There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 234: The wedding begins! (Fourth)

"The earth in ancient times is much larger than it is now. The earth today is just a corner of the earth. The truly huge world is in the Yin Ruins!"

Lin Nan Road.

"Yin Ruins?"

The Chen family stayed for a while.

Lin Nan didn't explain anything, and with a big wave, he refined the blood coral into a three-inch pendant that looked like a phoenix!

The spirit of that phoenix was also absorbed by him!

"Wife, it is good for you to take it with you, the phoenix spirit inside can nourish your flesh and blood!"

Lin Nan smiled and sent the pendant to Liu Ruqing.

Liu Ruqing's pretty face was full of happy smiles.

"Still to Mo'er?"

"Haha, no need, Mo'er has an emperor jade bodyguard, and there are more than a dozen dragon qi in his body, but you, nothing, it is my fault!"

"Take it, take it!"

Lin Momo also said milkily.

Liu Ruqing had no objection and nodded gently!

In the envy of the women, Lin Nan hung the pendant on Liu Ruqing's neck!

Seeing Lin Nan's methods, Chen Muqian moved slightly in his heart and instructed everyone in the Chen family to leave the best room to Lin Nan's family. Don't neglect!


Time passed quickly, and it was three days later in the blink of an eye, the wedding day of Wei Anran and Chen Zhihao!

The wedding banquet was held at the Queen's Hotel on the banks of Victoria Harbour!

Everyone arrived outside the hotel early, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing had already put on gorgeous dresses, like a pair of jade men, attracting the attention of many people!

"Baba, Ma Ma is so beautiful today, even more beautiful than a bride!"

Lin Momo is like a porcelain doll, carved and jade.

Although she was very young, she was dressed up as a little princess by Liu Ruqing. According to Liu Ruqing, a girl would be beautiful from elementary school!

Near the start of the wedding.

Wang Zigang, Li Enru, Zhou Hongzhuo, Wan Junfei and others ran back angrily!

"Damn, something happened!"

Wang Zigang yelled angrily.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at him together.

"The wedding car between Zhihao and An Ran is jammed on the road!" Li Enru said solemnly.

"How could this be? When you set out, didn't you have a good route? Why was it blocked?"

Wan Junfei said helplessly: "What can we do? Today is the young president of the Yang Group. The day when Yang Junyu gets married has not been counted. They are also getting married on this day!"

"What counts as a thousand counts, Yang Junyu made a temporary decision last night to get married today! That's why we chose the Queen Hotel. Otherwise, how could we choose this day?"

Zhou Hongzhuo was indignant.

"The Young Group has hundreds of billions of assets! There are two listed companies. Although they are not the top families on Hong Kong Island, we definitely can't afford them!"

"According to Zhihao and An Ran, let the family come first. Anyway, it's all getting married. It doesn't matter if you are late!"

Everyone was speechless.

At this time, the wedding team of the young president of the Yang Group had already arrived outside the Queen's Hotel. The luxury cars were like clouds, worth no less than five million, and the whole street was full!

Yang Junyu led the newcomer and walked into the Queen Hotel, surrounded by the etiquette team of the Yang Group!

A group of relatives of the Chen family looked at each other and stood at the entrance of the hotel, very embarrassed!

But no one dared to stop it. That was the Yang Group. They couldn't provoke them at all. They could only swallow their anger and watch the Yang family's etiquette team enter the Queen Hotel!


Liu Ruqing was a little angry.

"Your best friend gave in, are you still angry?" Lin Nan asked with a smile.

"Huh, I'm just very angry! Marriage is a lifelong event, and it was taken away by someone!"

Liu Ruqing was very depressed, she did not believe that Wei Anran was not angry.

At this moment, the etiquette team of Wei Anran and Chen Zhihao arrived, but the road was filled with luxury cars of the Yang Group, so everyone could only walk over!

The two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong acted as bridesmaids!


Liu Ruqing rushed over and was interrupted by Wei Anran just as he wanted to speak!

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if it's late!" Wei Anran smiled faintly, but everyone could see the loss in the depths of his eyes!

"I'm sorry An Ran, I will definitely do a more grand wedding for you in the future!"

Chen Zhihao promised, his face was full of apologies.

Wei Anran didn't say anything. The wedding is a major event in life. The first time is always a good one. If you do it later, you will leave regrets!

"Okay, go in quickly, don't delay auspicious time for a while!"

The emcee on the side urged.

However, when everyone came to the Queen's Hall, everyone was shocked!

"It's too much! The Queen's Hall was booked a few months ago. Why is it someone else's today?"

Everyone in the Chen family was furious.

In the Queen Hotel, the Queen’s Hall is the best place for weddings, banquets, receptions, and evening parties. It occupies a whole floor of the Queen’s Hotel and can accommodate four to five thousand people at the same time!

Although the other halls are also very good, they are still inferior to the Queen's Hall!

The Queen's Hall was completed on the 60th birthday of the Queen of England. At that time, the Governor of Britain even came here to cut the ribbon to congratulate the completion of the Queen's Hall!

Since then, as long as someone on Hong Kong Island holds a wedding, they usually choose this place, and Wei Anran is no exception!

It's just that I didn't expect that the Queen's Hall would be occupied. It's no wonder that Chen's family is so angry!

The auspicious time was originally preempted by others, and now even the wedding scene is forcibly occupied by others. It will not be good for anyone to change!

"Why don't you go to the lobby on the next floor? It's not bad there. We promise to have everything ready within an hour!"

The manager of the hotel is very embarrassed, and he can't help it, and can't afford to offend either.

However, the Chen family still weighs more heavily than the Yang family. If this is the case, the Chen family has to be wronged!

Wei Anran's pretty face turned pale. He didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen on his wedding day!

Really waited for an hour, it was already auspicious time for the wedding!

Wei Anran's parents and Chen Zhihao's parents, four elderly people, were extremely embarrassed and could not wait to find a place to get in. If they were not supported by someone, they would have fallen out of anger, their hands and feet were shaking!

"what happened?"

At this moment, a cold voice came.

Everyone looked up and found that it was a woman wearing a white wedding dress. She is the bride today, the woman who wants to marry Yang Junyu, the young president of the Yang Group!

"She's Ye Weiwei, and her English name is Sally. She's a super young model! I used to gossip with many rich and young people, but I didn't expect that the pheasant turned into a phoenix and climbed into a tall Zhier like the Yang family!"

Someone whispered.

Ye Weiwei had already walked over, arrogantly, and asked coldly: "What's the matter? Why is it blocking the entrance of my wedding scene?"

The hotel manager hurried up and explained: "Miss Ye, don't mind, I will take care of this right away!"

"Huh! It's better to hurry up, there will be some distinguished guests coming soon!" Ye Weiwei snorted coldly.

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