There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 183: Where is Ruqing? (The third one~~)

In a high-end office building.

Current affairs news is playing on the LCD TV!

"Yangcheng Midday News! Just half an hour ago, a malignant wounding occurred in the sunshine kindergarten in our city! A teacher in the kindergarten was seriously injured by a mysterious man. Now he is unconscious and has been sent to intensive care. Ward!"

"There was a little boy who always said that he had seen ghosts. The doctor judged that the little boy was seriously frightened!"

"A female student in the kindergarten was taken away by the man. According to the school, the name of the student was Lin Momo! Next we will broadcast the video surveillance footage!"

Yang Xueqi was carrying the dinner plate and was about to eat lunch.

"Xueqi, have you watched the news?"

"What news?"

"Ah, you don't know yet, your Momo was taken away. Just half an hour ago, the news was broadcast. Now the whole city is looking for the whereabouts of this man!"


The dinner plate in Yang Xueqi's hand fell to the ground with a bang!

She raised her head and looked at the LCD TV. She happened to see a figure from her back, holding Lin Momo and turning and leaving the Sunshine Kindergarten!

"this is--!"

Yang Xueqi's pupils shrank suddenly, and then stretched out a hand, tightly covering her mouth!

Tears rushed out!

"It's him! He's back! He's back!"

Yang Xueqi was extremely excited, even if there was only one back, she would recognize it!

This man is Lin Nan!

Four and a half years later, after Yang Xueqi left Yanhu's villa that day, she didn't even dare to return home. She moved around the country and finally hid in this city, found a job, and lived secretly!

Over the past four years, Yang Xueqi has not dared to contact any family, relatives or friends!

She knew that Lin Momo would be snatched away once her position was exposed!


Lin Nan held Lin Momo and went straight to the most upscale Chinese restaurant in the city!

"Sir, what do you need?"

Just entering the restaurant, a waiter walked over.

Lin Nan's temperament is noble, giving people the breath of a superior, the little girl in his arms is even more beautiful and outrageous, carved and jade, like a porcelain doll!

The waiter did not dare to neglect.

"Give me a top-class suite. Be quiet. Be quiet. I don't want to be disturbed by anyone!"

"Yes, sir!"

The waiter nodded and led Lin Nan to the top-level presidential suite. This is the upper floor of the hotel, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the entire Yangcheng!

"What else do you need?"

"Bring me a roast duck! Ask the top chef of the hotel to do it, no matter how much it costs, I am willing!" Lin Nan said.

If it weren't for him not to leave his daughter right now, Lin Nan would even go to the kitchen by himself and start cooking!

"What? Just a roast duck!"

The waiter was stunned.

What's happening here? Opened a top-notch presidential suite, but only ordered a roast duck?

"Huh! Take this card, the secret is six or eight, just swipe it!"

Lin Nan threw out a diamond gold card casually.

When Ye Chengchu came to the earth and turned into a prince of a certain country, he got this diamond gold card, which contained hundreds of billions of dollars in money!

This waiter, who works in star hotels all year round, knows any bank card in the world!

Therefore, when Lin Nan threw out this bank card, he saw it at a glance!

Lin Nan's card, black gold base, gold and diamond edging, is luxurious!

"Hi! This is--!"

After seeing this diamond gold card, the waiter gasped.

‘My dear! Isn't this the diamond gold card of Citibank? ’

‘There is another name in the circle. This card is called ‘Black Card’. The black card with the lowest level requires a deposit of 100 million U.S. dollars! The diamond black card with the highest level requires at least one billion U.S. dollars in deposit to get it! ’

‘This is a status symbol, not available to non-billionaires and royals! ’

"Okay, I'll go right away, I'll go right away!"

After receiving the diamond gold card, the waiter's waist will bend to the ground!

He quickly exited the presidential suite, not daring to disturb Lin Nan and his daughter!

Soon, the roast duck was delivered!

The color and flavor are delicious, not for feed duck, but made of pure natural and pollution-free duck meat!

Lin Nan personally, carefully cut the roast duck into one piece after another!

The little girl was impatient for a long time, but she sat aside calmly and watched Baba cut the roast duck, her saliva flowed out!

Seeing the appearance of the little girl, Lin Nan couldn't help being jealous!

"Come on, try it!"

Lin Nan sent the cut roast duck to Lin Momo.

"Papa you eat!"

Lin Momo picked up a piece of roast duck and did not eat it first, but sent it to Lin Nan.

"Haha, okay, okay, baba eat!"

Lin Nan laughed.

Father and daughter take a bite for you, and I quickly finished eating a roast duck in one bite, and helped my daughter clean the corners of her mouth, and the two of them played in the room again!

Time passed quickly.

"Baba, I am going home, Aunt Xue should be anxious for a while."

Seeing the night outside, Lin Momo said suddenly.

"Okay! Baba takes you home!"

After leaving the hotel, according to Lin Momo's words, Lin Nan quickly found her and Yang Xueqi's residence, but Yang Xueqi was not at home and didn't know where he went!

Lin Nan was not polite, raised his hand to unlock the door, and couldn't stop him at all!

After returning home, Lin Momo ran back to her room and took out a crayon drawing!

"Baba, look at it, this is me, this is you, this is mother!"

The little girl held her work, Lin Nan's nose was sour, but her heart became colder!

No matter who it is, after dismantling Liu Ruqing and Lin Momo, they must die!


Yang Xueqi returned home exhausted. After learning that Lin Nan had taken Lin Momo away at noon, she spent a whole day looking for her in the city!

Unexpectedly, when I just returned to the door of the house, I heard laughter inside the house.


"Baba, how many stars are there in the sky?"

"This...Baba don't know it!"

"Huh, Baba is a fool!" Lin Momo wrinkled her nose.


"Baba, why does the sun come out from the east?"

"I can let it come out from the west!"


The father and daughter laughed loudly and unscrupulously.

After opening the door of the rental house, Yang Xueqi was very excited after seeing Lin Nan.

"Lin Nan, it's really you!"

"Aunt Xue, this is my Baba!"

Lin Momo ran over and took Yang Xueqi's hand!

Yang Xueqi's body was a little stiff, after entering the house, she took a deep breath!

"Lin Nan, you finally came back. Where have you been all these years?"

Lin Nan did not answer, but said something to Lin Momo.

"Mo'er, go back to the room and play, Baba wants to talk to your Aunt Xue, okay?"


Lin Momo nodded innocently, and ran back to her room.

Lin Nan asked directly:

"Where is Ruqing?"

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