There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 184: Where is Miyamoto Ichizo? (Fourth more sent~~)

   Faced with Lin Nan’s question, Yang Xueqi shook her head!

   "I don't know. At that time, the situation was very chaotic. Many powerful people came to Yanhu, perhaps because they were afraid of your existence, so they didn't directly enter Yanhu!"

   "Later, a man came and stepped on a flying sword. I heard him clearly. Those people called him the Lonely Swordmaster!"

   Lin Nan's heart moved slightly!

   He didn't know the Dugu Swordmaster, this person actually helped him out, if he had a chance, he would definitely give him a good luck!

"and after?"

"The man named Dugu Sword Saint obviously couldn't stop the siege of so many people. Under the cover of Lin Canghai, Ruqing pretended to leave with the child, and attracted everyone away! Dugu Sword Saint stopped some people. , Another part of people went after Ruqing and the others!"

   "After I found the opportunity, I took Momo and escaped from Jiangnan City. From then on, I stayed incognito for fear of being found!"

   At this point, Yang Xueqi’s tears burst out!

   For more than four years, he was a single woman with a little girl, and he was so wronged!

   Over the years, she has not dared to contact anyone, and she doesn't even know how the family is going!


Lin Nan lightly sighed, and said helplessly: "Blame me for not making it clear! The emperor jade is my back hand, and there is a ray of my divine sense in it. If Ruqing is in danger, this divine sense will appear. Eliminate all dangers!"

   "There should be nothing on the earth, it is the opponent of my spiritual mind!"

   "Ke Ruqing gave the emperor jade to Mo'er, so she lost the protection of emperor jade!"

   "What do you mean?" Yang Xueqi looked at Yang Xueqi blankly.

   Lin Nan was not prepared to explain more.

   "Apart from these, what else do you know?"

  Yang Xueqi closed her eyes and tried to remember!

   Lin Nan gently raised his hand, and injected a spirit energy into Yang Xueqi's body, making the picture before her eyes clearer, and everything in Yanhu that day seemed to appear in front of her eyes again!

   "Ah! I seem to have seen and heard the names of those people!"

  Yang Xueqi exclaimed, it feels amazing!

   "What are they called?"

   "Louis IX, bloodthirsty butcher, priest, gorefiend, pharaoh, living corpse, Miyamoto Izo!"

   Lin Nan frowned.

   He doesn’t know these people, and it’s not a matter of a moment to find them!

   But the name "Miyamoto Izo" is the name of the Japanese people!

   That being the case, he is going to go to the country immediately. If Miyamoto Ichizo is not found, Lin Nan is ready to destroy the country!

   His woman, these ants dare to move?

   "Go to sleep!"

   As Lin Nan's voice fell to the ground, Yang Xueqi felt a stubborn mind, and then fell asleep deeply!

   Lin Nan put Yang Xueqi into the room!


   Lin Nan yelled, a golden light flashed, and it instantly descended on Ye Cheng's side!

   "The Great!"

   The golden sacred dragon bowed and bowed.

   "Protect these two people, I'll go to Japan to lie down!"


   The golden dragon nodded solemnly.

   Lin Nan pushed open Lin Momo's room door and found that her daughter was already asleep in the bed!

  Looking at the smile at the corner of Lin Momo's mouth, Lin Nan thought of Liu Ruqing. Lin Momo and Liu Ruqing look alike, and there was a gentle flash in his eyes!


   Yangcheng, 10,000 meters in the sky!

   Lin Nan stood out of thin air, with a dazzling galaxy above his head. His divine consciousness, like a vast sea, swept out!

   The entire earth, people from every corner, appeared in Lin Nan's mind!

   With a population of more than six billion, this is a terrifying number!

   Lin Nan screened one by one, wanting to find the whereabouts of Liu Ruqing!

   What a pity, I got nothing!

   Not only Liu Ruqing disappeared, but Lin Canghai, Gala and others disappeared, as if the world had evaporated!

   "It seems that I can only go to Wa country!"

   "Miyamoto Kazuzo!"

   Lin Nan's eyes were cold, and he looked towards the northeast.

After    decided, Lin Nan no longer hesitated, turned into a meteor, and flew towards the country of Japan!

  At this moment, people on the coast of the mainland, if they look up to the sky, they will definitely see a meteor passing by!


  Wokuni, the sky over Nagasaki City!

  Due to World War II, this city was bombed by an American atomic bomb!

   Therefore, the air defense force in Nagasaki is very powerful, almost the first in the country of Japan, in order to prevent the recurrence of historical tragedies!

   At 8:30 in the evening, the satellite alarm on the big screen of the satellite base in Nagasaki suddenly sounded violently!

   "Woo woo woo-!"

   The entire base was shocked!

   This is an air defense alarm, unless there is a major incident, it is impossible to activate!

"what happened?"

   The person in charge of the satellite base, Ichiro Watanabe hurried over!

   "There is a UFO flying towards the island at a very fast speed! It is about to reach the first cosmic speed-7.9KM/S!"

  The staff in the control room looked serious.

   Everyone is staring nervously at the data on the big screen, seeing the UFO on the screen, getting closer and closer to the mainland of Wa!

   Watanabe Ichiro frowned, and said strangely: "Could it be that China launched satellites? There is no reason. If China launches satellites, it will definitely notify us, otherwise it will be shot down as an intruder——"

   "Send a warning signal soon! If this UFO continues to enter our airspace, attack immediately!"


   The staff in the control room, salute me!

   He came to the radar immediately and said loudly: "The airspace ahead is the territory of the Japanese country. Please stop the flight immediately and stop the flight immediately! Otherwise we will launch an attack, otherwise we will launch..."

   The staff has not finished a word.


   In the control room, there was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning!

   At this moment, Lin Nan's shadow has been captured on the big screen, behind him, dragging a long wave of air, it is clearly visible in the night sky!

   "Watanabe Osa, this is not a flying machine, it seems to be a person!"


   Watanabe Ichiro's pupils shrunk slightly, and he looked at Lin Nan on the big screen dumbfounded, flying over the air defense area of ​​Nagasaki!

   "Watanabe Daisuke, do we-still need to attack?"

  The general who controlled the launch of the weapon, the cold sweat on his forehead was rushing!

   "How can we fight? Our weapons can't catch him! Wait, the direction this person is heading!"

   "No, it's the capital of the empire!"


   Ichiro Watanabe jumped into a thunder, and immediately activated the communication equipment, and reported the situation here to Kyoto!

   But Lin Nan's speed is too fast. The Kyoto side has just received the news, but has not reacted, Lin Nan reached the sky above Kyoto!

   Kyoto at night, brightly lit!

   He is like a god, looking down at the city below!

   "Where is Miyamoto Ichizo?"

? ? Hee hee~~ Good night everyone, remember to vote for recommendations~~~



(End of this chapter)

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