later.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, in his room [Live Broadcast of Black Hole Technology Lithography Machine Factory], as he randomly interviewed several Black Hole Technology engineers who came out to rest after work, the live broadcast reached a peak of 1 million people watching at the same time, and 150,000 people clicked to follow became his fan.

Of course, even if the rumors are already spreading.

Most netizens still choose to let the bullets fly for a while and see what kind of lithography machine products Black Hole Technology Company can come up with on August 1st?

Asking for recommendation votes

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