There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 222: He is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan City! (Fourth)

"Brother Xiong! I found that person!"


The male brother in the box was taken aback and looked at his woman.

This afternoon, my woman went shopping and was hit by a young couple!

Brother Xiong has called someone and went to the clothing store to adjust the surveillance video. As long as the two people are still in Tianhai City, Brother Xiong has a way to find him!

Brother Xiong's name was Wang Xiong. He was originally an ordinary gangster. With the ability to survive, coupled with his fear of death and vicious methods, he unified the underground forces of Tianhai City in just a few years!

Not to mention anything else, it is the great inner strength master among the warriors. Wang Xiong has both accepted two as his own personal thugs!

Over the past few years, Wang Xiong has been like a fish in Tianhai City, and his strength has become so large that even those rich and powerful men worth tens of billions will give him face!

"The one who beat me this afternoon, they are in this bar!"

The coquettish woman said viciously.

Just now, she was attracted by Lin Nan's piano music, but she didn't expect to see that it was the two people who beat her in the afternoon!


With a chuckle, Wang Xiong stood up from the sofa with a look of anger and coldly snorted: "Send someone to call them up, I want to see them!"

Immediately there were a few thugs who went down to the first floor aggressively!

"what happened?"

In the private room, another young man asked with a smile.

He is wearing a suit and does not seem to be very old, he is only twenty-five or sixteen!

If Lin Nan was here, he would definitely remember him!

Chu Feng!

When Lin Nan sent Liu Ruqing to university for the first time, he ran into this person at the entrance of the university. Five years later, he didn't expect Chu Feng to appear again!

Lin Nan once said that I saw Chu Feng once and beat him once!

"Brother Chu, you don't know, this afternoon, my woman was buying clothes in a clothing store, but she didn't expect to be beaten by a young couple!"

"Fuck, I, Wang Xiong, traverses the underground world of Tianhai City, the woman who dares to beat me? Isn't he tired of living!"

Wang Xiong said angrily, a pair of big hands like bear paws, patted the table in front of him, banging!

With a glass of wine in his hand, Chu Feng smiled faintly, and said, "Brother Xiong said that!"

"Hey, don't call me Brother Xiong either. Since Brother Chu decided to return to China for development, then the two of our brothers will definitely be able to cross Tianhai City! Brother Chu is in the white road, and I will go underworld, within ten years, who said we Can't you stand on top of the sky?"

Wang Xiong chuckled, a bit of a maniac heart.

Chu Feng has been developing very well abroad over the years. After five years, he finally returned to Tianhai City and took over the position of his father, sitting on a group of tens of billions!

Today's Chu Feng is no longer the young master of the past!

His methods, city government, connections, and courage are all comparable to those in Tianhai City. Otherwise, his father would not give him the huge group company!

After returning to Tianhai City, Chu Feng immediately sent someone to investigate Lin Nan. Chu Feng would never forget his humiliation back then!

However, the information returned caused Chu Feng's souls to go wild, scared alive and alive!

Lin Nan five years ago turned out to be Mr. Lin from Jiangnan City!

Overnight, four hundred heads in Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Jiangbei were beheaded alive. The rich and powerful men were all killed by him, and even the dragon group covered the truth of the murder for him!

After seeing the news, Chu Feng immediately stuffed the data into the paper shredder and decided to forget about it completely, and would never mention it again in his life!

If you see Lin Nan in the future, you will turn around and leave, and you will never show up in front of him!

Chu Feng thought in his heart.

One of Wang Xiong's little brother, dragging a crippled arm, staggered into the box, with bruises on his face!

"Brother Xiong, that kid is a practising boy, and he is very strong, so he knocked out all the brothers!"


A hint of surprise flashed across Wang Xiong's face. Although his thugs were unbearable, they were definitely not something ordinary people could deal with. I'm afraid the opponents were not ordinary people!

"Damn, call me the left and right guardians!" Wang Xiong shouted.

Not long after, the two great internal players in the next box walked in, "Brother Xiong, are you looking for us?"

"Brother, there is someone out there who beat and maimed more than a dozen of our brothers. Now my brother asks you to take action and teach him a lesson he will never forget!" Wang Xiong's face was trembling with fierce muscles.


Wang Xiong and others immediately got up, slammed the door and walked out of the box. In the huge box, only Chu Feng and one of his own male secretaries were left. Chu Feng was bored so he got up and followed out!

As soon as I walked to the corridor, I saw Wang Xiong and others, looking down at the bar hall below!

"Big brother, that couple, hurt a dozen of our brothers!"

A small **** lowered his throat and pointed to the deck not far away.

The bar at this moment has long been cleared, and only a pair of young men and women are left, sitting in a corner, the light is a little dim, but the appearance of the two is vaguely visible!

Chu Feng slapped a spirit, why do these two people look so familiar?

Taking a closer look, Chu Feng became stiff, his pupils shrank, and his soul frightened!

At this time, Wang Xiong had already given an order to let his two inner strength guards take off Lin Nan's hands and kicks!

"Left and right guardian, it's up to you. This kid seems to be a practicing! First remove the man's hand and foot, and the woman will talk later!"

The voice just fell.


Chu Feng didn't know where the courage came from, so he jumped up and slapped Wang Xiong's head!

Wang Xiong was beaten up and looked back at Chu Feng in surprise, and said angrily: "Brother Chu, why are you hitting me?"

"Wang Xiong, you can silence me, he is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan City!"

Chu Feng's face flushed, and his whole body trembled with fright.

"What Jiangnan City? Mr. Lin?"

Wang Xiong murmured. Suddenly the cold wind surged behind him, and he took a breath of cold air, and said in a trembled, "He is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan City?"


Chu Feng looked like a frustrated ball.

Wang Xiong swallowed and spit, and shouted: "Left and right guard, stop me!"

The pair of inner strength fighters just came to Lin Nan's, they were slapped casually by Lin Nan and flew out, life and death unknown!


Seeing this scene, Wang Xiong gasped even more!

Others may not know Mr. Lin in Jiangnan City, but Wang Xiong is a local snake in Tianhai City. How can the news be kept from him?

He doesn't know the master of Thunder and Satan the devil, but how does he not know the name of Mr. Lin in Jiangnan City?

That was the cruel man who had cut off four hundred heads overnight!

"Brother Xiong? What Mr. Lin of Jiangnan City?"

At this time, Brother Xiong's woman subconsciously asked!


Wang Xiong turned his head, slapped and slapped the fan, falling on the face of the coquettish woman, and said angrily: "Shut up to me, shit! I am going to be killed by you today!"

The coquettish woman was stunned, and now she doesn't know what happened!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Wang Xiong and Chu Feng trot all the way, came to Lin Nan, and bowed at ninety degrees!

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, we didn't know it was you!"

Wang Xiong's intestines are all regretful.

Lin Nan ignored Wang Xiong, and his eyes fell on Chu Feng with interest.

Chu Feng trembled all over and was terrified!

"Chu Feng, I want to remember one thing. I said that I saw you once and beat you once?"

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