There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 233: Phoenix spirit! (Third more)

Seeing that Li Jinrong's face was wrong, Zhou Jingan also felt strange.

"What's wrong? Do you know him?"

Over the years, Li Jinrong has been paying attention to Lin Nan, and he has known since Lin Nan's return!

The nickname of the underground world, the master of thunder, Satan the devil, everything Jiangnan City has done, even cut four hundred heads!

As long as there are traces to follow, Li Jinrong can almost find it!

When he first saw these materials, Li Jinrong was shocked. He felt more and more that he was right that he didn't have trouble with Lin Nan back then!

Otherwise, the Li Family on Hong Kong Island may have long since become a cloud of smoke and turned into history!

"Lao Zhou, I advise you not to trouble Mr. Lin!" Li Jinrong shook his head solemnly.

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Jingan was taken aback, and said in doubt:

"Even if he is from those families in the mainland, I can't provoke them in the mainland. Could it be that on Hong Kong Island, I am afraid that he will not succeed? Their hands can still reach Hong Kong Island?"

"This Lin Nan is the Thunder Master of the Underground World. You don't know him, so you don't know much about him!"

Li Jinrong gently shook his head.


Zhou Jingan was shocked and exclaimed: "He is the master of Thunder?"

Those small families don't know the name of the controller of Thunder, but as a super wealthy family on Hong Kong Island, how can you not know?

Although he doesn't know what the person in charge of Thunder looks like, his name is like thunderous ears!

Even the CiA of the United States, the angels of **** in Canada, the gangsters of Italy, etc. are afraid of the existence of three points. How does the Zhou family on Hong Kong Island compare with these superpowers?

Thinking of this, Zhou Jingan collapsed suddenly!

"Then what should I do? I competed with him for the blood coral today. If he is murderous, wouldn't my Zhou family be dead?"

Zhou Jingan was so anxious that he had heard about Jiangnan things!

He never thought that Lin Nan was Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!

"Haha, don't worry, although this Mr. Lin has a fierce reputation, he is not a murderer of innocent people!"

Li Jinrong laughed, unlike Zhou Jingan, who was extremely anxious, but rather calm.

"Kill four hundred people, isn't it..."

"That's because they provoked Mr. Lin themselves, but we didn't! At least what you did was not enough to make your Zhou family members die with you!" Li Jinrong looked calm.

Zhou Jingan was extremely anxious and jumped!

"It's all this time, so don't sell it, what should I do now?"

"Hehe, maybe it's still a good opportunity to get close to Mr. Lin. Didn't someone report it just now? That Mr. Lin, this time he came to Hong Kong Island to attend a friend's wedding. If we come to join us at that time, it will give others face , By the way, to resolve this grievance, isn't it the best of both worlds?" Li Jinrong laughed.


When returning to Wei Anran's residence, the blood coral was also sent over by the auctioneer!

Lin Nan swiped his card on the spot and threw 10 billion. The person in charge of the shocked auction immediately regarded him as a guest of honor!

Chen Zhihao's home is a small villa of more than 1,000 square meters. Although it is not in a prime location, it is worth more than 500 million Hong Kong dollars!

Almost all of Chen Zhihao's great relatives, three aunts and seven aunts, came.

Everyone wants to see what this blood coral worth 10 billion looks like!

When the huge blood coral was placed in the living room, it shook everyone's eyes and couldn't open it!


"It's so beautiful, superbly crafted, completely natural, it's a masterpiece of heaven!"

People are amazed.

"But, this thing is worth ten billion?"

One of Chen Zhihao's sister-in-law frowned.

"If it's just ordinary blood coral, of course it's not worth 10 billion. It's rare that my wife likes it, so let alone 10 billion, even if it is 100 billion, I will buy it!"

Lin Nan smiled.

When people were dumbfounded, they looked back at Liu Ruqing, men's eyes were full of surprise, and women's eyes were full of envy!

"Ma Ma, the big bird is beautiful!"

Lin Momo was very excited, stretched out a small hand, and grabbed it towards the blood coral.

Because Lin Momo was in Liu Ruqing's arms, she couldn't reach it at all. Liu Ruqing took a few steps forward and hugged Lin Momo to the blood coral!

Lin Momo stretched out her delicate little hand and touched the blood coral!

At this moment, a bird chirping came!

In everyone's minds, a picture appeared at the same time, a fiery red phoenix, on top of a barren continent, hitting the sky!

At the same time, on the blood coral, there appeared a phantom of a phoenix, and the colorful feathers were so gorgeous and dazzling!

"Naughty animal, look for death!"

Lin Nan snorted coldly, raised his big hand, and suppressed the phoenix phantom!


The Phoenix Phantom wailed and became extremely weak, standing on the blood coral, looking at Lin Nan in horror!

"what is this?"

"Phoenix, what a big phoenix!"

Everyone in the Chen family was shocked, no one thought that there was such a thing among the blood coral!

In fact, when Lin Nan saw the blood coral for the first time, he felt that there was a phoenix spirit inside, but he was sleeping all the time!

Those huge essences are actually the bloom of the Phoenix essence!

In the past, the reason why those people touched the blood coral and didn't alarm the phoenix spirit inside was because the conditions were not up to standard!

And Lin Momo contained a dozen dragon qi condensed from mountains, and the moment he touched the blood coral, he awakened the phoenix spirit inside!

"Say, how did you get inside Blood Coral?"

Lin Nan yelled and asked.

The phoenix spirit trembled slightly, it couldn't speak, but after a whine, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, as if it had brought people into the prehistoric world!

This is a savage continent, a prehistoric sight!

Ahead, there is a phoenix fighting with a Kunpeng, the sky is falling and the earth is cracking, the sun and the moon are dark, the mountains are collapsing, the earth is cracking, and the lava underneath is gushing out!

I don't know how long the battle lasted. Phoenix finally killed Kunpeng, but he was also seriously injured. Not long after, he died with a whine!

Its soul plunged into the depths of the sea and attached to a rock on the bottom of the sea, waiting for the chance of rebirth. As the years changed, a piece of blood coral was finally born on the rock there!

The essence of the phoenix was transferred into the blood coral, and the blood coral slowly became the appearance of a phoenix!

At this point, the surrounding scenery returned to normal, and it became the appearance of the lobby of the Chen family villa!

But everyone in the Chen family was already shocked and could not be added!

"The Book of Mountains and Seas" says: There is a bird, its shape is like a chicken, and its name is phoenix! Just now, any mountain in the world was as high as tens of thousands of meters, even the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest, was in its eyes. They are all younger brothers! And there is no such place on earth! Could this be the ancient world?"

Chen Zhihao's father, Chen Muqian was amazed.

The elderly have been very knowledgeable about Zhiguai novels since they were young, so when they saw these scenes, instead of being scared, they were a little excited!

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