There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2306: What kind of waves can be turned out?

These three Immortal Sage Supremes can be said to be extremely decisive and fearless. It can also be seen that the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect is different from the other Immortal Sects of the third heaven. If you replace it with other Immortal Sects Most of the Immortal Sage Supreme would choose to run away directly, even if they didn't run away directly, they would not choose to explode and hurt Lin Nan and the others.

But regardless of whether the three Immortal Saints have a strong sense of belonging to the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect, their current situation is terrible, and there is no possibility of a comeback. After all, they are imprisoned in the void. , It is not other immortal saints, nor does it rely on magic weapons to achieve this, but Lin Nan, who is truly invincible in the entire nine heavens and ten places.




Before the three imprisoned Immortal Sages could fully react, they turned into three blood mists one after another. Above this high sky, strong winds often blew by them, and the blood mists they turned into changed at random. Flew into the distance with strong wind.

The three of them did not feel too much despair and fear before they died. After all, they were killed directly. At most, they were a little bit embarrassed when they were imprisoned. To say fear, it was only gradually. After understanding the difficult process of Lin Nan and the others, fear gradually grew in his heart.

But when they decided to blew themselves up and injure Lin Nan and the others, they had no fear in their hearts. Some were just decisive, and Lin Nan did not torture them, so he killed them directly, so fear was for them. , I didn't feel much before dying, more could be said to be desperate, because at the moment they made up their minds, they weren't sure whether they could really hit Lin Nan and others badly.

"God... my god! Elder... they... unexpectedly... so... so fallen!!!"

"'s not...impossible!!!"

The half-step Immortal Sages and Immortal Venerables of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect, only when the three Immortal Sages turned into blood fog, did they reflect what happened. After all, the three Sovereigns moved very quickly. Lin Nan's movements were faster than those of the three supreme ones. I don't know how much. They were still in a daze, so naturally they couldn't detect anything.

Until now, when the three supreme beings had turned into three blood mists and were swept into the distance by the strong wind, they gradually recovered and realized this situation, but at the same time they discovered this situation. , They once again fell into shock and disbelief.

They couldn't imagine why the other two elders who were only weaker than the mountain ancestors in their eyes, and the other two elders who were already almost invincible, were so easily killed, and how they even died of their three elders. They don’t know, this shouldn’t happen to them at all, and it’s never going to happen, but the facts are already in front of them, even if they don’t want to believe it, they have no choice. .

Lin Nan has always decided to take action and will not delay too much. Therefore, after killing the three immortal sage supreme, even if the two little sisters both show the spirit of wanting to strengthen the way, Lin Nan also Without pause, when the half-step Immortal Saint Venerable and the Immortal Venerable Realm Great Power were once again in shock, they directly obliterated the more than one hundred thousand-stone Immortal Sect's main powerhouses.

After killing these monks, Lin Nan did not return to the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect, but with a single thought, he directly killed the founder of the Ten Thousand Stone Immortal Sect and another Immortal Sage Supreme, but the others did not kill. Not to the point where he was clamoring to kill him, most cultivators didn't know his existence. If they were completely destroyed, Lin Nan felt that it seemed a bit too unreasonable.

Lin Nan has always been reasonable. Even if he is bored sometimes, he rarely directly exterminates an immortal sect. The immortal gates that have truly been extinct so far are only the evil spirits in the Scarlet Star Region, and the rest are more or less. Some remaining personnel were left, and he didn't bother to hunt around again.

After solving all this, Lin Nan took Liu Ruqing and others to the Wansheng Holy Land. After all, although the Wansheng Holy Land is not as excessive as Qianshan Xianzong, the level of clamor is not low, and now it has taken shelter. With the supreme master of the Qianshan Immortal Sect, the high-levels of this holy land would almost be completely destroyed.


Wansheng Holy Land.

Sect Master Qianshan Immortal is now very angry. Of course, he is not angry because of the people in Wansheng Holy Land, but because he received the news that after he escaped, a group of Immortal Saint Supreme invited Lin Nan and others to the banquet in Canglong Holy Land. , And it was the Sacred Lord of Canglong Holy Land who hosted the banquet himself. This is too **** thing. This Canglong Sacred Land didn't take him seriously, it was really mad at him!

But no matter how angry, for Qianshan Xianzong Sect Master, he can only be angry. He dare not go out to find Lin Nan and others to fight against each other, let alone go to the trouble of Canglong Holy Land, so he went out to condemn. It is completely unnecessary to go to the Canglong Holy Land, after all, that will only make his face even more dull.

In the duny world, the generals of a country condemned that country because another country does not take themselves seriously. This is undoubtedly a matter that will only make others laugh at jokes, let alone the relationship between the two countries. It is not very close, the position of this general in his own country is not very high, and this general is still a general of another country before leading, which is very subtle.

Canglong Holy Land and Wansheng Holy Land are the two countries in the analogy. Although Qianshan Xianzong Sect Master is angry, he has not lost his reason. He is very clear that the holy land of Wansheng Holy Land values ​​his son’s qualifications and treats him. There is no emotion, just because he is his son's father.

"Qianshan, the group of people has already arrived, do you want to see it together, or hide in the holy land?"

Just as the Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong cursed in a low voice, a woman in her early forties walked in, watching the Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong calmly, and said this flatly.

"Holy Lord...huh? It's really hateful. You came so soon. This group of your evil barriers is really daunting. I will follow the Holy Lord to see what waves this group of evil barriers can make in front of the Holy Lord. !"

Seeing the Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land, the Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong subconsciously wanted to salute, but soon realized that the Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land was talking about Lin Nan and his group, and he was immediately angry.

The main reason why he was angry just now is that Lin Nan and others, now that the Holy Lord of Wansheng Holy Land is leading the battle, he naturally wants to let out a bad breath!

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