There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 221: Dream wedding! (Third more)

After leaving the cafe, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, like an intimate couple, walked on the streets of Tianhai City!

After entering the pedestrian street, Liu Ruqing started a crazy buying and buying mode!

Lin Nan walked behind, followed by paying, and taking things by the way!

However, this time he didn't need to carry it, and threw it all into the storage space!

Of course, Liu Ruqing didn't just buy it herself, she also helped Lin Momo buy many good-looking jewelry, clothes, etc., and chose seven or eight suits and casual wear for Lin Nan!

Although Lin Nan can easily change whatever clothes he needs, his wife's wishes cannot be rejected!

"Wait, I'll go to the bathroom!"

In the middle of the journey, Liu Ruqing went to the bathroom!

After a while, Lin Nan frowned, because his spiritual consciousness had already felt the situation in the bathroom!

Lin Nan's expression sank slightly and walked towards the ladies' bathroom.

Sure enough, at the door of the bathroom, I saw Liu Ruqing and another enchanting woman arguing!

"Who are you, do you know who I am? Dare to hit me and apologize to me!"

Liu Ruqing frowned and said, "Obviously you ran into me, do you want me to apologize?"

Just now she finished washing her hands and standing here, the woman rushed in and hit her!

During the whole process, Liu Ruqing didn't move.

Obviously, it was this coquettish woman who hit Liu Ruqing!

"Huh! So what? I want you to apologize now. If you don't apologize, don't even want to leave here!"

The enchanting woman snorted coldly, and said pretentiously.

"My boyfriend is Brother Xiong. Within three seconds, if you don't apologize anymore, I will call dozens of people in one call, so you can't eat and walk around!"

Liu Ruqing frowned.

I have to go shopping with Lin Nan, watch a movie later, and there are activities in the evening!

Finally, after leaving the daughter, the two have such a chance to be in the two-person world, and they don't want to waste time!

"Wife, you are right about this!"

At this moment, Lin Nan's voice came.

"Who are you? This is the women's toilet, what are you doing?" The enchanting woman gave Lin Nan a cold glance.

Liu Ruqing said: "Forget it, let's go shopping, don't waste time for her!"


Lin Nan sighed, scratched Liu Ruqing's nose, and smiled: "You always let others go so easily!"

"Forget it, forget it! You are the immortal emperor, what to care about with her! If you talk to her, we will waste our time again! It's not worth it!" Liu Ruqing took Lin Nan's hand.

"Well! Actually, it doesn't take much time, a slap thing!"

Lin Nan nodded, and the two turned around to leave.

Seeing Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing turning to leave, the coquettish and feminine body trembled.

"You two, I ask you to apologize, you unexpectedly—!"

The coquettish woman opened her teeth and danced her claws and rushed towards the two!


There was a crisp sound, and she flew upside down.

"Huh? Lin Nan, did you beat her?"

Liu Ruqing couldn't help but look back.


"Then why is there a noise?"

"She might fall down!" Lin Nan said seriously.

"fall down?"

When Liu Ruqing was puzzled, the two had already walked out of the clothing store.

And that coquettish woman fell on the floor of the bathroom, half of her face was swollen very high, and she spit out seven or eight **** teeth!

Looking towards the direction where Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing had left, it was full of bitterness!

After leaving the clothing store, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing watched a movie, and it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon!

"Let's go, I have booked the restaurant, and the candlelight dinner is about to begin!"

Lin Nan smiled.

When the two passed by a bar, Liu Ruqing suddenly flashed her eyes!

"Lin Nan, let's stop having a candlelight dinner and go to the bar to play?" Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan, eyes full of expectation.

“I’ve never been to a bar since I was a kid! People at home said that the bar is messy, so I’ve never been to it!”

"Do you really want to go? Give up the candlelight dinner?" Lin Nan looked at Liu Ruqing.


"You really can't help it!"

Lin Nan shrugged and walked side by side with Liu Ruqing into this bar called "You are the fate!"

Different from the hustle and bustle of ordinary bars, this bar is very elegant, with slightly dim lighting and lyrical and gentle music, making people relax their minds and bodies!

"Huh? It's not right. My family said that the bar is very messy, there are many punks, girls will suffer if they go there, some are different!"

Liu Ruqing was a little strange.

In fact, they are all bars in small cities. An international metropolis like Tianhai City is the face of a country, and foreigners often come and go. Who dares to mess around?

If it's really all punks, someone will report it the next day!

A waiter came over.

"Sir, madam, what do I need?"

"Bring me a quiet seat!"

"Okay, please follow me!"

The two were arranged into the lounge and ordered drinks and snacks by the way!

At this moment, in front of a grand piano in the center of the bar, a blonde foreign luthier was playing fast!

"Lin Nan, can you play the piano?" Liu Ruqing asked suddenly on a whim.

"I can do everything!"

"Hmph, I don't believe it!" Liu Ruqing snorted.

Lin Nan knew that it was Liu Ruqing who was agitating him, so he smiled lightly and let her succeed once?

"Don't believe it? Then you have to be optimistic!"

Lin Nan stood up, walked towards the foreign piano master, said a few words to him, and pointed at Liu Ruqing in the distance!

"Okay, sir wants to play a song for his wife, so he should!"

The blond foreign luthier smiled faintly, got aside, and stood aside.

Seeing Lin Nan really sitting in front of the piano, a wonderful light burst into Liu Ruqing's eyes!

"He really can?"

At this time, Lin Nan's fingers were already on the keys, and beautiful music came. This is a piano song called "Wedding in Dreams"!

At the beginning, the people in the bar didn't pay much attention!

But after a while, the song hit one third, everyone was alarmed, stopped chatting, and looked in Lin Nan's direction!

Even the blond foreign luthier has a look of excitement!

One song is over!

"Papa Papa!"

In the entire bar, enthusiastic applause erupted. After prolonged periods of time, Liu Ruqing was even more moved!

"Sir, my name is Jack!"

The blond foreign luthier introduced himself and asked with excitement:

"Where do you graduate? Who is Lingshi? Your music, I have only heard it in the hands of the master, your music is absolutely majestic!"

"I don't have a master, or in other words, no one can be my master!"

Facing Lin Nan's arrogant words, Jack was not angry, but nodded in agreement!

"You are right. With your piano skills, you can be on the same level as a grand musician! No one can be your master. I am a European student. Now I am working part-time in this bar. Would you like to go with me to Europe? Performed in the top concert hall in the world, and I will come to see you playing, all of them are master-level characters!"

Jack was blushing and panting.

He did not expect that on this trip to China, he would not only see a golden dragon, but also a grand piano master. More importantly, he looked so young!

If it continues to develop, it may not be able to surpass people such as Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Liszt and others in the future, and they will definitely stay in history!

"My wife is still waiting for me. As for the piano, forget it!"

Lin Nan shook his head lightly and walked towards Liu Ruqing in the distance!

Seeing Lin Nan's back, Jack was dumbfounded.

At this moment, a bitter look appeared on the second floor aisle of the bar. She looked at Liu Ruqing and Lin Nan below, and turned and walked into a box!

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