There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2307: The complex mood of the Lord

The holy master of Wansheng Holy Land is not in a good mood, and it is not that he is upset because his disciple was killed. Although the son of the Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong is exceptionally talented, he has only worshipped her in any case. Nian, in essence, does not have any deep feelings, after all, she has lived a long, long time, and has many disciples.

The reason why the son of the Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong was accepted as a disciple by her [] is really not because the prince of Qianshan Xianzong's talent is much higher than that of others. On the contrary, she has been a disciple over the years. Among the disciples received, the genius of the prince of the Qianshan Immortal Sect was the last.

If it weren’t for the ancestors of the Sect Master Qianshan once had a good relationship with her, after going to the Canglong Star Territory and happened to meet the family of the Sect Master Qianshan, she would never accept disciples at all after knowing this was an old friend. , After all, she hadn't accepted a disciple for a long time, and the talent of the prince of Qianshan Immortal Sect was not very suitable for her.

After the death of the prince of Qianshan Immortal Sect, the reason why she was so angry was not because of the prince of Qianshan Immortal Sect herself, but mainly because of her identity after her old friend, and she felt that someone had killed her disciple. , Is declaring war against her, this will be very angry, not like outsiders think.

But now the reason for her anger is no longer just because her old friend was killed afterwards, someone killed her own disciple, and another matter has now overshadowed the previous two factors.

She is acquainted with the holy lord of Canglong Holy Land, and when the holy lord of Canglong Holy Land was young, she also pointed to the holy lord of Canglong Holy Land. After all, the holy lord of Canglong Holy Land is not yet 30 million years old. Too young, even among the immortal king realm cultivators are very young, let alone in the ranks of these immortal saints.

However, after the incumbent Lord of Canglong Holy Land took the throne more than a million years ago, there was a serious gap between the two Holy Lands due to some reasons. Although they have not yet reached the point where they meet, they are not in harmony. , The Holy Master of Canglong Holy Land also often confronted her, but because they were the Holy Masters of the two Holy Lands, they couldn't compromise yet. After all, what they represented was not an individual, but the Holy Land behind each.

Now, the monk who killed his own disciple finally showed up, but... the holy lord of Canglong holy land, without evasive at all, invited the murderer to a banquet. The Holy Land may not receive such a high-standard banquet. Now the Sage Master of Canglong Holy Land uses such a standard banquet to entertain the murderer who killed her disciples. After being rejected, the Sage Master of Canglong Holy Land has no statement at all. , As if being rejected by that group of people was normal, which made her extremely angry.

As the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Years, I have already sat on the existence of the Holy See before the endless years. If you are like those guys who don’t know where they come from and refuse the invitation of the Holy Lord of the Blue Dragon Holy Land, even No jihad will break out, but they will definitely be verbally condemned by the Canglong Holy Land, and they will even stop cooperating in the interests of the two holy land.

It's not bad now. Someone refused the kind invitation, and that person was still the murderer who killed her disciple. The Holy Lord of Canglong Sacred Land behaved as if nothing happened, and he didn't care what outsiders said, even if someone Propagating that Canglong Holy Land was afraid of the group of people, the Canglong Holy Land party never came forward to say anything, this **** thing was too abnormal, and it was just Chi Guoguo's slap in the face!

The holy lord of Wansheng Holy Land has been alive for too long, so in many respects, she has been too lazy to care about, even after her old friend, who was also his own disciple, was killed, she was angry, but Still keeping a clear head, there is no real overwhelming anger.

However, she was disappointed by the performance of the Holy Master of Canglong Sacred Land, and she was naturally extremely angry. Throughout the ages, there were not many monks who could really enter the eyes of her Dharma. Especially after meeting the Holy Master of Canglong Sacred Land, she felt that she had recognized her in the past. Those so-called princes of heaven are simply a joke, and the talent of the holy lord of Canglong Holy Land is indeed the most amazing and stunning in the history of this star field.

The Saint Master of Wansheng Holy Land, who has pointed out the Saint Lord of Canglong Holy Land, naturally likes the arrogant girl of heaven like the Saint Master of Canglong Holy Land, but the faction is different, even if she likes it again, she can only watch, Canglong Holy Land. The Holy Lord became stronger step by step in the Canglong Star Region, and eventually took over the position of the Holy Lord of the Blue Dragon Holy Land.

"I can understand everything in the past, even if you destroyed the Qianshan Immortal Sect, I don't bother to bother about it, but..."

As he walked out, the spirit of the Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land became more and more gloomy, and he kept muttering words secretly in his heart.

Indeed, as she said, there has been no holy war between the two holy places for so many years. In addition to the friendly relationship between the two holy places, the concession she made because of her love for the Lord of the Blue Dragon Holy Land is also a The main factor.

Not to mention that the Holy Lord of Canglong Sacred Land destroys Qianshan Xianzong and the prince of Qianshan Xianzong, even if she kills her most important disciples, she may not meet directly with the Sage Master of Canglong Sacred Land.

But... nothing, absolutely nothing, the Holy Master of Canglong Holy Land should not invite Lin Nan and his party with such a high standard, let alone say nothing after Lin Nan and others refuse.

You know, all the well-informed and powerful existences in the surrounding star regions now know about Lin Nan and his party, and they are the murderer who killed the prince of the Qianshan Immortal Sect, Lin Nan. The appearance of dare to swagger now is undoubtedly deliberately provoking the Wansheng Holy Land.

Although the Sage Lord of Canglong Holy Land did not declare war on Wansheng Holy Land, from the perspective of his attitude towards Lin Nan and his group, anyone can think that Canglong Holy Land is declaring war with Wansheng Holy Land, and he doesn’t care at all. Will there be holy wars between the holy places?

The Holy Lord of Wansheng Holy Land can tolerate many things, but there is absolutely zero tolerance when facing things equivalent to declaring war on Wansheng Holy Land.

Because she is not only the monk of Wansheng Holy Land, but also the backbone of Wansheng Holy Land, the leader of Wansheng Holy Land!

At this time, just as the Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land flew outside the mountain gate, Lin Nan and his party had already arrived outside Wansheng City. After paying the fairy crystal, they entered the first main city in the star region. Among.

This time, until the arrival of the Holy Lord of Wansheng Holy Land, no one had unlucky enough to provoke Lin Nan and his party.

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